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1 XRP 值多少美元?比特幣減半後 XRP 會上漲嗎?分析師評論。 儘管 XRP 社區經歷了價格上漲,但人們仍對重大突破的預期。經過多年的盤整,它有可能再次超過 1 美元的水平。當前的情況是在 XRP 發行方 Ripple 與美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 展開法律鬥爭的過程中出現的。 此外,以對 XRP 的評論引起關注的 Egrag Crypto 指出了歷史價格走勢,並表示 XRP 可能正處於價格上漲的邊緣,這種情況可能會將價格推高至 1 美元以上。 在帖子中 據專家稱,現有的支撐位可能是 XRP 上漲的轉折點,該代幣有從此類情況中記錄快速強勁價格上漲的成功歷史。 還表示,如果分析師提到的情景成真,XRP 的斐波那契水平在 1.2 美元至 1.6 美元之間可能是非常了不起的水平。 從歷史上看,XRP 表現出快速而強大的上漲勢頭。我們能很快看到類似的走勢嗎?潛在目標斐波那契水平從 1.272、1.414 和 1.618 開始。 爲了使 XRP 達到其當前價值,代幣價格必須保持在 0.50 美元以上,這是截至今天仍然存在的關鍵支撐點。當前水平也可能爲代幣超越 0.70 美元以上的盤整鋪平道路。 截至發稿時,XRP 的交易價格爲 0.5274 美元,由於增長了 4.81%,已成爲過去 24 小時內加密貨幣市場中收益最高的代幣之一。此外,據觀察,XRP 在每週展望中增長了 7% 以上。 XRP 的市場交易量也在很長一段時間後開始上升,超過了 290 億美元的水平。這一交易量使其位居第 7 位。 24小時交易量大幅下降35%,至1.30億美元。 $BTC $XRP

1 XRP 值多少美元?比特幣減半後 XRP 會上漲嗎?分析師評論。

儘管 XRP 社區經歷了價格上漲,但人們仍對重大突破的預期。經過多年的盤整,它有可能再次超過 1 美元的水平。當前的情況是在 XRP 發行方 Ripple 與美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 展開法律鬥爭的過程中出現的。

此外,以對 XRP 的評論引起關注的 Egrag Crypto 指出了歷史價格走勢,並表示 XRP 可能正處於價格上漲的邊緣,這種情況可能會將價格推高至 1 美元以上。


據專家稱,現有的支撐位可能是 XRP 上漲的轉折點,該代幣有從此類情況中記錄快速強勁價格上漲的成功歷史。

還表示,如果分析師提到的情景成真,XRP 的斐波那契水平在 1.2 美元至 1.6 美元之間可能是非常了不起的水平。

從歷史上看,XRP 表現出快速而強大的上漲勢頭。我們能很快看到類似的走勢嗎?潛在目標斐波那契水平從 1.272、1.414 和 1.618 開始。

爲了使 XRP 達到其當前價值,代幣價格必須保持在 0.50 美元以上,這是截至今天仍然存在的關鍵支撐點。當前水平也可能爲代幣超越 0.70 美元以上的盤整鋪平道路。

截至發稿時,XRP 的交易價格爲 0.5274 美元,由於增長了 4.81%,已成爲過去 24 小時內加密貨幣市場中收益最高的代幣之一。此外,據觀察,XRP 在每週展望中增長了 7% 以上。

XRP 的市場交易量也在很長一段時間後開始上升,超過了 290 億美元的水平。這一交易量使其位居第 7 位。 24小時交易量大幅下降35%,至1.30億美元。


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Elon Musk's Satellite Internet Network Starlink Has Finally Started to Profit. Two test satellites of Starlink were launched into orbit in early 2018, and in 2019, SpaceX rockets carried the first 60 Starlink satellites to their planned orbits. Exactly five years later, SpaceX continues to build a network around our planet with more than 6,300 satellites. Although #Elon Musk's ownership of SpaceX, a space aviation company with reusable rockets, significantly reduces costs, constantly building new satellites, controlling the network of these satellites, and keeping them running requires huge investments. Despite this, according to research, SpaceX will start to make a profit only after 5 years. According to research conducted by Quilty Space, #Starlink has approximately 3 million subscribers worldwide. This indicates that Starlink will reach a turnover as high as 6.6 billion dollars in 2024. 600 million dollars of this turnover will remain as profit in Starlink's coffers. Chris Quilty, one of the founders of Quilty Space, stated that SpaceX's efforts are not given the value they deserve, both in terms of launch frequency and the impact it has on the industry. He also pointed out that SpaceX's vertically integrated satellites reduce costs in both launch and production. On the other hand, it is stated that with the introduction of SpaceX's giant Starship models, Starlink will begin to launch larger and more advanced satellites, so that cellular data can be used directly without the need for Starlink antennas. This will increase Starlink's profits. $BTC $BNB $ETH
OpenAI announces new AI model of ChatGPT OpenAI, the developer of the artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT, introduced its new model "GPT-4o", which can perform real-time logic over voice, image and text. It was emphasized that the new model is better especially in understanding images and sounds. In the statement made by OpenAI, it was stated that GPT-4o is a step towards more natural human-computer interaction, and that the model produces output from inputs consisting of any combination of text, sound and image. In the statement, it was pointed out that the response time of the model to voice inputs is similar to the human reaction time in any conversation, and it was emphasized that GPT-4o is better especially in understanding images and sounds compared to existing models. It was stated that a single new model was trained end-to-end across text, image and audio with GPT-4o, and that the new model is the first model in which all inputs and outputs are processed by the same neural network. It has also been reported that a new ChatGPT desktop application for the Mac operating system, designed to integrate with computer operations, is also available for both free and paid users. On the other hand, at the promotional event held by #OpenAI today, it was noted that the model will be offered free of charge because it is more cost-effective than previous models, and paid GPT-4o users will have more capacity. It was stated that the new model will be available on ChatGPT in a few weeks.
The companies with the most Bitcoin have been announced The leader among institutional crypto investors was Microstrategy. While #Microstrategy was followed by Marathon Digital, one of the leading Bitcoin miners, automobile manufacturer Tesla ranked third. Short-term retreats in #Bitcoin mobilized companies that believe in the future of cryptocurrency. Taking advantage of the low price, companies added new crypto assets to their treasuries. Documents published by the companies showed that publicly traded companies in the US alone hold $19 billion worth of Bitcoin. It was observed that Microstrategy, the business intelligence company that holds the leadership among institutional crypto investors, added 122 Bitcoins, corresponding to 7.8 million dollars, to its treasury between April 1-26. The companies' balance sheets for the first quarter of 2024 also revealed that Microstrategy was not the only one. In the Chainalysis report, it was seen that public companies in the #USA alone hold Bitcoin corresponding to 19 billion dollars. Public companies investing in crypto would not take such risks if they did not believe in the potential of Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. Moreover, four-fifths of the amount of assets held are owned by companies from sectors other than crypto,” he said. In the list of US-based public companies holding crypto in their treasuries, Microstrategy was followed by Marathon Digital, one of the leading Bitcoin miners, while automobile manufacturer Tesla stood out in third place. It was followed by Hut 8 Mining and Riot Platforms. Twitter's Founder Jack Dorsey joined the company while Block was seventh; CleanSpark, Galaxy Digital Holdings and Bitcoin Group were also in the top 10 on the list, respectively. $BTC




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