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#ChartoftheDay 據 CoinGlass 數據顯示,ETH 期貨總未平倉合約已超過 148 億美元,創下歷史新高。 據新聞報道,美國政府正在敦促參與上市和交易現貨以太幣 ETF 份額的交易所加快更新 196-4 備案文件。這一舉動被廣泛理解爲暗示現貨 #ETHETFS 的批准可能早於預期。此前人們認爲,由於 SEC 歷來試圖將以太幣歸類爲證券,因爲它具有質押功能,因此此類批准對新未來來說不太可能實現。 受此消息影響,加密貨幣全線上漲,$ETH 週一上漲 20%,今天繼續上漲。$BTC 今年早些時候,在美國證券交易委員會批准 BTC 現貨期貨後,加密貨幣大幅上漲。如果以太幣現#ETF獲得批准,以太幣的價格可能會被推高至新高。

#ChartoftheDay 據 CoinGlass 數據顯示,ETH 期貨總未平倉合約已超過 148 億美元,創下歷史新高。

據新聞報道,美國政府正在敦促參與上市和交易現貨以太幣 ETF 份額的交易所加快更新 196-4 備案文件。這一舉動被廣泛理解爲暗示現貨 #ETHETFS 的批准可能早於預期。此前人們認爲,由於 SEC 歷來試圖將以太幣歸類爲證券,因爲它具有質押功能,因此此類批准對新未來來說不太可能實現。

受此消息影響,加密貨幣全線上漲,$ETH 週一上漲 20%,今天繼續上漲。$BTC 今年早些時候,在美國證券交易委員會批准 BTC 現貨期貨後,加密貨幣大幅上漲。如果以太幣現#ETF獲得批准,以太幣的價格可能會被推高至新高。

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【Chart of the Day】#Ethereum #layer2 scaling solution ZKsync announced that they would airdrop 3.675 billion ZK tokens, representing 17.5% of ZK’s 21 billion total token supply, to 695,232 eligible wallets beginning next week. As a long-existing L2 project, ZKsync is late to launch its token compared to peers of the same time, such as Arbitrum and Optimism. According to the distribution plan released Tuesday, ZKsync users who have transacted on ZKsync and met a threshold of activity will account for 89% of the long-waited airdrop, while contributors, including builders, on-chain communities, and ZKsync native projects, will account for 11%. The team also shared that Matter Labs employees will get 16.1% of ZK tokens and Matter Labs investors 17.2%. Those tokens will be locked for a year and then unlocked over three more years. While the #airdrop is the largest among major #rollups to date, community members expressed discontent with the protocol’s eligibility data as they believe #Sybil accounts could receive up to 2 million tokens. This may have led to the huge fluctuations in ZK tokens’ prices on various pre-market platforms. Prices from Aevo valued ZK at $0.3472, with a 47.55% drop in 24 hours, and those from Whales were $0.3564, with a 10.1% drop in 24 hours. According to L2Beat, ZKsync ranks 8th among all layer2 scaling solutions with a TVL of $755.40 million. Last month, ZKsync got into tensions with Polyhedra Network over the ticker symbol “ZK,” which Polyhedra had initially chosen earlier this year.
#ChartoftheDay Solana-based meme coins have been the buzz for the last several weeks as celebrities embrace them by slapping their names on tickers and endorsing memecoins. The latest are from Australian rapper and model Iggy Azalea, SoundCloud rapper Trippie Redd, and former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner. One of the hottest such coins, Iggy Azalea's MOTHER token, hit another all-time high today and reached a market cap of $200 million in just over a week after launch. However, despite the excitement pumped up by public figures’ social media posts, most of these tokens claim no value proposition whatsoever. On Wednesday, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin commented on this recent wave of celebrity-promoted memecoins, saying that he’s feeling unhappy about “this cycle’s celebrity experimentation” so far and thought financialization should serve as a means towards an end that is worthy (healthcare, open-source software, art, etc.) instead of being the final product itself. In fact, insider activity is abundantly clear for many of these tokens. According to Bubblemaps, insiders bought 20% of the supply of $MOTHER at launch before Iggy Azalea made the announcement. While celebrity-backed tokens could be the catalyst for attracting new participants and capital to the crypto industry, there are concerns that the eventual collapse of this trend would mean disgruntled investors and inevitable securities violations, generating negative coverage on the industry. On the other hand, Vitalik’s critique may have pointed to a pathway for celebrity crypto projects. He emphasized that these projects should have a clear public benefit goal beyond enriching the celebrity and early investors, and sustainable, long-term projects hold more value.
#ChartoftheDay According to data from DefiLlama, the OP Stack-based L2 network Base has reached $1.75 billion in the total locked value (TVL), ranking 3rd among all L2 solutions. As the Layer2 network built by Coinbase, the only publicly listed cryptocurrency exchange, Base’s performance in recent months has been impressive, putting it among the L2s with the fastest-growing TVL. According to a report by Fortune, Base pulled in $56 million of revenue last quarter for Coinbase, becoming a new source of net income besides transaction fees and stablecoin revenue. Unlike other L2s, Base doesn’t launch a native token for its chain due to regulatory restrictions in the US. However, taking advantage of Friend. Tech's previous popularity and the hype around the meme coin season since the first quarter of this year, Base has gained good traction. The chart below shows that Base’s TVL has surged since March this year, which coincided with the emergence of meme coins on the Base chain. The base represents an innovative idea to obtain sources of revenue for listed cryptocurrency-related companies: instead of launching native tokens, they can launch their own chains and earn fee revenue by boosting DEX activities and participating in trending narratives. That said, Base's growth is also the result of Coinbase's strong backing. In the current oversupply market, developing public blockchains like Base requires multiple resources, including brand endorsements and early-stage financial investments.
#ChartoftheDay According to a social media post by the lending protocol's founder, Stani Kulechov, #Aave is looking to launch its own blockchain, dubbed Aave Network, after completing its V4 upgrade. Given Aave’s $13 billion TVL, Aave network could potentially become one of the largest Layer2 solutions in DeFi. Kulechov hinted that the chain could be launched in 2025. Earlier this month, Aave unveiled its V4 iteration featuring a unified cross-chain liquidity layer (CCLL) and liquidity premiums and proposed the Aave Network as part of its strategic 2030 roadmap. The liquidity layer of Aave V4 generalizes the concept of Portals introduced by Aave V3 and enables a fully agnostic, independent, and abstracted infrastructure for liquidity provisioning. In contrast to previous versions, the new liquidity layer abstraction is proposed to allow in the future for the Aave DAO to onboard new borrow modules and offboard old ones without needing to migrate liquidity. Aave v4 will also feature automated adjustments to its interest rate curve, dynamic interest rate premiums for riskier assets, smart accounts and vaults allowing users to segregate their borrowing activities, and an updated liquidation engine. Aave Labs suggested that, with these improvements, Aave can soon scale to become a fully cross-chain liquidity protocol, allowing borrowers to access instant liquidity across all supported networks. Meanwhile, the Aave Network would serve as the primary hub for Aave and GHO, while remaining multichain and network-agnostic. “While Ethereum would remain the home of the Aave DAO and the Aave governance, the network can bring unprecedented growth to Aave and GHO by opening up unexplored markets,” the proposal said. Aave is available on over twelve networks, with Ethereum being the largest market. 




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