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🔥💥埃隆·馬斯克是否考慮使用狗狗幣進行 X 費用交易? 社交媒體平臺 X 的所有者 #elonMusk 又帶來了另一個引人注目的更新。在最近的公告中,馬斯克分享說,X 將開始收取少量費用以阻止平臺上廣泛的機器人活動,將狗狗幣的付費敘述提升到新的水平。 特斯拉的領導者馬斯克長期以來一直被稱爲 #Dogecoin 的忠實捍衛者,並且他不時還表達了對代幣的欽佩。新的公告導致狗狗幣付費謠言大量涌入,引發了人們對狗狗幣 X 是否可能是 X 在不久的將來可能接受的代幣之一的猜測。 在特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克宣佈這一消息後,X 的社交媒體用戶昨天度過了愉快的一天。在新的活動中,馬斯克分享說,X 現在將開始收取少量費用以阻止平臺上廣泛的機器人活動。雖然一些社交媒體用戶讚揚了馬斯克的薪酬決定,但其他人則表示懷疑,並補充說馬斯克的草率決定降低了 X 的受歡迎程度。 然而,這一發展也導致了涉及狗狗幣支付的新投機熱潮的誕生。在 X 上宣佈這一消息後不久,許多社交媒體愛好者開始使用標籤#doge轉發該消息。這一舉動被描述爲淫穢性質,並暗示馬斯克可能會考慮用狗狗幣支付 X 的費用。 一些用戶很快就預測了狗狗幣與 X 的整合。他們聲稱,馬斯克對狗狗幣的熱愛可以通過將代幣整合爲這一新支付方式的支付選項來實現。 衆所周知,特斯拉首席執行官通過發送基於狗狗幣的推文間接影響了狗狗幣,並使其價格上漲到新的水平。馬斯克此前曾表示他打算使用狗狗幣作爲 X 的回報。這一發展促使 X 用戶探索狗狗幣的各種用例,包括將代幣作爲 X 上的最新支付選項。 #Memecoins #binance

🔥💥埃隆·馬斯克是否考慮使用狗狗幣進行 X 費用交易?

社交媒體平臺 X 的所有者 #elonMusk 又帶來了另一個引人注目的更新。在最近的公告中,馬斯克分享說,X 將開始收取少量費用以阻止平臺上廣泛的機器人活動,將狗狗幣的付費敘述提升到新的水平。

特斯拉的領導者馬斯克長期以來一直被稱爲 #Dogecoin 的忠實捍衛者,並且他不時還表達了對代幣的欽佩。新的公告導致狗狗幣付費謠言大量涌入,引發了人們對狗狗幣 X 是否可能是 X 在不久的將來可能接受的代幣之一的猜測。

在特斯拉首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克宣佈這一消息後,X 的社交媒體用戶昨天度過了愉快的一天。在新的活動中,馬斯克分享說,X 現在將開始收取少量費用以阻止平臺上廣泛的機器人活動。雖然一些社交媒體用戶讚揚了馬斯克的薪酬決定,但其他人則表示懷疑,並補充說馬斯克的草率決定降低了 X 的受歡迎程度。

然而,這一發展也導致了涉及狗狗幣支付的新投機熱潮的誕生。在 X 上宣佈這一消息後不久,許多社交媒體愛好者開始使用標籤#doge轉發該消息。這一舉動被描述爲淫穢性質,並暗示馬斯克可能會考慮用狗狗幣支付 X 的費用。

一些用戶很快就預測了狗狗幣與 X 的整合。他們聲稱,馬斯克對狗狗幣的熱愛可以通過將代幣整合爲這一新支付方式的支付選項來實現。

衆所周知,特斯拉首席執行官通過發送基於狗狗幣的推文間接影響了狗狗幣,並使其價格上漲到新的水平。馬斯克此前曾表示他打算使用狗狗幣作爲 X 的回報。這一發展促使 X 用戶探索狗狗幣的各種用例,包括將代幣作爲 X 上的最新支付選項。

