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幣安執行長滕評估了以太坊 ETF 的批准。 繼比特幣之後,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)為以太坊開啟了現貨 #ETF 的大門。幣安#CEO Richard Teng將此發展解讀為一個轉捩點。 #Binance 執行長Richard Teng表示歡迎美國SEC批准以太坊現貨ETF,表示這項發展是加密產業的重要轉捩點。 Teng表示,這項發展將增加加密資產在傳統市場的採用,並表示他認為美國市場將為已經活躍的加密資產ETF做出重大貢獻。 目前#ETF 市場上有27隻活躍的ETH ETF。此外,還有 32 隻現貨比特幣 ETF 在 5 個不同的市場進行交易。 Richard Teng將美國SEC首次批准ETH ETF交易解讀為確認了最大山寨幣的普遍接受,他認為加密資產生態系統的成長潛力將透過這種方式增加。 自 1 月在美國獲得批准以來,現貨比特幣 ETF 已成功吸引了超過 130 億美元的大量資金。 Teng 預計以太坊 ETF 也會出現類似的趨勢,他表示這種接受度也將得到更多監管措施的支持。 因此,雖然人們越來越樂觀地認為將為加密資產交易創造一個更安全的環境,但這也增強了更多機構投資者將進入加密貨幣領域的預期。 一些評論人士認為,以太坊 ETF 開始交易後,與 Solana 和 XRP 等其他主要山寨幣掛鉤的現貨 ETF 也可能脫穎而出。 $BTC $ETH

幣安執行長滕評估了以太坊 ETF 的批准。

繼比特幣之後,美國證券交易委員會(SEC)為以太坊開啟了現貨 #ETF 的大門。幣安#CEO Richard Teng將此發展解讀為一個轉捩點。

#Binance 執行長Richard Teng表示歡迎美國SEC批准以太坊現貨ETF,表示這項發展是加密產業的重要轉捩點。


目前#ETF 市場上有27隻活躍的ETH ETF。此外,還有 32 隻現貨比特幣 ETF 在 5 個不同的市場進行交易。 Richard Teng將美國SEC首次批准ETH ETF交易解讀為確認了最大山寨幣的普遍接受,他認為加密資產生態系統的成長潛力將透過這種方式增加。

自 1 月在美國獲得批准以來,現貨比特幣 ETF 已成功吸引了超過 130 億美元的大量資金。 Teng 預計以太坊 ETF 也會出現類似的趨勢,他表示這種接受度也將得到更多監管措施的支持。


一些評論人士認為,以太坊 ETF 開始交易後,與 Solana 和 XRP 等其他主要山寨幣掛鉤的現貨 ETF 也可能脫穎而出。


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New rival to OpenAI and Google: A new breath of artificial intelligence from Meta US-based technology giant Meta added a new dimension to the artificial intelligence race and announced its own multi-modal artificial intelligence model called "Chameleon". With this new model, Meta joins the artificial intelligence struggle between OpenAI and Google. As the parent company of #Facebook , #WhatsApp and #Instagram , #Meta took an important step in the field of artificial intelligence and developed the Chameleon model. Multimodal AI models are viewed as more advanced versions of large language models, with their ability to process various forms of media such as texts, images, audio recordings, and videos. The Chameleon team explained that the model consists of a set of "early fusion token-based hybrid models capable of understanding and rendering images and text in any arbitrary order." Since Meta's new model is built on an old fusion architecture, it can combine multiple inputs, unlike other systems. To date, most AI models have treated data as separate entities in the early stages and then searched for and brought together these connections. This technique is called late fusion and has limitations regarding integration. To solve this problem, Meta designed their model based on early fusion architecture. This approach enables more holistic processing of data and makes the integration of various forms of media more effective. Meta's Chameleon model aims to take one step forward in artificial intelligence technologies. Competing with giants such as OpenAI and Google, Meta aims to gain a stronger position in the field of artificial intelligence with this new model. Chameleon is considered an innovative step by Meta that is expected to play a significant role in AI research and applications. Meta's new multi-modal artificial intelligence model Chameleon stands out with its capacity to process various media formats and early fusion architecture. This model reinforces Meta's goal of becoming a major player in the artificial intelligence race.
Mystery Revealed: 240 Million XRP Transfer Sparked Speculation on Destination. *There was a striking development in the cryptocurrency market, 240 million #XRP tokens were transferred from the Coincheck exchange to an unknown wallet. *This significant move has created a great deal of interest and speculation in the crypto community. *Crypto data tracker Whale Alert, “$127,054,365 worth 240,850,537 The withdrawal of 240,850,537 XRP, worth approximately $127 million, to an unknown address that became active in February attracted the attention of the crypto community. The receiving wallet “UQ2Eh” constantly receives XRP transfers from Coincheck, indicating a strong relationship with the exchange. However, the reasons behind this transfer and the identity of the wallet owner are still unknown, making the transaction even more mysterious. While the exact reasons remain speculative, several possibilities for the transfer have emerged. One possibility is that the transfer was made in the name of an institutional investor. Institutions often transfer large amounts of cryptocurrency to cold storage wallets for security purposes or as part of a long-term holding strategy. Additionally, Coincheck may also be transferring assets as part of measures to increase asset security following a major security incident in 2018. These efforts may be part of ongoing efforts toward secure storage solutions. The large transfer may also be linked to an over-the-counter (OTC) trade that involves the exchange of large amounts of cryptocurrency directly between parties. While this move may indicate institutional interest, increased security measures, or upcoming strategic announcements, it could indicate increased interest in XRP and the broader cryptocurrency market. At the time of writing, XRP was trading at $0.529, down 0.60% in the last 24 hours. $BTC $XRP
5 popular altcoins that will be unlocked next week. Cryptocurrency markets appear to be declining after the rise on the first day of the week, giving back half of their gains. While cryptocurrencies generally continue their downward trend on the last business day of the week, the reported lock openings have the potential to put additional pressure on the relevant altcoins. According to Token Unlocks' report, a total of $376.27 million worth of crypto assets are planned to be unlocked in the coming week. Among the major altcoins whose supply will increase with the lock opening between May 27 and June 2, #Optimism (OP), Sui (SUI), #Ethena (ENA), #1inchCard (1INCH), dYdX (DYDX) are at the top. According to the report, OP tokens worth $82.12 million, representing 2.88% of the circulating supply on the Optimism network, will be released on May 31. It is expected that this activity may increase the volatility of the altcoin due to the high amount of OP to be unlocked. On June 1, $70.35 million worth of #SUI will be released, accounting for 2.78% of the circulating supply. Additionally, 11.91% of DYDX's circulating supply and $47.97 million worth of ENA tokens will be unlocked on the same date. Effect of lock openings on altcoin prices While altcoin investors have been closely monitoring the tokens to be unlocked recently, the prevailing idea is that these activities, which will increase the supply of the relevant crypto asset, may put pressure on the price of the asset. Both the expectation of a sale and the situation of buyers selling these assets can sometimes negatively affect the price of the unlocked altcoin. $OP $1INCH $SUI




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