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Monad Labs 籌集 2.25 億美元,以革新區塊鏈。🔥💰 Monad Labs 是區塊鏈領域的一顆新星,最近在 Paradigm 牽頭的一輪融資中獲得了高達 2.25 億美元的投資。Electric Capital 和 Greenoaks 等知名投資者也加入了競爭,表明他們對 Monad 的願景充滿信心。 Monad Labs 的主要目標是通過開發強大的第 1 層解決方案開創區塊鏈技術的新時代,該解決方案能夠與 Solana 和 Sui 等老牌公司相媲美。Monad 的與衆不同之處在於其創新的方法,旨在從頭開始重建以太坊的區塊鏈,同時保留執行智能合約的關鍵能力。 Monad 戰略的核心是不懈追求更快的交易速度、更高的交易量和比現有產品更低的成本。值得注意的是,Monad 確保與以太坊虛擬機 (EVM) 無縫兼容,使開發人員能夠毫不費力地將他們的以太坊應用程序遷移到 Monad 平臺上。 Monad 的創始人在芝加哥 Jump Trading 擁有豐富的高頻交易交易處理系統開發經驗,他們意識到迫切需要更高效的 EVM,因此爲 Monad Labs 奠定了基礎。 隨着新資本的注入,Monad 正準備在未來幾個月推出其測試網,並計劃在年底前推出主網。像 Monad 這樣的高性能區塊鏈的潛在應用非常廣泛,從高頻交易到需要快速且經濟高效的交易處理的沉浸式區塊鏈遊戲體驗。 風險投資家對區塊鏈的未來仍然持樂觀態度,尤其是在 Monad Labs 走在前列的情況下。隨着 Monad 重塑去中心化創新,請繼續關注激動人心的發展。 #MON #Monad #EVM #ethereum #MonadLabs

Monad Labs 籌集 2.25 億美元,以革新區塊鏈。🔥💰

Monad Labs 是區塊鏈領域的一顆新星,最近在 Paradigm 牽頭的一輪融資中獲得了高達 2.25 億美元的投資。Electric Capital 和 Greenoaks 等知名投資者也加入了競爭,表明他們對 Monad 的願景充滿信心。

Monad Labs 的主要目標是通過開發強大的第 1 層解決方案開創區塊鏈技術的新時代,該解決方案能夠與 Solana 和 Sui 等老牌公司相媲美。Monad 的與衆不同之處在於其創新的方法,旨在從頭開始重建以太坊的區塊鏈,同時保留執行智能合約的關鍵能力。

Monad 戰略的核心是不懈追求更快的交易速度、更高的交易量和比現有產品更低的成本。值得注意的是,Monad 確保與以太坊虛擬機 (EVM) 無縫兼容,使開發人員能夠毫不費力地將他們的以太坊應用程序遷移到 Monad 平臺上。

Monad 的創始人在芝加哥 Jump Trading 擁有豐富的高頻交易交易處理系統開發經驗,他們意識到迫切需要更高效的 EVM,因此爲 Monad Labs 奠定了基礎。

隨着新資本的注入,Monad 正準備在未來幾個月推出其測試網,並計劃在年底前推出主網。像 Monad 這樣的高性能區塊鏈的潛在應用非常廣泛,從高頻交易到需要快速且經濟高效的交易處理的沉浸式區塊鏈遊戲體驗。

