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我目前有 65 個 $DOGE 幣,我應該賣掉它們還是保留它們。我也讀到過關於 $DOGE 被關閉的消息。另一方面,我讀到特斯拉已經開始收取 $DOGE 作爲付款,因此它們的價格可能會飆升。它們會達到什麼價格,這個關閉是什麼,我會在 6 月 1 日(關閉日期)失去所有幣嗎?

我目前有 65 個 $DOGE 幣,我應該賣掉它們還是保留它們。我也讀到過關於 $DOGE 被關閉的消息。另一方面,我讀到特斯拉已經開始收取 $DOGE 作爲付款,因此它們的價格可能會飆升。它們會達到什麼價格,這個關閉是什麼,我會在 6 月 1 日(關閉日期)失去所有幣嗎?

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
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立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


💥💥💥 Here's What $100 In Dogecoin Would Be Worth If You Invested 10 Years Ago 💥💥💥 In the early days of cryptocurrency, when it was little more than a curiosity for internet enthusiasts, a few daring souls made investments that would change their lives forever. Among these pioneers was Dogecoin (DOGE), a token initially created as a joke in 2013. For years, DOGE languished in obscurity, its value barely registering above a fraction of a cent. However, in 2021, fueled by social media hype and endorsements from influential figures like Elon Musk, DOGE soared to unprecedented heights, reaching almost $0.75 in just months—a staggering increase of over 13,000%. Although DOGE's price has since retreated from its peak, it has shown remarkable resilience, with a strong floor around $0.12 and notable gains in 2024. A decade ago, DOGE could be acquired for a minuscule fraction of a cent, but by 2024, its value had surged to as high as $0.23—an incredible surge of nearly 230,000%. From its humble beginnings to its peak in 2021, DOGE had multiplied in value by an astonishing 740,000%. One visionary—or perhaps reckless—investor seized the opportunity in 2014 when they acquired 5 billion DOGE for $4 million, amassing 3.49% of the total DOGE supply. Holding steadfastly through the fluctuations, this investor's wallet has seen its value soar to over $3.5 billion at its peak, now settling around $700 million. The market capitalization of DOGE also skyrocketed from under $10 million in 2014 to over $30 billion in 2024, surpassing the valuations of household names like HP Inc., eBay Inc., and DraftKings Inc. Dogecoin's improbable journey over the past decade has captivated investors and spectators alike, generating billions in investment despite offering little tangible utility. It has minted millionaires and billionaires seemingly out of thin air, leaving many to ponder what the future holds for this enigmatic token. As DOGE continues to defy expectations, its story serves as a testament to the unpredictable and exhilarating world of cryptocurrency.


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