#Memecoins #binance

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😱🔥Elon Musk's Latest Critical Statement Excited Dogecoin and XRP Armies Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has recently used X (formerly Twitter) to announce several major developments on the platform. This announcement created a wave of enthusiastic anticipation in the #Dogecoin (DOGE) and #XRP communities, igniting speculation about the future course of X. Musk's tweet revealed that a very important milestone for X has been completed: all core systems moving to the field. This news received enthusiastic reactions, especially from users associated with DOGE and XRP. Many users filled the comments section with an ever-recurring question: Will X now include DOGE as a pay option? Cryptocurrency Integration in X: Is It a Possibility? Although there are no official announcements regarding the integration of Dogecoin (DOGE) or XRP, X is expected to be announced soon its move to has sparked controversy within the cryptocurrency community. Speculations regarding the potential impact that X's adoption of any cryptocurrency, such as DOGE, could have on its adoption and value. This is especially meaningful given Elon Musk's influence on DOGE price. It is important to note that similar rumors about XRP payouts have recently been debunked, emphasizing the need for official approval of X before finalization. X Announces Humorous Artificial Intelligence Feature Musk, beyond the news of the transition to, the XAI-powered X chatbot announced a future-oriented feature for Grok AI. Grok AI "will soon offer a humorous take on the news, in keeping with the spirit of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report in ancient times." This addition instills a dose of personality into X, especially targeting users who like cheerful news comments. It is not yet known how this feature will affect user engagement, but it represents a unique approach in the social media environment. #binance #MemeWatch2024 #memecoins
🌋🔥El Salvador Government Has Been Mining 15 Bitcoins (BTC) Per Month Using Volcano Energy Since 2021 According to current official records, the Bitcoin bull country of #ElSalvador has extracted 474 Bitcoins from the country's pollution-free Bitcoin mining firm. El Salvador is a popular country in the world due to the high propensity for Bitcoin. in early 2021, this country showed its Bitcoin bull intent and finally introduced Bitcoin as a legal currency in September 2021 under the leadership of the country's president Nayib Bukele. As we know, in 2021, the government of El Salvador decided to use the country's abundant free volcano energy in Bitcoin mining operations in order to produce new Bitcoins for the country's treasury fund. The report stated that the country has so far produced 474 #BTC worth about $29.6 million at current prices using the geothermal power plant fed by the Tecapa volcano in the east central region of the country. The Tecapa Volcano in the country can produce a relatively small amount of energy, but this energy is enough for 300 Bitcoin mining processors. The country uses 1.5 megawatts (MW) of the 102 MW generated by the volcano power plant for Bitcoin mining. Alternatively, we can say that 0.75% of the electricity plant is used for Bitcoin mining to power the Bitcoin blockchain network and provide Bitcoin revenue to the country. Since 2021, the country has purchased 5,750 Bitcoins, which, in addition to mining 474 Bitcoins, is worth about $ 354 million at the current commercial price of Bitcoin. Also, the government of El Salvador recently supported the Bitcoin Office and shared that various crypto mining groups such as Foundry USA, Antpool, ViaBTC, F2Pool and Binance Pool are working together to earn Bitcoin rewards by participating in Bitcoin mining operations using a geothermal power plant. in the last three years. El Salvador Bitcoin Website A week ago, we reported that El Salvador had opened its official bitcoin-focused website to provide full real-time information about the country's Bitcoin assets. #binance
😱🔥Meme Coins With 50X Potential: Check These 2 Best Meme Coins Now Pepe (#PEPE ) Pepe, named after the popular internet meme Pepe the Frog, came to prominence during the bull run in 2021 and showed an astronomical increase of 7000% when the token achieved an ATH record. A significant downward trend has pushed back the price of Pepe. However, the token is growing once again in an attempt to reverse previous losses. Despite the fluctuating Sunday, Pepe's Full-Year Growth is over 330%. Pepe's market capitalization is just over $3 billion, which suggests that meme coin could grow even bigger. In addition, the significant increase in Pepe's trading volume in the last few months indicates that investors' interest is increasing. Pepe is also getting strength from the new uptrend of meme coins, which have been trending extremely bullish for weeks. With this upward momentum, Pepe's price will cancel out more zeros on the price chart and turn your small investment into thousands in the short term. BONK (#BONK ) Bonk is one of the most appreciated meme coins based in Solana, and half of its total supply is distributed by plane to the Solana community. Billions of BONK tokens have been burned to date to keep the price stable. launched in 2022, Bonk was quickly picked up by leading exchanges, including Binance and Coinbase, and eventually reached ATH of $0.00004704. This leadership did not last long before the severe downward trend interrupted the progress of the meme coin. For context, the Bonk token is one of the evolutionary meme coins with blockchain tools. The legendary BonkBot and BonkSwap are powerful trading tools used by novices and experienced traders. This has increased the popularity of Bonk, especially among those who like to Decrypt their transactions. Since Bonk's market capitalization is only $1.5 billion, its growth potential is increasing exponentially. Therefore, analysts believe that the token could see a big increase by the end of this quarter. #MemeWatch2024 #binance #memecoins
😱🔥X To Unleash The Dogecoin Flood? Payments Promise Stirs Community The Dogecoin army is barking with excitement after an insider hinted at the long-awaited #Dogecoin (#DOGE ) integration into Elon Musk's social media platform X Payments. However, a closer look reveals that a reality check is necessary first in order to land rockets on the moon. Dogecoin Students Are Delighted with Insider's Tweet “DogeDesigner”, an insider with links to both X and Dogecoin, ignited the Doge community with a spark when he tweeted about the potential launch of X Payouts in late 2024 with the support of DOGE. This has created a wave of enthusiasm with both crypto enthusiasts and regular users who want to see the meme coin take center stage on the popular platform. But Musk Remains Silent: Will Doge X See the light? Rumors of a Doge-X marriage have spread before. Similar murmurs have inspired the crypto community — especially those displaying Doge avatars — to respond again and again with unwavering optimism. But Musk, the X-driving, Doge-loving monarch, has remained remarkably quiet. He did not specifically reject the inclusion of the DOGE, but it is still difficult to get an official confirmation from him. The lack of approval does not demoralize the Doge's army. Their unwavering optimism is fueled by X Corporation's recent purchase of licenses that allow them to process cryptocurrency payouts in certain U.S. states. This intriguing move is causing the crypto world to be flooded with speculation, and many are interpreting it as a potential first step towards adopting doge for payments. A Reality Check Is Needed Despite the excitement, a dose of reality is necessary. First, Musk has repeatedly and unequivocally stated that neither X nor any of its startups are planning to create their own cryptocurrencies. This stance was undoubtedly a direct response to scams targeting investors and rumors of a future “X coin".” The US Securities and Exchange Commission's ongoing review of altcoins probably plays a role in this decision. #MemeWatch2024 #memecoins #binance


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