Binance Square
#EDUCATIONL_POST 區塊鏈的工作原理 1. 區塊鏈簡介 - 區塊鏈:一種去中心化的分佈式賬本,它記錄多臺計算機之間的交易,這樣註冊的交易就無法被追溯更改。這確保了安全性和透明度。 2. 關鍵組件 - 區塊:每個區塊都包含一個交易列表。區塊完成後,它將被添加到鏈中。 - 鏈:鏈接在一起的區塊序列。每個區塊都包含對前一個區塊的引用(哈希)。 - 節點:網絡上維護和驗證區塊鏈的計算機。每個節點都有整個區塊鏈的副本。 3. 交易流程 - 發起:交易由用戶發起並廣播到網絡。 - 驗證:網絡節點使用共識機制驗證交易。 - 共識機制:用於就交易有效性達成一致的方法。常見的方法包括: - 工作量證明 (PoW):礦工解決複雜的數學難題來驗證交易。 - 權益證明 (PoS):驗證者是根據他們持有的代幣數量以及願意作爲抵押品“質押”的代幣數量來選擇的。 - 納入區塊:經過驗證的交易由礦工或驗證者分組到新區塊中。 - 添加到區塊鏈:新區塊被添加到區塊鏈,使交易永久且不可更改。 4. 安全功能 - 哈希:每個區塊都包含前一個區塊的唯一哈希,確保任何更改都會影響整個鏈。 - 去中心化:區塊鏈的分佈式特性使其成爲可能



1. 區塊鏈簡介

- 區塊鏈:一種去中心化的分佈式賬本,它記錄多臺計算機之間的交易,這樣註冊的交易就無法被追溯更改。這確保了安全性和透明度。

2. 關鍵組件

- 區塊:每個區塊都包含一個交易列表。區塊完成後,它將被添加到鏈中。

- 鏈:鏈接在一起的區塊序列。每個區塊都包含對前一個區塊的引用(哈希)。

- 節點:網絡上維護和驗證區塊鏈的計算機。每個節點都有整個區塊鏈的副本。

3. 交易流程

- 發起:交易由用戶發起並廣播到網絡。

- 驗證:網絡節點使用共識機制驗證交易。

- 共識機制:用於就交易有效性達成一致的方法。常見的方法包括:

- 工作量證明 (PoW):礦工解決複雜的數學難題來驗證交易。

- 權益證明 (PoS):驗證者是根據他們持有的代幣數量以及願意作爲抵押品“質押”的代幣數量來選擇的。

- 納入區塊:經過驗證的交易由礦工或驗證者分組到新區塊中。

- 添加到區塊鏈:新區塊被添加到區塊鏈,使交易永久且不可更改。

4. 安全功能

- 哈希:每個區塊都包含前一個區塊的唯一哈希,確保任何更改都會影響整個鏈。

- 去中心化:區塊鏈的分佈式特性使其成爲可能

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。可能包含贊助內容。 請參閱條款。
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#EDUCATIONAL_POST Consensus Mechanisms: Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake 1. Proof of Work (PoW) - Definition: Proof of Work is a consensus mechanism used to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain by requiring participants (miners) to solve complex mathematical puzzles. - How It Works: - Mining: Miners compete to solve cryptographic puzzles using computational power. - Validation: The first miner to solve the puzzle gets the right to add a new block to the blockchain. - Rewards: The successful miner is rewarded with new cryptocurrency tokens and transaction fees. - Characteristics: - Security: High level of security due to the significant computational power required to alter the blockchain. - Energy Consumption: Energy-intensive as it requires substantial computational resources. - Decentralization: Promotes decentralization as anyone with the necessary computational power can participate. - Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum (before transitioning to PoS). - Advantages: - Proven security and reliability. - Robust against attacks due to the high cost of controlling more than 50% of the network's computational power. - Disadvantages: - High energy consumption and environmental impact. - Scalability issues due to the time and resources required for mining. 2. Proof of Stake (PoS) - Definition: Proof of Stake is a consensus mechanism where validators are chosen to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the number of cryptocurrency tokens they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral. - How It Works: - Staking: Validators lock up a certain amount of cryptocurrency as a stake. - Validation: Validators are randomly selected to create new blocks and validate transactions based on their stake. - Rewards: Validators receive transaction fees and, in some cases, additional cryptocurrency as rewards. - Characteristics: - Energy Efficiency: More energy-efficient than PoW as it does not require extensive computational power. - stakes. - Initial distribution of tokens can influence network control.


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