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👉👉👉 這是多少 #shibaInu 阻礙 SHIB 達到 0.000056 美元 隨著大盤有望復甦,柴犬 (SHIB) 的目標是克服近期損失並實現價格大幅上漲。儘管 4 月下跌 27.16%,但 SHIB 本月已上漲 7.15%,物價水準顯著上升。 SHIB 的近期目標是超越 0.000045 美元的年度峰值,並希望達到 0.00005 美元的範圍。然而,來自 IntoTheBlock 的鏈上數據表明,其通往 0.00005 美元之路上存在障礙。 柴犬面臨低於 0.00005 美元的阻力 - IntoTheBlock 的全球資金流入/流出 (GIOM) 指標顯示 0.000026 美元下方的阻力最小,但前方存在重大障礙。斐波那契 0.5 回檔位 0.00002721 美元標誌著下一個主要阻力位。 - 超過 0.000026 美元後,SHIB 在收回 0.000045 美元之前面臨三道賣出牆,在達到 0.00005 美元以上的年度新高之前又面臨另一道賣出牆。第一個賣牆的價格在 0.000026 美元到 0.00003 美元之間,涉及 115,790 個地址,持有 56.37 兆個 SHIB。 - 第二個賣出牆約為 0.000033 美元,有 140,830 個錢包,其中有 21.06 兆個 SHIB。以 0.000045 美元計算,由 57,960 個位址組成的集群累計了 8.44 兆個 SHIB。突破將推動SHIB邁向年度高峰。 - 要建立新的峰值,SHIB 必須突破 0.000045 美元至 0.000056 美元之間的賣出牆,62,510 個地址持有 3.32 兆個 SHIB。這些供應牆總共有 78 兆個 SHIB 代幣,構成了阻力。 當前市場情緒 - SHIB 為 0.00002428 美元,需要飆升 130% 才能達到 0.000056 美元,這在 2 月底的上升趨勢中得到了證明。看漲勢頭需要情緒的轉變,目前傾向於看跌,多空比率為 0.845。然而,投資者撤回 $SHIB 代幣表明了對復甦的樂觀態度。 請記住,投資加密貨幣具有高度投機性,並且存在重大損失風險。你的投資永遠不該超過你所能承受的損失,也要做你自己的研究。 來源 -

👉👉👉 這是多少 #shibaInu 阻礙 SHIB 達到 0.000056 美元

隨著大盤有望復甦,柴犬 (SHIB) 的目標是克服近期損失並實現價格大幅上漲。儘管 4 月下跌 27.16%,但 SHIB 本月已上漲 7.15%,物價水準顯著上升。

SHIB 的近期目標是超越 0.000045 美元的年度峰值,並希望達到 0.00005 美元的範圍。然而,來自 IntoTheBlock 的鏈上數據表明,其通往 0.00005 美元之路上存在障礙。

柴犬面臨低於 0.00005 美元的阻力

- IntoTheBlock 的全球資金流入/流出 (GIOM) 指標顯示 0.000026 美元下方的阻力最小,但前方存在重大障礙。斐波那契 0.5 回檔位 0.00002721 美元標誌著下一個主要阻力位。

- 超過 0.000026 美元後,SHIB 在收回 0.000045 美元之前面臨三道賣出牆,在達到 0.00005 美元以上的年度新高之前又面臨另一道賣出牆。第一個賣牆的價格在 0.000026 美元到 0.00003 美元之間,涉及 115,790 個地址,持有 56.37 兆個 SHIB。

- 第二個賣出牆約為 0.000033 美元,有 140,830 個錢包,其中有 21.06 兆個 SHIB。以 0.000045 美元計算,由 57,960 個位址組成的集群累計了 8.44 兆個 SHIB。突破將推動SHIB邁向年度高峰。

- 要建立新的峰值,SHIB 必須突破 0.000045 美元至 0.000056 美元之間的賣出牆,62,510 個地址持有 3.32 兆個 SHIB。這些供應牆總共有 78 兆個 SHIB 代幣,構成了阻力。


- SHIB 為 0.00002428 美元,需要飆升 130% 才能達到 0.000056 美元,這在 2 月底的上升趨勢中得到了證明。看漲勢頭需要情緒的轉變,目前傾向於看跌,多空比率為 0.845。然而,投資者撤回 $SHIB 代幣表明了對復甦的樂觀態度。


