Binance Square
Queen Rihana
**想在這個市場賺 100 萬嗎?方法如下:💸🚀** 1. **投資策略**: 從 100,000-200,000 元人民幣開始,將其轉換爲美元,然後存入幣安。🎯 有紀律地投資,每月購買一股,將總金額分成 50 股。具體細節如下:投資 25% 比特幣,25% ETH,25% BNB,25% SOL。💎 每月保持一致,然後讓您的投資增長,而無需不斷檢查。三到五年後,您就可以在口袋裏找到 100 萬美元。這種方法簡單、安全,競爭最小。🌱📈 2. **技術方法**: 深入瞭解空投、白名單和新上市的世界。 🛠️ 你需要有很強的編程技能、遠程服務器經驗、流利的英語以及第一手資料。這會讓你成爲加密世界的“科學家”,利用你的知識和技術來積累財富。👩‍💻🔬 這條路需要不斷學習和發展技能,但回報可能是巨大的。一旦你成功了,經濟收益將是巨大的。🌐💰 3. 基於運氣的方法: 在牛市開始時,利用你的遠見挑選一隻可能漲幅超過十倍的股票。🧐 這需要良好的判斷力,評估流量、概念和平臺背後的關鍵人物。避免像孫哥或中國投資者這樣的個人管理的股票,因爲它們往往有風險。🚫 廣泛建立人脈,向專家尋求建議,增強你的理解。當機會出現時,做出果斷的判斷並採取行動。成功可以讓你賺到 100 萬。 🤝🔍💡 $BTC #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #altcoins #MemeWatch2024 🚀🌟

**想在這個市場賺 100 萬嗎?方法如下:💸🚀**

1. **投資策略**:

從 100,000-200,000 元人民幣開始,將其轉換爲美元,然後存入幣安。🎯 有紀律地投資,每月購買一股,將總金額分成 50 股。具體細節如下:投資 25% 比特幣,25% ETH,25% BNB,25% SOL。💎 每月保持一致,然後讓您的投資增長,而無需不斷檢查。三到五年後,您就可以在口袋裏找到 100 萬美元。這種方法簡單、安全,競爭最小。🌱📈

2. **技術方法**:

深入瞭解空投、白名單和新上市的世界。 🛠️ 你需要有很強的編程技能、遠程服務器經驗、流利的英語以及第一手資料。這會讓你成爲加密世界的“科學家”,利用你的知識和技術來積累財富。👩‍💻🔬 這條路需要不斷學習和發展技能,但回報可能是巨大的。一旦你成功了,經濟收益將是巨大的。🌐💰

3. 基於運氣的方法:

在牛市開始時,利用你的遠見挑選一隻可能漲幅超過十倍的股票。🧐 這需要良好的判斷力,評估流量、概念和平臺背後的關鍵人物。避免像孫哥或中國投資者這樣的個人管理的股票,因爲它們往往有風險。🚫 廣泛建立人脈,向專家尋求建議,增強你的理解。當機會出現時,做出果斷的判斷並採取行動。成功可以讓你賺到 100 萬。 🤝🔍💡

$BTC #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #altcoins #MemeWatch2024 🚀🌟

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Ex-Diversity Program Manager at Facebook and Nike Sentenced for $5M Fraud 💸🚔 In a shocking turn of events, a former diversity program manager at Facebook and Nike has been sentenced to five years and three months in prison after pleading guilty to stealing over $5 million to fund her extravagant lifestyle. 😲💼 The Scheme Unveiled: Furlow-Smiles shamelessly violated her position of trust as a DEI executive at Facebook, orchestrating a complex scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, and cash kickbacks. 💳📄 She exploited her authority to make purchases and approve invoices, funneling money to friends, family, and associates for services that were never provided to Facebook. 🕵️‍♂️💸 Continuing the Fraud at Nike: After her termination from Facebook, she brazenly continued her deceitful activities as a DEI leader at Nike. There, she managed to steal another six-figure sum from their diversity program. 🚫🏃‍♀️ She had access to company credit cards and approval rights, allowing her to siphon off funds for personal gain. 💳🚨 The Lavish Lifestyle: The stolen money funded a lavish lifestyle, highlighting a gross abuse of power and betrayal of the trust placed in her. 🌟💵 Her actions have cast a shadow on the critical work of diversity and inclusion, showcasing a severe breach of ethics and integrity. 🌐⚖️ Justice Served: The court's sentence reflects the gravity of her crimes and serves as a stern reminder that such exploitation of trusted positions will not be tolerated. 🔒⚖️ Her case stands as a stark warning to those who might misuse their authority, ensuring that justice prevails and integrity is upheld. 🌟🔒
Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin is Impressed by GPT-4 🚀🤖 Vitalik Buterin, the visionary co-founder of Ethereum, has always championed groundbreaking technologies, whether building the vast blockchain network of Ethereum or embracing new innovations. 🌟 Lately, Buterin has been vocal about his admiration for #OpenAI's GPT-4, a cutting-edge AI that he claims has passed a significant milestone: the Turing Test. The Turing Test is a famous benchmark in artificial intelligence, determining how convincingly a machine can imitate human speech. According to Buterin, a recent preprint study from the University of California, San Diego, confirmed that a production model of GPT-4 has finally aced this test. 📊✨ Buterin shared on social media, “This is incredible; this system can fool more than half of the people. This technology speaks like humans and can fool anyone.” The study he referenced involved 500 human test subjects in a blind test, where participants interacted with both human and AI models without knowing which was which. The results were astonishing: in 56% of cases, people mistook GPT-4 for a human. 🤯👥 This achievement underscores the remarkable progress AI technology has made in mimicking human intelligence. As AI continues to advance, it's capturing the attention and investment of major tech players like Google, Microsoft, and influential figures such as Elon Musk. 🌐💼 The future of AI looks promising, and with leaders like Buterin championing these advancements, the world is on the brink of an exciting technological revolution. 🚀✨




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