Binance Square
還需要證明我的分析和預測有多準確嗎? 在我之前的帖子中提到伊朗總統去世的消息後,大約 15 分鐘內,#BTC 可能會再次被拋售(見引用的帖子發佈時間),並且它發生了 我還提到不要驚慌失措並保持良好狀態,看看 BTC 反彈的速度有多快,但我觀察列表中的 meme 幣 #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE #NOT 仍然受到這次拋售嘗試的影響最大,這意味着很多持有者仍然很容易產生恐懼,即使我曾幾次提到 BOME 將在 FLOKI 和 PEPE 之後達到 ATH,而 FLOKI 和 PEPE 已經率先達到他們的 ATH NOT 仍然需要時間回到 0.007 美元的範圍,即使它有可能從最近的價格走低


在我之前的帖子中提到伊朗總統去世的消息後,大約 15 分鐘內,#BTC 可能會再次被拋售(見引用的帖子發佈時間),並且它發生了

我還提到不要驚慌失措並保持良好狀態,看看 BTC 反彈的速度有多快,但我觀察列表中的 meme 幣 #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE #NOT 仍然受到這次拋售嘗試的影響最大,這意味着很多持有者仍然很容易產生恐懼,即使我曾幾次提到 BOME 將在 FLOKI 和 PEPE 之後達到 ATH,而 FLOKI 和 PEPE 已經率先達到他們的 ATH

NOT 仍然需要時間回到 0.007 美元的範圍,即使它有可能從最近的價格走低

很抱歉,我忘了提到伊朗總統直升機墜毀事件,該事件被用來進行最後一次拋售嘗試,持續了 17 個小時,這是上週最長的拋售嘗試,也拖累了我觀察列表中的代幣 #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE #NOT ,因爲我有自己的理由,這個消息不會讓 BTC 跌至 66,000 美元以下,我不能在這裏分享


因此,與此同時,我的建議是不要驚慌,要保持良好,因爲大投資者仍在積累 BTC,正如你從 BTC 訂單簿中看到的那樣,儘管消息已經在幣安上流傳Square 上有一些關於它的帖子



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Why US GDP Decreasing & Jobless Claim Increasing ? Today US GDP report had deprecated from 1,6% to 1,3% while Jobless Claim increasing from 218 to 219 but you know what, this can be happened because The FED had stay with recent interest rate Why I can said it may because The FED keeping their interest rate ? With NO INTEREST RATE CUT it had made USD getting too much powerful compared with other country currency that will make any country in trades with USA will holding their buying if not important also right now lots of company in USA do remote job by finding workers outside of USA so they can pay cheaper for both wages & tax by using the power of USD and that's why it had also made job opportunities for USA citizen got deprecated too & had made Jobless Claim getting more higher than before Where there is more jobless been claimed mean there is more people that can't afford to buy goods except for important goods which will resulting less demand for US Domestic Products and with less demand will make any company in USA that producing goods also decreasing their output So what The FED had done with their decision to NOT cutting interest rate had correlations with recent US GDP & Jobless Claim Now we will see how The FED will make actions regarding this problems because if this problems continue to rise it will effecting US economy so my BET at nearing time The FED board speech may give statements to change their decision for INTEREST RATE CUT where at previous statements The FED will holding it until September 2024 Comment your thoughts about my analysis & lets discuss it
Recent Massive Selling from Market Manipulators had been targeting meme coins holders while #BTC dump attempts seem less than yesterday dump attempts as you can see from one of images in this post This recent moves from Market Manipulators really out of my predictions even it had happened when DXY in downward situation when this post being written while I only thinking & predicting they will still trying to drag only BTC down so other coins will following BTC going down too There is 2 possibility that I can think from recent meme coins massive selling which is ... 1. They want to move their money for manipulating USD as for now DXY situation is in downward while waiting upcoming news about US GDP Q1 & Jobless reports 2. They want to move their money into BTC to create FOMO before dumping it again In my watch list only #NOT that not get much impact from this while other coins like #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE got the most impact even BOME had touching $0.012 range as you can see in $BOME chart but it still slightly better if compared with FLOKI and PEPE With recent massive selling actions in meme coins I must admit to change my prediction for $NOT from at most $0.012 to at most $0.013-0.015 range, just be careful when NOT reaching at that range to not get trapped by FOMO Despite this recent massive selling actions in meme coins I still HOLD my BOME but I'm wondering how many retailers got hit in stop loss or got PANIC and SELLING IN LOSS Also just like I had mentioning in my last post, this must be your best opportunity to gain more profits by making entry at best price you can get on any coins that got affected by this recent actions based on your research while Crypto Market still in FEAR from recent massive selling actions Edit : Add more content As always DYOR God bless




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