Binance Square
📢OEX社區! 🚨🚨 我們剛剛推出了 OEXApp 0.1.9 預發布版,其中包含重要更新: ✅ 修正了部分使用者不顯示備份資訊的問題。 ✅ 優化記憶體使用。 ✅ 顯示 Satoshi App 和 Agiex App 的 OEX 總積分。 ⚠️ Satoshi App 中的 OEX 積分未完全同步。 🔍常見問題更新: ❓我可以使用 MetaMask 等 web3 錢包的位址嗎? 💬可以,但必須匯入到OEXApp進行驗證。請務必從 Google Play 或 App Store 下載 MetaMask,以避免不安全的 APK。 ❓為什麼我在 OEXApp 中的錢包備份只顯示私鑰,而不顯示助記詞? 💬早期版本或透過私鑰匯入的錢包由於演算法不可逆,僅支援匯出私鑰。 ❓為什麼我在 Satoshi App 中收不到驗證郵件? 💬高需求導致限速觸發。 Satoshi App團隊已解決此問題,請重試。 ❓在Satoshi App中連結我的地址後,我只能在OEX App中提取OEX代幣嗎? 💬最初,僅支援透過OEX App提款。未來的更新將允許透過其他 Web3 錢包提款。 ❓我什麼時候可以提取OEX代幣? 💬中本聰App中的地址連結完成且資料完全同步後將開始提款,預計與我們的CEX上市時間一致。 請繼續關注更多更新,並確保您的應用程式得到更新以獲得最佳體驗! OEXApp下載連結: 📲 #bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #WIF #sui

📢OEX社區! 🚨🚨 我們剛剛推出了 OEXApp 0.1.9 預發布版,其中包含重要更新:

✅ 修正了部分使用者不顯示備份資訊的問題。

✅ 優化記憶體使用。

✅ 顯示 Satoshi App 和 Agiex App 的 OEX 總積分。

⚠️ Satoshi App 中的 OEX 積分未完全同步。


❓我可以使用 MetaMask 等 web3 錢包的位址嗎?

💬可以,但必須匯入到OEXApp進行驗證。請務必從 Google Play 或 App Store 下載 MetaMask,以避免不安全的 APK。

❓為什麼我在 OEXApp 中的錢包備份只顯示私鑰,而不顯示助記詞?


❓為什麼我在 Satoshi App 中收不到驗證郵件?

💬高需求導致限速觸發。 Satoshi App團隊已解決此問題,請重試。

❓在Satoshi App中連結我的地址後,我只能在OEX App中提取OEX代幣嗎?

💬最初,僅支援透過OEX App提款。未來的更新將允許透過其他 Web3 錢包提款。






#bitcoinhalving #Memecoins #WIF #sui

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🚨 Beware: Is Tapswap a Scam? 🤔 There's a lot of buzz around Tapswap and its upcoming events, especially one supposedly endorsed by Binance. Let's break it down and clarify what's going on to ensure you stay informed and safe. 🔍 Tapswap Event on Binance: Legit or Fake? 🧐 Rumors have been swirling about Tapswap hosting an event on Binance. Some claim it's a great opportunity to get free coins, but is it really legitimate? Binance is a trusted exchange, and they recently confirmed that the Tapswap event is indeed legitimate. This official endorsement means you can participate with confidence, knowing it's backed by Binance's security and credibility. 🎉🔒 You can find more details about this event on Binance's official site. Here’s the [link to the official Binance announcement]( Safety of Your Binance Account: BUID and Binance Pay ID 🔐 There’s some concern about the security of sharing your Binance BUID (Binance User ID) or Binance Pay ID. Rest assured, **hackers cannot access your account just by knowing your BUID or Binance Pay ID**. These identifiers alone do not grant access to your funds or personal information. Always ensure you are cautious about sharing personal details, but these specific IDs do not compromise your account security. Join the Tapswap Event Now! 🚀 Don’t miss out on the Tapswap event. It’s launching on July 1, 2024, and predictions suggest it could be listed on major exchanges like Binance soon. This could be a golden opportunity to claim free coins and potentially benefit from their future value. 🔥 Join the event now and tap into this opportunity for free coins with no investment required! Click here to join: [Join Tapswap Event]( Reminder: Not Financial Advice 📢 Please remember, this is not financial advice or a promotional ad. Always do your own research and make informed decisions. Good luck and happy tapping! 🌟 #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #altcoins #BlackRock #Metaverse




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