Binance Square
Crypto Alerts
🚫 謹防“投資專家”RealMrHow:揭開Telegram詐騙背後的真相! 🚫 📢 在熱鬧的 Telegram 社區中,Mike 遇到了一個自稱“投資專家”的人,名叫“RealMrHow”。 Mike 承諾只需投資 20USDT 即可獲得天價利潤,他被誘惑將他持有的加密貨幣發送到地址:TMTNVEWLKKAKLUpzPESCjfojDCgo9syu6i。 🛡️ 幣安的安全協議迅速拉響了警報,通過彈出消息提醒邁克即將發生的騙局。 🔍 儘管有警告,邁克還是選擇繼續,導致不可避免的損失。 💔 🚨 出於對用戶安全的堅定承諾,我們已將此欺詐地址添加到我們的黑名單中。它被暴露和禁止,清楚地提醒人們在加密貨幣領域中潛行的欺騙性人物。讓我們保持警惕,謹慎行事,保護我們的資產和投資! 🔒 #scamalert #sui #CryptoSafety #stayvigilant 🚫🔒

🚫 謹防“投資專家”RealMrHow:揭開Telegram詐騙背後的真相! 🚫

📢 在熱鬧的 Telegram 社區中,Mike 遇到了一個自稱“投資專家”的人,名叫“RealMrHow”。 Mike 承諾只需投資 20USDT 即可獲得天價利潤,他被誘惑將他持有的加密貨幣發送到地址:TMTNVEWLKKAKLUpzPESCjfojDCgo9syu6i。

🛡️ 幣安的安全協議迅速拉響了警報,通過彈出消息提醒邁克即將發生的騙局。 🔍 儘管有警告,邁克還是選擇繼續,導致不可避免的損失。 💔

🚨 出於對用戶安全的堅定承諾,我們已將此欺詐地址添加到我們的黑名單中。它被暴露和禁止,清楚地提醒人們在加密貨幣領域中潛行的欺騙性人物。讓我們保持警惕,謹慎行事,保護我們的資產和投資! 🔒

#scamalert #sui #CryptoSafety #stayvigilant 🚫🔒

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


A Tale of Loss on Binance's P2P Platform The recent events on Binance's P2P platform left me in disbelief, as I encountered a deceptive scheme that resulted in a significant loss of $1,200. It all began with a seemingly straightforward transaction, where I engaged with a prospective buyer interested in acquiring my crypto assets. Trusting in Binance's reputation for security, I proceeded with the exchange, eager to finalize the deal with ease. Little did I anticipate the twist that awaited me—a calculated trap set by a cunning fraudster. This individual, posing as a legitimate buyer, exuded charm and professionalism, quickly gaining my confidence. As our transaction unfolded, they skillfully persuaded me to release my crypto assets before receiving the promised fiat payment. In a moment of misplaced trust and eagerness for a seamless transaction, I complied with their request, anticipating the imminent arrival of the payment. However, as time elapsed and the promised funds failed to materialize, a wave of apprehension washed over me. Hastily checking my P2P wallet, I was confronted with the stark reality—I had fallen prey to a heartless deception. The scammer had vanished into thin air, leaving me grappling with a sense of betrayal and sorrow. In the aftermath, I embarked on a frantic quest to unravel their identity, only to encounter dead ends and dashed hopes. My journey into Binance's P2P realm, initially filled with optimism, culminated in profound disappointment and financial setback. It serves as a poignant reminder of the pitfalls inherent in the digital landscape, where trust can be exploited, and dreams can be shattered in an instant. #ScamRiskWarning


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