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EigenLayer 推出六項新服務,助力以太坊生態系統升級 EigenLayer,作爲區塊鏈技術領域的佼佼者,近日宣佈推出六項全新服務,旨在顯著提升以太坊生態系統的運作效率。 此次發佈的服務是EigenLayer主網第三階段的重要組成部分,其目標明確:爲以太坊生態系統注入強勁動力。 六項全新服務概述: AltLayer: 搭載MACH平臺,能夠顯著加快彙總的最終確認速度,僅需不到10秒,大幅提升以太坊的交易處理能力。Brevis: 採用“協處理器”技術,專門針對無需存儲的區塊鏈計算進行優化,確保計算的正確性和高效性,助力開發人員打造更經濟實惠的應用程序。Eoracle: 基於EigenLayer構建,功能豐富的以太坊原生預言機網絡,充當現實世界數據與智能合約之間的橋樑,使智能合約能夠獲取可靠、及時的數據,支持去中心化應用程序的順利運行,並推動複雜交易(如智能區塊鏈功能和金融工具)的開發。Lagrange: 提供輕客戶端功能,助力實現樂觀彙總和其他區塊鏈之間更快速、更安全的通信,提升以太坊的可擴展性和互操作性。WitnessChain: 通過重新分配協議機制,增強以太坊的安全性,爲網絡提供堅實的安全保障。Xterio: 爲開發人員提供更加強大、靈活的工具,助力其構建更具創新性的應用程序,推動以太坊生態系統的繁榮發展。 EigenLayer 聯合創始人兼首席執行官Moritz Neto表示: “我們非常高興能夠推出這六項全新服務,它們將爲以太坊生態系統的擴展和創新注入強勁動力。EigenLayer致力於構建更強大、更安全、更易用的以太坊,助力區塊鏈技術的普及和應用。” EigenLayer 的全新服務得到了以太坊社區的積極響應: “EigenLayer 在擴展和提升以太坊安全方面取得了重大進展,”以太坊基金會研究員Vitalik Buterin表示,“我很期待這些新服務將如何推動以太坊生態系統的進一步發展。” EigenLayer 的全新服務標誌着以太坊發展歷程中的重要里程碑,爲區塊鏈技術在各個領域的大規模應用奠定了堅實基礎。 以下是EigenLayer六項新服務的更多詳細信息: AltLayer 的MACH平臺: 能夠將交易確認速度縮短至10秒以內,遠超以太坊目前的確認速度,顯著提升以太坊的交易吞吐量,滿足日益增長的交易需求。Brevis 的協處理器技術: 能夠有效降低區塊鏈計算成本,使開發人員能夠以更低的成本構建應用程序,推動以太坊生態系統的繁榮發展。Eoracle 預言機網絡: 提供可靠、及時的數據,助力去中心化應用程序的順利運行,並支持複雜交易的開發,拓展以太坊的應用場景。Lagrange 的輕客戶端功能: 降低了用戶參與以太坊網絡的門檻,提升了以太坊的可擴展性和互操作性,使更多用戶能夠享受區塊鏈技術的帶來的便利。WitnessChain 的重新分配協議機制: 增強了以太坊的安全性,爲網絡提供堅實的安全保障,保護用戶資產安全。Xterio 的開發工具: 爲開發人員提供更加強大、靈活的工具,助力其構建更具創新性的應用程序,推動以太坊生態系統的創新發展。 EigenLayer 的全新服務現已正式上線,期待它們能夠爲以太坊生態系統帶來積極的影響,助力區塊鏈技術的普及和應用。

EigenLayer 推出六項新服務,助力以太坊生態系統升級




AltLayer: 搭載MACH平臺,能夠顯著加快彙總的最終確認速度,僅需不到10秒,大幅提升以太坊的交易處理能力。Brevis: 採用“協處理器”技術,專門針對無需存儲的區塊鏈計算進行優化,確保計算的正確性和高效性,助力開發人員打造更經濟實惠的應用程序。Eoracle: 基於EigenLayer構建,功能豐富的以太坊原生預言機網絡,充當現實世界數據與智能合約之間的橋樑,使智能合約能夠獲取可靠、及時的數據,支持去中心化應用程序的順利運行,並推動複雜交易(如智能區塊鏈功能和金融工具)的開發。Lagrange: 提供輕客戶端功能,助力實現樂觀彙總和其他區塊鏈之間更快速、更安全的通信,提升以太坊的可擴展性和互操作性。WitnessChain: 通過重新分配協議機制,增強以太坊的安全性,爲網絡提供堅實的安全保障。Xterio: 爲開發人員提供更加強大、靈活的工具,助力其構建更具創新性的應用程序,推動以太坊生態系統的繁榮發展。

