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比特幣礦工正在將大量 BTC 轉移到交易所。 隨着現貨 #Bitcoin ETF 今天早些時候在香港推出,比特幣價格小幅回升 2% 至 63,300 美元以上。然而,價格開始下跌並穩定在 62,000 美元以下。鏈上數據顯示,比特幣礦工最近一直在拋售其 BTC 持有量。 鏈上分析平臺 Cryptoquant 報告稱,大量 BTC 從礦工轉移到現貨交易所。這一觀察結果表明,比特幣從礦工轉移到現貨交易所的流動有所增加,這表明市場不平衡。很明顯,比特幣礦工會在比特幣減半事件後出售他們的 #BTC 來支付運營費用。從基本角度來看,這種情況是有道理的。儘管價格水平相似,但礦工目前的收入與幾周前相比只有大約一半的 BTC。 “礦工正在將大量比特幣發送到現貨交易所。觀察大量 #BTC 從礦工流向現貨交易所,往往會讓市場產生一種不平衡的感覺。” 礦工通過消耗電力和支付租金和工資等各種費用,在驗證和保護網絡方面發揮着至關重要的作用。作爲這些努力的回報,他們以比特幣的形式獲得獎勵。然而,導致礦工盈利能力爲負的長期趨勢可能會影響比特幣的價格。專家還建議不要僅根據這些數據就驚慌失措,並建議持續監測以衡量隨時間的影響。 雖然香港比特幣 ETF 今天開始交易,但美國比特幣 #ETFs 在一些重大宏觀事件發生前繼續出現資金流出。本週是重要的經濟事件,首先是美聯儲將於 5 月 1 日公佈備受期待的利率決定。分析師估計,美聯儲維持當前利率水平的可能性爲 95.6%。

比特幣礦工正在將大量 BTC 轉移到交易所。

隨着現貨 #Bitcoin ETF 今天早些時候在香港推出,比特幣價格小幅回升 2% 至 63,300 美元以上。然而,價格開始下跌並穩定在 62,000 美元以下。鏈上數據顯示,比特幣礦工最近一直在拋售其 BTC 持有量。

鏈上分析平臺 Cryptoquant 報告稱,大量 BTC 從礦工轉移到現貨交易所。這一觀察結果表明,比特幣從礦工轉移到現貨交易所的流動有所增加,這表明市場不平衡。很明顯,比特幣礦工會在比特幣減半事件後出售他們的 #BTC 來支付運營費用。從基本角度來看,這種情況是有道理的。儘管價格水平相似,但礦工目前的收入與幾周前相比只有大約一半的 BTC。

“礦工正在將大量比特幣發送到現貨交易所。觀察大量 #BTC 從礦工流向現貨交易所,往往會讓市場產生一種不平衡的感覺。”


雖然香港比特幣 ETF 今天開始交易,但美國比特幣 #ETFs 在一些重大宏觀事件發生前繼續出現資金流出。本週是重要的經濟事件,首先是美聯儲將於 5 月 1 日公佈備受期待的利率決定。分析師估計,美聯儲維持當前利率水平的可能性爲 95.6%。

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
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Artificial intelligence revolution: GPT-4o and the future of jobs OpenAI's latest wonder, GPT-4o, breaks new ground in the technology world with its features such as language modeling and coffee fortune telling. This advanced artificial intelligence model, with its natural language processing and learning capabilities, can automate many processes that people do in their daily lives. However, this situation has become a source of concern for some professional groups. GPT-4o's language modeling is at a level that can replace people in many fields, from copywriters to translators and editors. In addition, the real-time video assistant, which makes the lives of visually impaired people easier, attracts attention with its features such as helping students learn in real time, taking notes of meetings involving more than one speaker, and creating posters. In addition, by transferring the traditional practice of coffee fortune telling to the digital environment, it poses a threat to those who provide services in this field. Experts state that these innovations brought by GPT-4o will lead to transformation in the business world and may cause some professions to disappear. But they also point out that artificial intelligence can create new jobs by supporting people's creativity and problem-solving skills. OpenAI emphasizes the positive aspects of the technology by setting strict rules on the ethical use of GPT-4o. The potential of artificial intelligence to make human lives easier can be maximized by using this technology responsibly. The effects of GPT-4o will be an important indicator of how it will shape the future labor market. We are in an exciting time to witness how this revolutionary technology will transform people's lives. 🔸️Customer service 🔸️Education 🔸️Law 🔸️Health 🔸️Finance 🔸️Analyst These impacts of artificial intelligence require us to think deeply about the future of professions. Technologies like GPT-4o will reshape how people do their jobs and enable the emergence of new professions.




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