Binance Square
如果 $BTC 創下新高,那麼是時候退出加密貨幣市場,直到 12 月。 這篇文章可能會招致很多仇恨,但我是對的。 如果我們看到 $BTC 反彈至 75-80,000 美元區域上方,並在下個月將 ALT 推高 20-30%,我將把我的 ALT 投資組合的 80% 轉換爲 USDT,我將持有 $BTC 並鎖定 BNB 以及我前幾年持有的其他一些資產,僅此而已。 我的理由(非常簡單) 最重要的是,我持有的所有資產都是盈利的。(我們來這裏就是爲了賺錢) 如果你關注深入的財經新聞並理解它,你就會知道一場風暴正在醞釀。(我可以寫幾天,這裏的信息太多了,如果你知道的話) 市場充斥着絕對垃圾的項目,它們吸收着流動性,面對事實,95% 的加密貨幣是絕對垃圾,5% 不是垃圾的加密貨幣還沒有被廣泛採用,不足以證明其目前的估值是合理的。 我可以說出 10 個原因,說明爲什麼從現在到 12 月,我們可能會看到加密貨幣下跌,除了 BTC 減半之外,我找不到任何一個原因說明我們會看到另一場拋物線牛市。 美國大選即將到來,老實說,我不想因爲下一任美國總統對加密貨幣的立場而讓我的利潤面臨風險,我也不希望我的利潤掌握在傑羅姆·鮑威爾未來幾個月的手中。 我們經歷了牛市,如果比特幣達到 80,000 的範圍並且山寨幣進一步上漲,那麼這將是一次相當大的牛市,在某個時候,市值必須等同於價值,我們有一些價值數十億美元的項目,每年產生 50,000 美元的費用,這是一個泡沫! 對我來說,持有前幾年的 BTC 並鎖定 BNB 是一件輕而易舉的事,無論發生什麼,比特幣都會保值,BNB 有支持,也可以耕種。 持有 USDT 讓我可以自由地退後一步,研究我認爲真正有未來並值得進一步投資的項目,我每天都在研究,但我更希望根據我目前持有的東西來獲得客觀的看法。 這些只是我的想法,我不想以任何方式影響你的決定。 不管怎樣,我都會繼續研究並繼續發帖。 平安 #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #MicroStrategy

如果 $BTC 創下新高,那麼是時候退出加密貨幣市場,直到 12 月。


如果我們看到 $BTC 反彈至 75-80,000 美元區域上方,並在下個月將 ALT 推高 20-30%,我將把我的 ALT 投資組合的 80% 轉換爲 USDT,我將持有 $BTC 並鎖定 BNB 以及我前幾年持有的其他一些資產,僅此而已。




市場充斥着絕對垃圾的項目,它們吸收着流動性,面對事實,95% 的加密貨幣是絕對垃圾,5% 不是垃圾的加密貨幣還沒有被廣泛採用,不足以證明其目前的估值是合理的。

我可以說出 10 個原因,說明爲什麼從現在到 12 月,我們可能會看到加密貨幣下跌,除了 BTC 減半之外,我找不到任何一個原因說明我們會看到另一場拋物線牛市。


我們經歷了牛市,如果比特幣達到 80,000 的範圍並且山寨幣進一步上漲,那麼這將是一次相當大的牛市,在某個時候,市值必須等同於價值,我們有一些價值數十億美元的項目,每年產生 50,000 美元的費用,這是一個泡沫!

