Binance Square
據 Finbold 4 月 2 日報道,領先區塊鏈平臺幣安的人道主義部門幣安慈善機構已與英雄兒童基金會合作,向受烏克蘭持續衝突影響的兒童提供援助。 此次合作的重點是組織爲期 12 天的名爲“我是達芬奇”的治療靜修活動,以支持 50 名因烏克蘭戰爭而成爲孤兒的兒童。 幣安慈善機構捐贈的 50,000 Tether (USDT)(相當於 2,000,000 UAH)將用於促進本次訓練營體驗。 《我是達芬奇》的核心目標 這項努力的主要目的是創造一個培育環境,幫助兒童應對創傷。 該靜修活動將提供廣泛的活動和資源,重點是情感治療、培養社區聯繫和提供心理支持。 幣安中東歐和中亞地區負責人 Kyrylo Khomiakov 強調了減輕兒童痛苦的重要性。 量身定製援助的重要性 在整個訓練營期間,我們將提供重要的心理支持,幫助參與者處理他們的情緒,理解他們的損失,並應對他們的創傷經歷的後果。 通過建立支持性環境,該計劃旨在減輕孤立和孤獨感,使兒童能夠與有相似經歷的同齡人建立新的、有意義的聯繫。 __ 🌟 您首先在 LocademiaCripto 上看到它,我會爲您交換相關新聞和教育指南,終身贊!不要三思而後行,按下 👍 按鈕並繼續關注,因爲很快就會有更多內容推出! #Binancecharity #Binance #Ukraine

據 Finbold 4 月 2 日報道,領先區塊鏈平臺幣安的人道主義部門幣安慈善機構已與英雄兒童基金會合作,向受烏克蘭持續衝突影響的兒童提供援助。

此次合作的重點是組織爲期 12 天的名爲“我是達芬奇”的治療靜修活動,以支持 50 名因烏克蘭戰爭而成爲孤兒的兒童。

幣安慈善機構捐贈的 50,000 Tether (USDT)(相當於 2,000,000 UAH)將用於促進本次訓練營體驗。




幣安中東歐和中亞地區負責人 Kyrylo Khomiakov 強調了減輕兒童痛苦的重要性。





🌟 您首先在 LocademiaCripto 上看到它,我會爲您交換相關新聞和教育指南,終身贊!不要三思而後行,按下 👍 按鈕並繼續關注,因爲很快就會有更多內容推出!

#Binancecharity #Binance #Ukraine

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


I just shared my strategy for buying cryptocurrencies and paying with my local currency (via bank transfer) quickly, safely, and in an average time of under 5 minutes using Binance P2P. Now, let me walk you through the process to sell your cryptocurrencies and get the money in your bank account, so you can buy whatever you want at a shopping center in your city. 1. Log in to our Binance P2P profile, go to the user panel, and enter our bank details, since the person buying the cryptocurrencies will transfer local currency to this account. Here's something crucial: the details you enter must be personal. We need to use our own bank account, NOT someone else’s! 2. Next, make sure that in the Binance Funds wallet, we have the amount of USDT we want to sell. 3. Then, go back to Binance P2P, go to the Sell USDT section, filter by the payment method we'll use (where they'll transfer the money), and read about a verified merchant who has a good price. Also, read their terms and conditions. This is very important. Ensure that no advertiser should transfer from a third-party account! Also, choose someone who won’t take too long to pay! 4. When you select a listing, a new screen will pop up, and Binance will ask you to wait for the buyer (the counterparty) to make the bank payment. You must wait... 5. Once you've been paid, DON'T get nervous. First, go to your bank account to VERIFY that the money has arrived. Also check who sent you the money by reading their name and surname. Pay attention, their identity document number is important—some banks show these details and others do not. Try to use banks that show all the details. 6. Once you've verified the person who sent you the money and the amount (it should match the amount you're selling your cryptocurrencies for your local money), then tell Binance that they can release your cryptocurrencies! 7. The system will automatically transfer the cryptos you're selling from your funding wallet to the funding wallet of the other user (your buyer). 8. Done!!! #ScamRiskWarning #BinanceP2P
If you're reading this from a Latin American country, buying and selling cryptocurrencies is pretty straightforward if you have a bank account. I've seen many people who are afraid to use Binance P2P, and I don't really get why they're so scared... I know there are lots of myths and websites that frighten people with "scams" in crypto trading, but if we follow the right people and learn something new every day, we'll become more confident in our knowledge and can trade without fear of messing up. Today, I'll share my strategy for buying USDT on Binance P2P, a method designed to ensure safety, speed, and a smooth transaction process: 1) I only choose Verified Traders. These are the ones with a golden checkmark next to their username. 2) I make sure that the release time is 15 minutes or less. 3) I read their terms and conditions (you can find these on each listing). 4) I filter by payment method (the one I'll use to pay for the cryptocurrencies). 5) I filter by the amount in my local currency that I'll be paying. Once I've found the person who has the amount I need, I press Buy USDT. A Binance screen pops up with personal information where I need to transfer the amount in local currency, using the digital method I chose, and once I make the transfer, I press the button Binance shows to confirm that I've transferred. At this point, depending on the terms and conditions I agreed to from the listing, I might need to attach the transfer receipt. Then, the seller will verify that I used my personal bank account for the transfer (this is a requirement), and once they've confirmed the money has arrived, they will release the cryptocurrencies I bought, which will arrive in my Binance Funding Wallet. From there, I can find them and use them however I want. __ 🌟 You saw it first on LocademiaCripto, I swap relevant news and educational guides for your Like, for life! Don't think twice, smash that 👍 button and stay tuned because there's plenty more coming your way soon! #ScamRiskWarning #BinanceP2P #educational_post


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