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Aptos 在土耳其的首次線下會議於 5 月 11 日在伊斯坦布爾舉行。🎉🔥 2024 年 5 月 11 日,在土耳其伊斯坦布爾充滿活力的街道上,科技愛好者和社區建設者齊聚一堂,參加 Aptos 基金會的首次線下聚會,這標誌着一個重要的里程碑。在熙熙攘攘的城市景觀中,與會者沉浸在一個充滿創新理念和協作努力的世界中,所有這些都在 Aptos 對未來的願景的旗幟下。 與會者中有 Aptos 基金會生態系統團隊的關鍵成員 Max Unger,他的見解引發了關於項目開發、資助機會以及 Aptos 生態系統內富有成效的合作潛力的動態討論。從設想開創性的項目到探索共同成長的途徑,每一次互動都充滿了創新和社區精神。 Max Unger 用即將舉行的活動的美好一瞥吸引着與會者,暗示在不斷髮展的 Aptos 領域中還有更多參與和學習的機會。現場氣氛熱烈,與會者熱切地等待着深入瞭解 Aptos 提供的各種可能性。 受到討論的真實性和 Aptos 無限潛力的啓發,包括我在內的許多與會者決定將 APT 幣整合到我們的數字錢包中,與 Aptos 的使命保持一致,以徹底改變技術與社區的交匯點。 隨着會議接近尾聲,大家對未來充滿了興奮,這種興奮源於建立的聯繫和 Aptos 賦予世界力量的共同願景。與會者着眼於未來,熱切地期待着下一次 Aptos 活動,熱切地期待着更豐富的體驗和建立持久合作的機會。 在不斷髮展的技術和社區格局中,Aptos 基金會是創新的燈塔,彌合了願景與現實之間的差距,爲更光明、更緊密的未來鋪平了道路。 #Aptos #APT #istanbul #MaxUnger #AptosFoundation

Aptos 在土耳其的首次線下會議於 5 月 11 日在伊斯坦布爾舉行。🎉🔥

2024 年 5 月 11 日,在土耳其伊斯坦布爾充滿活力的街道上,科技愛好者和社區建設者齊聚一堂,參加 Aptos 基金會的首次線下聚會,這標誌着一個重要的里程碑。在熙熙攘攘的城市景觀中,與會者沉浸在一個充滿創新理念和協作努力的世界中,所有這些都在 Aptos 對未來的願景的旗幟下。

與會者中有 Aptos 基金會生態系統團隊的關鍵成員 Max Unger,他的見解引發了關於項目開發、資助機會以及 Aptos 生態系統內富有成效的合作潛力的動態討論。從設想開創性的項目到探索共同成長的途徑,每一次互動都充滿了創新和社區精神。

Max Unger 用即將舉行的活動的美好一瞥吸引着與會者,暗示在不斷髮展的 Aptos 領域中還有更多參與和學習的機會。現場氣氛熱烈,與會者熱切地等待着深入瞭解 Aptos 提供的各種可能性。

受到討論的真實性和 Aptos 無限潛力的啓發,包括我在內的許多與會者決定將 APT 幣整合到我們的數字錢包中,與 Aptos 的使命保持一致,以徹底改變技術與社區的交匯點。

隨着會議接近尾聲,大家對未來充滿了興奮,這種興奮源於建立的聯繫和 Aptos 賦予世界力量的共同願景。與會者着眼於未來,熱切地期待着下一次 Aptos 活動,熱切地期待着更豐富的體驗和建立持久合作的機會。

在不斷髮展的技術和社區格局中,Aptos 基金會是創新的燈塔,彌合了願景與現實之間的差距,爲更光明、更緊密的未來鋪平了道路。

#Aptos #APT #istanbul #MaxUnger #AptosFoundation

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Sei Network teams up with OpenSea to improve NFT trading. 🖼️🔥 Sei Network, a quickly growing layer one (L1) blockchain, has successfully partnered with OpenSea, a prominent NFT marketplace. This collaboration enables NFT holders on the Sei Network to engage in trading on OpenSea with minimal fees and swift transactions. The integration is designed to attract more web3 developers and content creators to Sei Network, especially as it transitions to the Sei V2 upgrade. With this integration, OpenSea users on the Sei Network can experience rapid transaction finality and high throughput, delivering a smooth, Web2-like user experience. Sei Network offers Solana-like performance within the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) framework, ensuring efficient NFT transactions. Currently, Sei Network boasts nearly $22.3 million in total value locked (TVL) and a market capitalization of approximately $1.48 billion, placing it 65th in the cryptocurrency rankings. The NFT trading market has seen a decline in volumes over the past two years due to issues like fraud and scams. However, recent global crypto regulations are breathing new life into the industry. OpenSea, which has reported a cumulative NFT trading volume of $40 billion, had 284,000 monthly active users as of May 2024. This integration represents a pivotal step toward the mainstream adoption of digital assets. This collaboration highlights the ongoing growth and development of the NFT ecosystem, promising a strong future for digital asset trading on the Sei Network. #SEI #opensea #SeiNetwork $SEI #EVM #NFTMarketplace
US Treasury Department Warns About NFTs. 😱🇺🇲 The US Treasury Department has issued an important warning about the rapidly growing NFT market. The report, titled "Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Illicit Finance Risk Assessment," highlights various security vulnerabilities of NFTs and related platforms. NFTs can be used for illegal purposes such as money laundering, terrorist financing, and the financing of weapons proliferation. This potential makes NFTs attractive for illicit activities. NFTs are among the assets vulnerable to fraud and theft. This situation poses serious risks for both individual investors and platforms. Insufficient cybersecurity measures can leave NFT platforms vulnerable. These deficiencies can also bring about issues related to copyright and trademark protections. Many NFT firms and platforms lack adequate control mechanisms against risks such as money laundering and terrorist financing. This situation highlights the need for stricter supervision and regulations in the industry. The report emphasizes the need to increase awareness of current regulations and to implement more regulations. These steps are critical for making the NFT market safer. The private sector is urged to develop risk mitigation strategies to prevent illicit uses. This would be an important step in enhancing security in the sector. The US Treasury Department's assessment once again underscores its determination to analyze and prevent the illicit finance risks of new technologies. Although NFTs represent a rapidly growing market, such warnings highlight the importance of security and regulations in the industry. It is crucial for everyone involved in the NFT world or planning to enter this world to heed these warnings. Creating a secure market will be possible through the collective efforts of all stakeholders. #NFT​ #NFTs #usa #cybersecurity




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