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1. 投資前研究:在投資任何新的加密貨幣之前,請務必進行徹底的研究。了解專案的背景、團隊成員和技術。

2. 避免不切實際的承諾:詐騙項目常常宣揚不切實際的回報或計畫。如果一個專案承諾過高的回報,那麼它可能是一個騙局。

3. 保護您的錢包:始終確保您的加密錢包安全。使用強密碼並啟用雙重身份驗證。切勿與任何人分享您的私鑰。

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5. 隨時了解情況:隨時了解產業新聞和加密產業的最新動態。隨時了解詐騙和詐欺活動對於確保您的資金安全至關重要。

6. 相信你的直覺:如果某個提議或計畫看起來不正當或可疑,請避免它。相信你的直覺並且始終保持謹慎。



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Forbes lists XRP, ADA, LTC, ETC among top "zombie" tokens The number of tokens exceeds 14,000, and the crypto market cap stands at $2.4 trillion, but more may not always be merrier. Forbes has identified a group of 20 cryptos, dubbed “zombie blockchains,” that maintain high market valuations despite showing little to no real-world utility or user adoption. The list includes well-known names such as Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and Ethereum Classic (ETC), all of which are characterized by their continued operation and trading without fulfilling practical purposes. The term “zombie blockchains” refers to blockchain projects that, like the undead, exist but do not exhibit signs of life in terms of utility or substantial user bases. These tokens continue to exist and sometimes even thrive financially due to speculative trading and substantial initial funding rather than because they have achieved their technological or practical goals. Forbes analysts noted that Ripple’s XRP was initially designed to compete with the SWIFT banking network by facilitating rapid international bank transfers at minimal fees. However, it has failed to disrupt SWIFT and now relies heavily on speculative trading for its high market value, with minimal revenue from actual network usage. “It’s largely useless, but the XRP token still sports a market value of $36 billion, making it the sixth-most valuable cryptocurrency,” analysts described. “Ripple Labs is a crypto zombie. Its XRP tokens continue to trade actively, some $2 billion worth per day, but to no purpose other than speculation. Not only is SWIFT still going strong, but there are now better ways to send payments internationally via blockchains, especially stablecoins like tether, which is pegged to the U.S. dollar and has $100 billion in circulation,” they added. $BTC $ETH $BNB #ScamRiskWarning #Megadrop #bitcoinhalving


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