Binance Square
#ScamRiskWarning 我從 2018 年開始投資加密貨幣,但我一點一點被騙了,我會告訴你事情是怎麼發生的 每個投資者都想在加密貨幣在 CEX 交易所上市之前,在早期、市值低、供應量少的時候購買加密貨幣。我很想買這個特定的硬幣,這樣我就可以在未來致富了😂我買了少量的這種硬幣,花了我 50 美元。我被引導到 Play Tore 下載一個應用程序,我不記得它的名字了,因爲已經是好多年前了。 當我和這個騙子聊天時,用截圖來確認我買了那個硬幣,騙子也贏得了我的信任,告訴我繼續買更多,所以,我參加了一個隨機數選擇遊戲,中了價值數千美元的彩票,1,000,000 美元,結果將在 24 小時後公佈。 我是第三個贏得這個彩票的人。騙子告訴我,在兌現獎金之前,我必須支付額外的稅費來支付我錢包的轉賬費用,但我從來沒有這樣做過,而是告訴騙子從我的獎金中扣除上述費用,他告訴我這是不可能的,因爲這是規則。我在與這個騙子聊天時和其他小組成員一起調查;我注意到我被騙了,因爲小組中的兩個或更多忠實成員告訴我他們已經損失了 10,000 多美元,我們無法提取我們在 Playstore 下載的錢包中存入的錢。沒有辦法追蹤這個騙子並逮捕他。這次悲慘的經歷給了我一個教訓,雖然我損失了幾美元,但在將其兌換成我國貨幣時損失了很多錢,100 美元 = 1,357.85 加納塞地,按今天的市場價格計算,1 美元 = 13.58 加納塞地(100x13.58 =1357.85) 其次,我被所謂的在線加密區塊鏈投資騙了,價值 2000 多美元,我投資了,投資 100 美元后,每天的回報率高達 3 美元,但後來變成了騙局。2024 年 1 月 17 日,幣安可以通過增強安全性來保護我們的安全,包括:KYC、2FA,以任何方式進行交易時提供額外的安全保障。

#ScamRiskWarning 我從 2018 年開始投資加密貨幣,但我一點一點被騙了,我會告訴你事情是怎麼發生的

每個投資者都想在加密貨幣在 CEX 交易所上市之前,在早期、市值低、供應量少的時候購買加密貨幣。我很想買這個特定的硬幣,這樣我就可以在未來致富了😂我買了少量的這種硬幣,花了我 50 美元。我被引導到 Play Tore 下載一個應用程序,我不記得它的名字了,因爲已經是好多年前了。

當我和這個騙子聊天時,用截圖來確認我買了那個硬幣,騙子也贏得了我的信任,告訴我繼續買更多,所以,我參加了一個隨機數選擇遊戲,中了價值數千美元的彩票,1,000,000 美元,結果將在 24 小時後公佈。

我是第三個贏得這個彩票的人。騙子告訴我,在兌現獎金之前,我必須支付額外的稅費來支付我錢包的轉賬費用,但我從來沒有這樣做過,而是告訴騙子從我的獎金中扣除上述費用,他告訴我這是不可能的,因爲這是規則。我在與這個騙子聊天時和其他小組成員一起調查;我注意到我被騙了,因爲小組中的兩個或更多忠實成員告訴我他們已經損失了 10,000 多美元,我們無法提取我們在 Playstore 下載的錢包中存入的錢。沒有辦法追蹤這個騙子並逮捕他。這次悲慘的經歷給了我一個教訓,雖然我損失了幾美元,但在將其兌換成我國貨幣時損失了很多錢,100 美元 = 1,357.85 加納塞地,按今天的市場價格計算,1 美元 = 13.58 加納塞地(100x13.58 =1357.85)

其次,我被所謂的在線加密區塊鏈投資騙了,價值 2000 多美元,我投資了,投資 100 美元后,每天的回報率高達 3 美元,但後來變成了騙局。2024 年 1 月 17 日,幣安可以通過增強安全性來保護我們的安全,包括:KYC、2FA,以任何方式進行交易時提供額外的安全保障。

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


Educational Post What is crypto faucets? The earliest crypto faucet may be a bitcoin faucet created in 2010 by the then-lead developer of the Bitcoin network named Gavin Andresen. It gave 5 BTC for free to each user who completed a simple captcha. This bitcoin faucet eventually gave out 19,715 BTC in total, helping to distribute early BTC ownership widely. It was instrumental in educating the initial network of bitcoin users, leading to the cryptocurrency’s healthy growth later on.  Naturally, no crypto faucets would deliver such massive payouts today as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies’ prices have increased significantly. But emerging crypto projects still need to attract new users, and there are many people out there who want to learn about crypto. Crypto faucets play a role in connecting the supply and demand. How do crypto faucets work?  Crypto faucets are generally made to be simple and user-friendly. Users usually need to register an account with the digital asset service first. There are also dedicated crypto faucet sites and apps that specialize in offering free crypto to users who complete simple tasks. In both cases, users should have their crypto wallets to receive the rewards and may sometimes be asked to verify their identity. Users are offered to complete tasks that can include watching videos, reading articles, watching ads, playing games, and taking quizzes or surveys. The service can also ask users to refer friends to it. These tasks are relatively straightforward, and most people would have no problem completing them. But, in some cases, the tasks can be rather time-consuming.#BTC #BinanceWish
Educational Post: What Are Decentralized Applications (DApps)? Decentralized applications (DApps) are smart contract-powered digital applications or programs that run on blockchains rather than centralized servers. They look and feel similar to regular mobile apps on your smartphone and offer a wide variety of services and functions from gaming to finance, social media, and much more. As the name suggests, DApps run on decentralized peer-to-peer networks. A smart contract works as a set of predefined rules enforced by computer code. When and if certain conditions are met, all network nodes will execute the tasks that the contract specifies. Once a smart contract is deployed on the blockchain, it is hard to change the code or destroy it. Therefore, even if the team behind the DApp has disbanded, users can still access the DApp. While the interfaces of DApps and traditional applications can look similar, DApps offer multiple benefits compared to their centralized counterparts. Web apps store data on centralized servers. A single compromised server may take down the entire network of the app, making it temporarily or permanently unusable. Centralized systems may also suffer from data leakages or theft, putting the companies and individual users at risk. DApps, in contrast, are built on distributed networks with no central authority. With no single point of failure, DApps are less vulnerable to attacks, making it very difficult for malicious actors to hijack the network. The P2P network can also ensure the DApp continues to work with minimal downtime, even if individual computers or parts of the network malfunction. The decentralized nature of DApps also means that users can have more control over the information they share. With no companies controlling users’ personal data, they don’t need to provide real-world identity to interact with a DApp. Instead, they can use a crypto wallet to connect to DApps and fully control what information they share.




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