對我來說,持有前幾年的 BTC 並鎖定 BNB 是一件輕而易舉的事,無論發生什麼,比特幣都會保值,BNB 有支持,也可以耕種。

持有 USDT 讓我可以自由地退後一步,研究我認爲真正有未來並值得進一步投資的項目,我每天都在研究,但我更希望根據我目前持有的東西來獲得客觀的看法。




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What happens now is very simple. Tomorrow is key! $BTC Firstly note, there is massive leverage opened within 2k of the $BTC price long and short, this battle will be decided by the news tomorrow. Tomorrow we have US Non-farm payroll which is expected at 182k, We also have the unemployment rate and earnings but these are more widely expected to stay as predicted and will have less impact on short term crypto price, unless the earnings come out much higher than 0.3% which is unlikely. The Non-Farm payroll number is key to watch and will cause volatility. If you dont understand the forex market, for many reasons this reading will be key, it will effect interest rate decisions which have a high impact on "risk on" assets like crypto. Also what makes this reading more important is the rate cuts happening in EU, Canada, Switzerland and Denmark recently, it puts more spotlight on the FEDs policy decisions, and like it or not their decisions effect crypto. Basically, If the Non-farm number comes out much higher(10k-20k+), Bitcoin and Crypto prices will fall. If it comes out much lower(10k-20k less), Bitcoin and Crypto prices will go up. If it comes out around 180k it will be neutral, slightly bearish for crypto. Its honestly that simple, any movement now is just people trying to pre empt the news. Dont sleep on this news, it will effect ALL of crypto not only BTC (short term). Please dont gamble at high leverage and margin trying to predict the news, you most likely cant, even if you are correct a lot of price movement and manipulation happens around high impact news and you could get liquidated on a fakeout, liquidity grab. *Edit* as stated jobs came out higher and BTC fell by 2k rapidly * Be smart. Peace. #StartInvestingInCrypto #bitcoin #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
We are entering an extremely dangerous time in crypto. If you have a large portfolio or your financial future is invested in crypto you need to understand the risk coming in the near future. Firstly and most importantly is USDT, the $110 Billion company, the most traded crypto by volume, a company we as a crypto community have allowed to be our liquidity without any concrete proof our funds are backed. USDT has never had official audits, in their terms and conditions it says they are not liable for insolvency, the funds are not insured and funds can be paid back with “in kind redemption “. The company is run through numerous shelf companies in tax havens and run by people with a criminal history. This matters now because if USDT is banned in the Europe Union and we have a liquidity shock I am not sure the funds are there, do your research on this it is important!! My other HUGE concern is the staking and ESPECIALLY the re staking narrative that is pushing us to invest and re invest our funds in a Ponzi, pyramid scheme like manner in companies or projects that are also not audited or insured, additionally how we are constantly motivated to get as many people as we can involved for some financial reward. We have had a massive $1.5 Trillion bull run in the last year and it seems people are quick to forget the last time we had a bull run companies like FTX, Terra, Celsius and many more were fleecing us. We are still totally trusting and unregulated and one liquidity shock could expose more and more of our missing funds. You need to have custody or cold storage of most of your crypto in the coming months, I can say for near certainty the rewards are not worth the risk of centralised staking or re staking more than 10-20% of your portfolio. With Crypto adoption will come regulation and scrutiny, this could be the last unregulated bull run for scammers and you can be very sure they will take full advantage of it. Don’t be at risk of losing everything based on blind trust. ✌️ #scamriskwarning #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved
$ETH Don’t be stupid and enter high leverage or high margin longs at current prices. Current price $3873 The S-1 approvals could come at any time, none of us know, people falsely believe this will have an instant Bullish effect so they are trying to fomo in at high leverage,margin with little room for price drops, huge mistake !!! If the ETF is approved over $11Billion in sell pressure could hit the market from the grayscale ETF trust. With the leverage below the current ETH price($1.5 Billion in liquidations with 5% price drop) it could create a massive long squeeze (Short term) If you are entering leveraged longs make sure your margin and liquidity can survive a drop of 10% of the price you enter at, it might not happen at once but if leveraged liquidity is hit it could drive the price down(short term) The news of S-1 approval will be Bullish for ETH long term but short term could be extremely bearish as large holders cash out their returns on ETH trusts. This is not drama or FUD, many new traders don’t understand what actually happens around these events and just think it can only be bullish. I want to help people understand the very realistic and possible short term effect this will have so they can make informed trading decisions. From reports I have read it seems like the approval could happen fairly soon(days-weeks), so being aware of the effect it could have is important. If you want more info about the ETF and Grayscale trust read my post from the 28th May Be smart ✌️ #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #StartInvestingInCrypto #etherreum




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