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美國證券交易委員會表示,“Ripple 完全有能力支付鉅額民事罰款” 美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 提交的擬議對 Ripple 處以 19.5 億美元罰款和處罰的文件表明,除了“開展業務的成本”之外,該公司還需要激勵措施來停止違法行爲。 美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的一份簡報詳細介紹了對區塊鏈公司 Ripple 的擬議罰款和處罰,但其敘述與該公司高管的說法不同。 在 3 月 25 日向美國紐約南區地方法院提交的文件中,SEC 律師建議 Ripple 支付 876,308,712 美元的非法所得、198,150,940 美元的判決前利息以及 876,308,712 美元的民事罰款——總計約 19.5 億美元。監管機構表示,基於 Ripple 在收到法律警告後繼續出售 XRP 的“藐視法律”行爲,罰款和處罰是適當的。 美國證券交易委員會表示:“Ripple 完全有能力支付鉅額民事罰款。” “這裏有必要這樣做,因爲民事處罰不應該只是像第二巡迴法院所認爲的那樣,作爲證券法違規者開展業務的成本,而且因爲考慮到 Ripple 大量未註冊的 XRP 銷售,威懾的必要性是顯而易見的。過去三年。” #ripple #xrp #XRP/USDT🔥🔥:

美國證券交易委員會表示,“Ripple 完全有能力支付鉅額民事罰款”

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 提交的擬議對 Ripple 處以 19.5 億美元罰款和處罰的文件表明,除了“開展業務的成本”之外,該公司還需要激勵措施來停止違法行爲。

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 的一份簡報詳細介紹了對區塊鏈公司 Ripple 的擬議罰款和處罰,但其敘述與該公司高管的說法不同。

在 3 月 25 日向美國紐約南區地方法院提交的文件中,SEC 律師建議 Ripple 支付 876,308,712 美元的非法所得、198,150,940 美元的判決前利息以及 876,308,712 美元的民事罰款——總計約 19.5 億美元。監管機構表示,基於 Ripple 在收到法律警告後繼續出售 XRP 的“藐視法律”行爲,罰款和處罰是適當的。

美國證券交易委員會表示:“Ripple 完全有能力支付鉅額民事罰款。” “這裏有必要這樣做,因爲民事處罰不應該只是像第二巡迴法院所認爲的那樣,作爲證券法違規者開展業務的成本,而且因爲考慮到 Ripple 大量未註冊的 XRP 銷售,威懾的必要性是顯而易見的。過去三年。”

#ripple #xrp #XRP/USDT🔥🔥:

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


The price of Bitcoin, the world's largest cryptocurrency, experienced a sudden decline today and the price fell below $ 68,000. The BTC price, which was above $ 71,000 during the day, lost more than 5% of its value at its bottom with this decrease and is trading at $ 68,044 at the time of writing this article. The main reason for the decline in Bitcoin price is the tension between Israel and Iran. It is known that Iran wants to retaliate against some groups affiliated with Iran that were killed by Israel weeks ago. Recently, it has been rumored that Iran wants to attack Israel, either directly or by using its affiliated forces. However, in the statement made by Israel, it was claimed that a rocket attack was launched against them from Lebanese territory. In the latest developments, it is stated that Israeli warplanes are flying over Beirut. According to the news of US media outlet CBS, based on two unnamed US officials, officials said that the attack could include more than 100 unmanned aerial vehicles and dozens of missiles against military targets within the country, and warned that Israel would have difficulty fending off an attack of this scale. . As geopolitical tensions reached their highest level in recent days, both gold and Bitcoin lost a significant amount of value today. Although the ounce of gold rose above $2,400 during the day and broke the highest price record of all time, it lost blood with the recent developments but is still traded at $2,392. With the decrease in the price of Bitcoin, the liquidation of millions of dollars was also triggered. According to the data, a huge amount of liquidation of 210 million dollars took place in the cryptocurrency market in the last hour. Approximately 200 million dollars of these liquidations were in long positions. However, the majority of the liquidations, $29 million, were observed in Ethereum and $20 million in Bitcoin. #Bitcoin #bitcoinhalvingn #btc




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