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隨著網路活動激增,dYdX 社群批准 2,000 萬代幣股份$DYDX 隨著協議交易活動激增,dYdX 社群批准質押 2,000 萬個 DYDX 代幣作為安全措施。 隨著去中心化加密貨幣交易所 (DEX) 的活動激增,dYdX 社群批准質押 2,000 萬個 DYDX 代幣以增強安全性。 該提案於 4 月 6 日以 91.7% 的票數通過,允許社區金庫中價值超過 6,100 萬美元的代幣透過流動性質押協議 Stride 進行質押。據 dYdX 稱,此舉是對協議上不斷增長的交易活動的回應: 「DYDX 質押給驗證者的比率已趨於穩定,而交易所的存款正以驚人的速度成長。 dYdX v4 中持有超過 1.4 億美元的 USDC,其中大約 1 億美元是在過去一周到達的。” 質押是鎖定加密貨幣以支援區塊鏈網路操作的過程,例如處理交易或驗證新區塊。參與者或「權益持有者」將他們的代幣作為網路中的權益投入。作為對他們的服務和風險(例如潛在的代幣價值波動)的回報,質押者通常會以額外代幣的形式獲得獎勵。 透過質押其原生代幣,DEX 試圖保護其網路免受可能的控制攻擊,類似於 51% 攻擊。當惡意實體獲得對區塊鏈大量雜湊能力的控制,從而使網路被操縱時,就會發生這種類型的攻擊。分散投票權可以防止此類攻擊的發生。 來源: #DYDXLong #TrenddingTopic

隨著網路活動激增,dYdX 社群批准 2,000 萬代幣股份$DYDX

隨著協議交易活動激增,dYdX 社群批准質押 2,000 萬個 DYDX 代幣作為安全措施。

隨著去中心化加密貨幣交易所 (DEX) 的活動激增,dYdX 社群批准質押 2,000 萬個 DYDX 代幣以增強安全性。

該提案於 4 月 6 日以 91.7% 的票數通過,允許社區金庫中價值超過 6,100 萬美元的代幣透過流動性質押協議 Stride 進行質押。據 dYdX 稱,此舉是對協議上不斷增長的交易活動的回應:

「DYDX 質押給驗證者的比率已趨於穩定,而交易所的存款正以驚人的速度成長。 dYdX v4 中持有超過 1.4 億美元的 USDC,其中大約 1 億美元是在過去一周到達的。”


透過質押其原生代幣,DEX 試圖保護其網路免受可能的控制攻擊,類似於 51% 攻擊。當惡意實體獲得對區塊鏈大量雜湊能力的控制,從而使網路被操縱時,就會發生這種類型的攻擊。分散投票權可以防止此類攻擊的發生。


#DYDXLong #TrenddingTopic

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PART 2 Why is no-code development important for Web3? Traditional blockchain development has various challenges, primarily its complexity and high learning curve. Writing secure and effective smart contracts, figuring out consensus procedures and maintaining blockchain infrastructure are challenges that developers frequently face. Furthermore, these difficulties are exacerbated by the lack of qualified blockchain developers and the ongoing development of blockchain technology, which prevents broad acceptance and innovation in the field. Web3 depends on no-code development since it democratizes access to blockchain technology, addressing many of the issues mentioned above. No-code platforms enable a broader audience to engage in creating DApps and using blockchain solutions by eliminating the requirement for in-depth coding expertise. In the Web3 ecosystem, this democratization speeds up development and encourages diversity and creativity. Moreover, individuals and businesses can take advantage of the possibilities of decentralized technologies due to no-code solutions, which make it simpler to create smart contracts, integrate blockchain technology, and offer user-friendly interfaces for developing decentralized applications. Ultimately, Web3’s goal of creating a more open, accessible and decentralized internet is greatly aided by no-code development. Advantages of no-code blockchain development over traditional development methods The creation and implementation of decentralized applications is being revolutionized by no-code blockchain development, which provides multiple advantages over conventional techniques. Firstly, it greatly reduces the entrance barrier for people with little to no coding experience, democratizing access to blockchain technology and encouraging creativity from a wide variety of innovators. No-code platforms facilitate quick prototype and iteration by offering drag-and-drop capability and intuitive graphical interfaces, which speed up the development lifecycle. #HotTrends
No-code blockchain development explained PART 1 What is no-code development? Developing software applications without a deep understanding of coding or conventional programming languages is known as “no-code development.” It enables quick and effective design and deployment of functional applications by individuals with different degrees of technical competence. Users can assemble required functionalities by dragging and dropping parts through pre-built modules and intuitive graphical interfaces, which lowers the barrier to entry for software creation. Web3 users now have access to a number of popular no-code development platforms that support blockchain’s decentralized architecture. No-code development is relevant to blockchain because it makes it possible for anyone to construct decentralized applications (DApps) without learning complicated smart contract programming. Using an open-source framework called OpenZeppelin, developers can create DApps without writing complex contract code from scratch by utilizing a library of reusable and secure smart contracts for the Ethereum network. Access control, utility contracts, security and token creation are just a few of the use cases the library addresses. The developer starts by describing their goal and selecting the primary features of the DApp. From OpenZeppelin’s secure smart contract suite, the developer must choose relevant contracts and customize them to meet the specific needs of the decentralized application. Following extensive testing in a controlled setting to ensure reliability, the DApp is made available to the general public. Post-launch, continuous monitoring and updates are crucial for maintaining performance and user satisfaction. Moralis offers a fully managed back end infrastructure for creating DApps. With its real-time database cloud features and user authentication, it helps developers swiftly create and launch DApps on many blockchains. Similarly, users can mint nonfungible tokens (NFTs) with OpenSea’s user-friendly interface by simply uploading digital assets and basic NFT details.


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