EigenLayer 聯合創始人兼首席執行官Moritz Neto表示:


EigenLayer 的全新服務得到了以太坊社區的積極響應:

“EigenLayer 在擴展和提升以太坊安全方面取得了重大進展,”以太坊基金會研究員Vitalik Buterin表示,“我很期待這些新服務將如何推動以太坊生態系統的進一步發展。”

EigenLayer 的全新服務標誌着以太坊發展歷程中的重要里程碑,爲區塊鏈技術在各個領域的大規模應用奠定了堅實基礎。


AltLayer 的MACH平臺: 能夠將交易確認速度縮短至10秒以內,遠超以太坊目前的確認速度,顯著提升以太坊的交易吞吐量,滿足日益增長的交易需求。Brevis 的協處理器技術: 能夠有效降低區塊鏈計算成本,使開發人員能夠以更低的成本構建應用程序,推動以太坊生態系統的繁榮發展。Eoracle 預言機網絡: 提供可靠、及時的數據,助力去中心化應用程序的順利運行,並支持複雜交易的開發,拓展以太坊的應用場景。Lagrange 的輕客戶端功能: 降低了用戶參與以太坊網絡的門檻,提升了以太坊的可擴展性和互操作性,使更多用戶能夠享受區塊鏈技術的帶來的便利。WitnessChain 的重新分配協議機制: 增強了以太坊的安全性,爲網絡提供堅實的安全保障,保護用戶資產安全。Xterio 的開發工具: 爲開發人員提供更加強大、靈活的工具,助力其構建更具創新性的應用程序,推動以太坊生態系統的創新發展。

EigenLayer 的全新服務現已正式上線,期待它們能夠爲以太坊生態系統帶來積極的影響,助力區塊鏈技術的普及和應用。

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立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


