Binance Square
🚀繫好安全帶,BTC 愛好者們!Web3 基礎設施公司 COTI 在其正式發佈之前推出了其開發者網絡 COTI V2。這個基於以太坊的第 2 層網絡完全是爲了隱私,爲區塊鏈帶來了新的保密性。🔒 COTI V2 開發網絡是市場參與者探索各種 web3 用例的遊樂場。從機密的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 到支付、穩定幣和現實世界資產的機密交易,可能性無窮無盡!🌐 開發人員,做好準備!該網絡配備了 Python SDK、NodeJS SDK、服務器訪問、大量文檔和用於鏈上分析的瀏覽器。COTI V2 旨在試驗新的智能合約,旨在提供保護私人信息的最佳技術。🔧 但等等,還有更多!爲了鼓勵開發網絡的發展,COTI 基金會推出了一項 5200 萬美元的資助計劃。該基金名爲 ABC 成長基金,旨在獎勵開發者的貢獻,並激勵他們在以隱私爲中心的 web3 生態系統中探索新的用例。🎉 COTI 首席執行官 Shahaf Bar-Geffen 邀請全球團隊加入 COTI V2 開發者網絡並分享他們的創作。COTI 的未來一片光明,今年將是構建新事物和擴展網絡的激動人心的一年。所以,開發者們,是時候提交你的申請並開始創作了!🚀

🚀繫好安全帶,BTC 愛好者們!Web3 基礎設施公司 COTI 在其正式發佈之前推出了其開發者網絡 COTI V2。這個基於以太坊的第 2 層網絡完全是爲了隱私,爲區塊鏈帶來了新的保密性。🔒

COTI V2 開發網絡是市場參與者探索各種 web3 用例的遊樂場。從機密的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 到支付、穩定幣和現實世界資產的機密交易,可能性無窮無盡!🌐

開發人員,做好準備!該網絡配備了 Python SDK、NodeJS SDK、服務器訪問、大量文檔和用於鏈上分析的瀏覽器。COTI V2 旨在試驗新的智能合約,旨在提供保護私人信息的最佳技術。🔧

但等等,還有更多!爲了鼓勵開發網絡的發展,COTI 基金會推出了一項 5200 萬美元的資助計劃。該基金名爲 ABC 成長基金,旨在獎勵開發者的貢獻,並激勵他們在以隱私爲中心的 web3 生態系統中探索新的用例。🎉

COTI 首席執行官 Shahaf Bar-Geffen 邀請全球團隊加入 COTI V2 開發者網絡並分享他們的創作。COTI 的未來一片光明,今年將是構建新事物和擴展網絡的激動人心的一年。所以,開發者們,是時候提交你的申請並開始創作了!🚀

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🚀🚀Buckle up, Bitcoin enthusiasts! The crypto market is holding onto its gains, thanks to Ethereum and the US SEC's approval of spot exchange-traded funds. But, here's the twist! Around $1.4 billion in Bitcoin options contracts are set to expire on May 24. 📅💥 While this seems like a big deal, it's actually a small event compared to the $4.3 billion worth of options set to expire at the end of May. The put/call ratio for this week's Bitcoin options contracts is 0.88, which means long and short-contract sellers are pretty evenly matched, with slightly more calls expiring. The max pain point (the price at which most option contract buyers lose their premium) is $67,000. 😱💸 The longs are also dominating in open interest (OI) with around $830 million at the $70,000 strike price. Higher strike prices also have a lot of OI, with around $843 million at $100,000. The $60,000 strike price has the highest amount of OI for put contracts with $388 million. So, the bulls are expecting much higher BTC prices. 🐂💹 In addition to Bitcoin options, there are around 354,000 Ethereum contracts expiring today. These have a notional value of $1.5 billion and a put/call ratio of 0.57 with more calls expiring than puts. Derivatives traders have been speculating on ETH in the run-up to the long-awaited SEC deadline. There is around $515 million in OI at the $4,000 strike price as bulls expect more momentum. 🚀📈 Almost $3 billion in BTC and ETH options will expire today, but the impact on spot markets is usually muted. Total capitalization has dropped 1.3% to $2.68 trillion, primarily due to a 2.3% dip in Bitcoin prices as the asset fell to $67,400. Ethereum faced tons of volatility ahead of yesterday’s decision but now stands calmly at $3,730. 📉📊 The altcoins were a mixed bag with gains for Chainlink (LINK), PEPE, and Ethereum Classic (ETC), but losses for Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Toncoin (TON). So, will the crypto markets march higher when $1.4B Bitcoin options expire? Only time will tell! ⏰🔮




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