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🔥🔥🔥 User Discloses Profit by Holding #shibaInu Rather than Cash in Bank Resilient Shiba Inu holders are enjoying exceptional returns, with an impressive ROI of 1,865,428%, far surpassing savings account yields. Shiba Inu, a widely followed cryptocurrency rooted in memes, has millions of holders, exceeding the population of over 105 US cities individually. Despite its volatility, $SHIB has proven lucrative. However, meme #cryptocurrencies like Shiba Inu often endure sharper declines during market downturns. For example, while $XRP dropped 10% between April 21 and May 1, Shiba Inu plummeted by 26.22% during the same period. This raises the question of whether investing in Shiba Inu or cryptocurrencies is advisable compared to bank deposits. Shiba Inu Investment vs. Bank Deposits - Standard US savings accounts offer APYs ranging from 0.01% to 0.3%. Digital banks may provide up to 5.25% APY. However, these rates pale in comparison to Shiba Inu returns. - For instance, an individual who invested in Shiba Inu a year ago at $0.000009379 would now see a gain of 158%, with the current value at $0.00002509. Despite volatility, including a drop of over 30%, the investment surged over 400% at its peak when SHIB reached $0.000045. An Investor's 340% ROI after Holding SHIB for 783 Days - A user held Shiba Inu for 783 days, revealing a return of approximately 340%. They emphasized that saving in a bank would have yielded only 5%. Longest Holders Enjoying 1,865,428% Gains - Investors who never sold their Shiba Inu since acquiring it in 2020 now enjoy an #ROI of 1,865,428%, meaning a $100 investment would amount to nearly $2 million. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose also do your own research. Source - #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #BinanceSquareTalks
💥💥💥 #bitcoin reaches one billion transactions Bitcoin has reached a significant milestone as it processes its one billionth transaction, marking a monumental moment for the network since its inception 15 years ago. According to Clark Moody’s Bitcoin dashboard, the landmark transaction, numbered 1,000,000,000, was recorded in block 842,241 at 9:34 pm UTC on May 5. This achievement comes 15 years, four months, and four days after the network's first block was mined by the pseudonymous creator, #satoshiNakamoto , on January 3, 2009. Throughout its 5,603-day existence, the Bitcoin network has handled an average of 178,475 daily transactions. Data from the Bitcoin-exclusive exchange River indicates that the Lightning Network alone processed an estimated minimum of 6.6 million transactions in August 2023. This suggests that the Lightning Network has facilitated hundreds of millions of transactions since its launch in January 2018. Bitcoin experienced a surge in daily transactions surrounding its fourth halving event on April 20, reaching a record high of 926,000 transactions on April 23. Much of this increased activity was attributed to the launch of the Runes protocol at block 840,000. However, the daily transaction count on Bitcoin has since tapered off, registering 660,260 transactions on May 4. While Bitcoin holds the title as the oldest #cryptocurrency network, it is not the first to process one billion transactions. Its primary competitor, Ethereum, has surpassed two billion transactions since its launch in July 2015, according to data from Etherscan. Source - #CryptoTrends2024 #BinanceSquareBTC $BTC
🔥🔥🔥 #UniSwap has announced that #Candlestick charts have gone live on the network Uniswap has taken another step towards enhancing user experience by introducing candlestick charts, a valuable tool for making informed financial decisions. This new feature, which has recently gone live on the platform, empowers users to better analyze asset performance and market trends. Candlestick charts serve as visual representations of trading activity, offering a wealth of information to investors within minutes. They provide insights into an asset's opening and closing prices, as well as its highest and lowest prices over a given period. By tracking price movements in both the short and long term, investors can assess asset performance and determine optimal trading strategies. While candlestick charts have long been utilized in the crypto industry, Uniswap has now integrated this feature into its platform. Through a recent announcement on their official Twitter/X account, UniswapLabs confirmed the launch of live candlestick charts, inviting users to explore this new functionality. By simply clicking the explore button, users can access real-time price action data for various assets, enabling them to make more informed trading decisions. Live candlestick charts offer valuable insights into market sentiment, aiding users in identifying periods of optimism or pessimism. This, combined with precise price data, helps users evaluate returns and make strategic trading decisions, enhancing the trading experience on Uniswap. In conclusion, Uniswap's introduction of candlestick charts represents a significant enhancement to its platform. By offering users access to this valuable tool, Uniswap empowers them to make smarter trading decisions and navigate the dynamic #CryptoMarket with confidence. Interested users can explore this feature on the Uniswap website or wallet app, gaining valuable insights to optimize their trading strategies. Source - #CryptoTrends #BinanceSquareTalks
👉👉👉 Internet Computer Launches ckUSDC Sepolia, an #ICP Copy of #usdc in ckERC20 Token Standard The testing version of the ckETH minter on the Internet Computer (ICP) mainnet has been upgraded to include the Sepolia version of the USDC token. Users can now obtain Sepolia $ETH and USDC from online faucets to interact with these tokens. Once acquired, users can deposit Sepolia ETH and USDC to mint ckETH and ckUSDC respectively. The DFINITY Foundation, responsible for developing technology for the ICP blockchain, oversees this process. It's important to note that while ckETH is necessary for withdrawing ckUSDC and receiving USDC back, it's not required for depositing USDC. Additionally, a portion of the ckSepoliaETH will cover transfer transactions on the Sepolia testnet. Canister IDs for the ckSepoliaETH minter are available for reference, and a dashboard displays conversions and corresponding Ethereum transactions for ckETH and ckERC20 transactions. Developers are encouraged to experiment with ckUSDC for supporting conversions between #ERC20 and ck-twin tokens in their dapps. Müller emphasizes that the project is still in development, and users may encounter bugs, with the canister's state potentially resetting upon upgrades. There is currently no user-friendly front-end available, so users should be comfortable using dfx calls, especially for the final step. Last June, the ICP launched an upgrade proposed by the community to expand support for all canister smart contracts, allowing users to hold and transfer ICP tokens. DFINITY also announced plans to integrate the Bitcoin network directly with the Internet Computer, enabling smart contracts on Bitcoin through Chain Key cryptography. Source - #CryptoNews🔒📰🚫 #BinanceSquareTalks


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