Recently, there have been some notable developments and discussions surrounding $OG. Let's dive into the latest news and updates: 1. **Volume Spike and Price Movement**: The $OG token experienced a significant volume spike, with 9 times the average volume traded in a 15-minute window. This spike saw 496.55K USDT traded, showcasing a buying volume of 318.31K USDT. This activity boosted the score to 6/10 and increased the 24-hour volume to 4.92M USDT on Binance. As of the latest update, the price of $OG was $4.960, marking a 10.5% increase in the last 24 hours. Another volume spike was observed on April 4, with 579.80K USDT traded in 15 minutes, further indicating active trading and interest in $OG. 2. **Community Sentiment and Investment**: The community around $OG seems to be quite active and engaged, with individuals like @CoinSonarBot and @ado_games highlighting the token's performance and upcoming events. For instance, @ado_games mentioned a 25% increase in the $GOG token, which is related to $OG, and discussed the upcoming launch of Guild of Guardian's flagship game on May 15th, developed by a world-class gaming studio. This kind of development and anticipation could have a positive impact on the $OG ecosystem. 3. **Technical Analysis and Forecasts**: The $OG token has been on the radar of technical analysts, with various indicators like RSI and MACD being used to predict future trends. The RSI was just below 60 at 59.20, indicating a potential for upward momentum. However, it's always important to take technical analysis with a grain of salt, as it can be influenced by various factors. 4. **Market Sentiment**: The overall sentiment around $OG seems to be positive, with active trading and discussions on platforms like X/Twitter. The community is looking forward to the upcoming game launch and other developments, which could potentially lead to further increases in the token's value.
The recent developments and discussions around $DATA, also known as Streamr, have been quite active and engaging within the crypto community. Streamr, a decentralized data broadcasting platform, has been in the spotlight for its innovative approach to live data hyperscaling for AI, video, and DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) through secure peer-to-peer distribution. The project has been around since 2017 and is headquartered in Switzerland. 1. **Market Cap and Token Distribution**: Streamr boasts a market cap of $64.06M and has all of its tokens in circulation, which is a rarity for projects listed on Binance with a similar market cap. 2. **Price and Volume**: The price of $DATA has seen some fluctuations. As of a recent update, the price was $0.06266, with the all-time high being $0.3152. The trading volume was reported to be $4.9M in the last 24 hours. 3. **Community Sentiment and Investment**: There's a positive sentiment among some investors, with individuals like @blockchain_goat adding to their holdings of $DATA on dips, and others like @Trizanator praising the growth and development of the project. 4. **Technical Analysis**: A recent volume spike was noted with 95 times the average volume traded in 1 minute, with a buying volume of 98.81K USDT. The price was reported at $0.05570, marking a 3.4% decrease in the last 24 hours on Binance. 5. **Platform Features and Use Cases**: Streamr's decentralized data broadcasting platform enables applications to publish and subscribe to data in real-time, supporting use cases like decentralized messaging and real-time state changes broadcasting. In summary, $DATA is a project with an active community and ongoing developments, with a focus on decentralizing data broadcasting and providing secure P2P distribution for live data. The recent market movements and community discussions indicate a positive outlook for Streamr, despite the inherent volatility of the crypto market.
$BNX Based on the latest information and updates, here's a summary of what's happening with BinaryX ($BNX): 1. **Price and Market Movements**: The current price of $BNX is $0.757556, marking a 12.91% increase in the last 24 hours. The market cap stands at $272.11M USD, with a 24-hour trading volume of $47.06M USD. The circulating supply is 359.19M. The price has shown significant movement, with a 32.09% increase over 30 days, a 159.81% increase over 60 days, and a 158.66% increase over 90 days, indicating strong positive momentum. 2. **BNX Token Split**: BinaryX announced a 1:100 split of its BNX token, aiming to boost investor confidence and make the token more accessible for new users. This move is expected to lower the threshold for overall spending, increase acceptance of the token, and promote broader adoption. The split was scheduled to take place, and all consumption scenarios of the old BNX will be transferred over to the new BNX. 3. **Future Plans and Developments**: Besides the BNX token split, BinaryX revealed plans to release a series of new games and updates throughout 2023, including an update for their flagship game, CyberDragon. They also plan to introduce VR and AR games into their product lineup, signaling a strategic expansion into immersive gaming experiences. 4. **Market Sentiment and Community Engagement**: The community around BinaryX is active and engaged, with discussions on various platforms highlighting the project's potential and developments. This level of engagement is crucial for the project's long-term success, fostering a sense of community and shared vision. 5. **Technical Analysis and Forecasts**: Some analysts predict further gains for $BNX, with expectations of up to 35%+ increase in value. However, as with all financial markets, these predictions should be taken as speculative and subject to market conditions. In summary, $BNX is experiencing positive price movements and is backed by active community engagement and ongoing developments aimed at improving its platform and expanding its gaming ecosystem.
$AMP Based on the latest information available, there are a few notable developments regarding $AMP: 1. **Price and Market Movements**: The current price of $AMP is $0.008067, with a 24-hour trading volume of $61,708,081. The price has seen a 18.2% increase over the past day, but it's still 11.3% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. This indicates a period of volatility and recovery in the market. 2. **Market Cap and Circulating Supply**: $AMP has a market cap of $457,767,159, with a circulating supply of 56,127,938,240 $AMP. The total supply is 99,451,527,302 $AMP, and the maximum supply is the same, indicating that the token is fully released into circulation. 3. **Partnerships and Developments**: There's an emphasis on simplifying the technology architecture to become more nimble and adaptable, potentially indicating a focus on improving the platform's efficiency and user experience. The mention of investment in technology within Platforms suggests ongoing development and innovation within the ecosystem. 4. **Market Sentiment**: Despite the recent price movements, there's a general sense of optimism and belief in the long-term growth potential of $AMP, with some users expecting significant gains and others highlighting its utility and importance in the broader crypto ecosystem. 5. **Community Engagement**: The AMP community is active and engaged, with discussions on various platforms highlighting the project's potential and developments. This level of engagement is crucial for the project's long-term success, as it fosters a sense of community and shared vision. In summary, AMP is experiencing a period of price volatility but is backed by active community engagement and ongoing developments aimed at improving its technology and platform.




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