風險投資家對區塊鏈的未來仍然持樂觀態度,尤其是在 Monad Labs 走在前列的情況下。隨着 Monad 重塑去中心化創新,請繼續關注激動人心的發展。

#MON #Monad #EVM #ethereum #MonadLabs

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Elon Musk's Strategy for Building Alliances with Right-Wing Leaders. 🤯 In a world where diplomacy is often associated with governments and traditional politicians, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX, has emerged as a master of strategic engagement on the global stage. A recent analysis by The New York Times sheds light on Musk's unique approach to diplomacy, showcasing his knack for forming alliances with right-wing leaders to further his political and business agendas. Musk's diplomatic strategy revolves around the formation of what can be termed as a "constellation" of like-minded heads of state. From Argentina's Javier Milei to India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Musk has cultivated close relationships with leaders who share his ideologies, creating a network aimed at advancing common interests. Central to Musk's diplomatic efforts is his active presence on social media, particularly on X (formerly Twitter), where he engages directly with world leaders. Whether it's congratulating Milei on his electoral victory or expressing support for Modi's policies, Musk utilizes his platform to forge connections and wield influence. The benefits of being part of Musk's constellation are not one-sided. Individuals like Milei are not only politically aligned with Musk but also stand to gain personally and professionally from their association. Insights from former executives at Tesla and SpaceX suggest that Musk's political affiliations have tangible effects on his businesses, underscoring the significance of these relationships. Musk's diplomatic maneuvers reflect a shift in alliances amid the rise of populism and nationalism worldwide. While previously maintaining ties with figures like Barack Obama and Emmanuel Macron, Musk has now turned to leaders such as president of China, Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey, and Giorgia Meloni in Italy. This shift underscores Musk's adaptability and his ability to leverage political connections across the ideological spectrum. #elonMusk #SpaceX
BIS Unveils Positive Insights from Aave V2 Study. 🏦💸 The BIS released a groundbreaking report on DeFi, led by esteemed researchers. It sheds light on DeFi lending and borrowing motivations, marking a pivotal moment in understanding the sector. The report explores DeFi dynamics versus traditional finance through transaction-level data analysis and theoretical models, unveiling driving forces behind deposit and borrowing behaviors. 🏦 Insights Into DeFi's Inner Workings Drawing from Aave V2's rich dataset, the study uncovers several key revelations: ▪️Retail investors flock to DeFi enticed by the promise of higher yields, fueled by persistently low interest rates in traditional economies. ▪️Speculation emerges as a dominant motive for borrowing in DeFi, often coupled with temporary stake raising for governance token influence. ▪️Retail investors and whales exhibit divergent strategies, with retail investors weighing interest rates on real economy investments while whales are drawn to DeFi's lucrative rates. However, both segments engage in speculation, leveraging their positions for potential gains. 🏦 Charting the Course Forward The BIS report underscores the importance of understanding these motivations for the evolution and governance of DeFi markets. Each insight gleaned from the study paves the way for a more informed and regulated DeFi landscape, offering a glimpse into the future trajectory of decentralized finance. 🏦 Acknowledging the Architects Giulio Cornelli, Leonardo Gambacorta, Rodney Garratt, and Alessio Reghezza are hailed for their enlightening exploration into DeFi's inner workings. Their collaboration sheds light on the complexities of decentralized finance, with Aave V2 emerging as a crucial narrator and oracle. Each revelation brings the global community closer to unlocking DeFi's true potential. #BIS #Aave #AaveV2 #DeFi #decentralizedfinance
OpenAI Introduces GPT-4o, Its Latest Breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence Technology. 🧠🤯 OpenAI has once again pushed the boundaries of artificial intelligence with the introduction of GPT-4o, unveiled at their recent spring event. This latest iteration builds upon the foundation of its predecessor, GPT-4, while introducing groundbreaking enhancements in text, image, and voice processing. At the heart of GPT-4o's advancements is its ability to understand and interact with natural language more intuitively than ever before. Muri Murati, OpenAI's Chief Technology Officer, emphasized the model's remarkable progress in this regard, promising a more seamless and engaging user experience. One of the most notable features of GPT-4o is its integration of voice interaction. Users can now engage with ChatGPT verbally, asking questions and even interrupting its responses. This leap in technology brings AI-driven conversations closer to the fluidity of human interaction. Furthermore, GPT-4o offers real-time responsiveness, allowing it to adapt to the user's emotional tone and provide more personalized interactions. This capability opens up new possibilities for applications ranging from customer service to virtual assistants. In addition to its linguistic prowess, GPT-4o boasts enhanced vision capabilities, enabling it to analyze images and provide relevant responses. Whether identifying objects or brands within a photo, ChatGPT's expanded skill set enhances its utility across various domains. OpenAI has launched a desktop version of ChatGPT, featuring an updated interface. With GPT-4o's extended capabilities, users can enjoy its full range of functionalities across platforms. This represents a milestone in AI, expanding possibilities in text, image, and voice processing. GPT-4o's real-time interaction and adaptation promise to reshape our engagement with AI, leading to a more intuitive future. source: teknoloji-turkiye #OpenAI #chatgpt #SamAltman
Zest Protocol secures $3.5 million to revolutionize Bitcoin lending through DeFi. 🔥💰 Zest Protocol, a groundbreaking lending protocol tailored for Bitcoin, has secured a $3.5 million seed round led by Draper Associates, with participation from esteemed investors like Binance Labs and Flow Traders. This investment underscores growing enthusiasm for Bitcoin-focused decentralized finance (DeFi) initiatives. The protocol, spearheaded by a team with extensive experience in Bitcoin infrastructure, aims to revolutionize the borrowing process for BTC holders. Leveraging upcoming upgrades such as Stacks Nakamoto and sBTC blockchain enhancements, Zest Protocol introduces a novel borrowing experience by integrating sBTC's fixed bank transfer format. This allows users to engage in lending and yield-generating activities seamlessly. With a mission to integrate Bitcoin DeFi into users' experiences, Zest Protocol addresses the needs of both Bitcoin holders and borrowers. Backed by notable investors like Tim Draper and Binance Labs, the protocol's technology is anticipated to unlock Bitcoin's programmability and contribute to the expansion of the ecosystem. This successful seed round signifies a growing interest in Bitcoin-centric DeFi projects. With a seasoned team and strong investor backing, Zest Protocol is well-positioned to make significant strides in the Bitcoin lending ecosystem, paving the way for a more vibrant and accessible DeFi landscape. #BTC #BinanceLabs #Zest #ZestProtocol #DeFi




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