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代幣名稱:#OFN 價格- 0.58$ 這是基於 AI 的項目,全名是 Openfabric AI 🤑 我通過質押這個代幣和 Tarde 賺取了近 4000 美元+。強大的未來正在等待着我們。 該項目首席執行官的名字是安德烈·塔拉(Andrei Tara)。 ofn 獲得了 500% 的投資回報率,這爲用戶帶來利潤真是太棒了。 Openfebric As ofn 正在爲洞世界開發大量人工智能功能,讓人們更輕鬆、更聰明地工作。 Open Fabric 是目前在 KuCoin 上新添加的著名項目之一,它引起了加密貨幣炒作。如果在 Binance 上上市,我應該打造良好的市場和盈利能力強的項目。 我看到 Open Fabric 是這場 AI 革命中一個巨大的炒作項目❗ 嘿夥計們,你知道 Openfabric 它只需從 ido 獲得 30 倍❗ 下面我給大家帶來一個關於 Openfabric AI 的小Sammery [#OFN] 🔥 Openfabric AI#OFN是一種開創性的加密代幣,處於人工智能 (AI) 與區塊鏈技術融合的前沿。 OFN 利用人工智能功能,旨在通過提供先進的數據分析、預測建模和自動化決策流程來徹底改變各個行業。該項目的願景涵蓋金融、醫療保健、供應鏈管理等領域的應用,提供高效、透明和安全的解決方案。 OFN 專注於實現人工智能工具和服務的民主化,力求讓企業和個人能夠在去中心化生態系統中利用人工智能的力量。隨着不斷前進,OFN 成爲人工智能和區塊鏈交叉領域的開拓者,推動數字領域的創新和轉型。 #Write2Earn #幣安 #熱門趨勢 #啓動池


價格- 0.58$

這是基於 AI 的項目,全名是 Openfabric AI 🤑

我通過質押這個代幣和 Tarde 賺取了近 4000 美元+。強大的未來正在等待着我們。

該項目首席執行官的名字是安德烈·塔拉(Andrei Tara)。 ofn 獲得了 500% 的投資回報率,這爲用戶帶來利潤真是太棒了。

Openfebric As ofn 正在爲洞世界開發大量人工智能功能,讓人們更輕鬆、更聰明地工作。

Open Fabric 是目前在 KuCoin 上新添加的著名項目之一,它引起了加密貨幣炒作。如果在 Binance 上上市,我應該打造良好的市場和盈利能力強的項目。

我看到 Open Fabric 是這場 AI 革命中一個巨大的炒作項目❗

嘿夥計們,你知道 Openfabric 它只需從 ido 獲得 30 倍❗

下面我給大家帶來一個關於 Openfabric AI 的小Sammery [#OFN] 🔥

Openfabric AI#OFN是一種開創性的加密代幣,處於人工智能 (AI) 與區塊鏈技術融合的前沿。 OFN 利用人工智能功能,旨在通過提供先進的數據分析、預測建模和自動化決策流程來徹底改變各個行業。該項目的願景涵蓋金融、醫療保健、供應鏈管理等領域的應用,提供高效、透明和安全的解決方案。 OFN 專注於實現人工智能工具和服務的民主化,力求讓企業和個人能夠在去中心化生態系統中利用人工智能的力量。隨着不斷前進,OFN 成爲人工智能和區塊鏈交叉領域的開拓者,推動數字領域的創新和轉型。





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Big News: Fifth Biggest Bitcoin Holder Wakes Up After 5 Years 🐳 Imagine someone who owns a whopping 94,500 Bitcoins, making them the fifth-largest Bitcoin holder in the world. Well, this big shot has come back to life after staying quiet for five years. According to Arkham Intelligence, this wallet, now worth a mind-boggling $6.6 billion, recently became active again. In 2019, this wallet got a massive amount of Bitcoin, which today would be worth $6.6 billion. But until recently, no one touched it. Over the weekend, though, things got interesting. The Bitcoin in this wallet got split up and moved to new wallets. Now, the original wallet only has 1.4 Bitcoins, while the rest got spread across three wallets, with one of them holding $5 billion worth of Bitcoin. The owner of the wallet split the Bitcoin into two parts. They sent one part as it was to a new wallet and divided the other part between two more wallets. This move reshuffled the 94,500 Bitcoins, making the owner one of the top Bitcoin holders in the world. Miguel Morel, CEO of Arkham, pointed out that while most big Bitcoin wallets are linked to companies or exchanges, this one hasn't done much. It's been pretty quiet and has no connection to any exchange. This Bitcoin movement is a big deal because it's the first time in a while that a single wallet has done something major. Before this, there were some other movements, like one anonymous wallet sending 27 Bitcoins to Satoshi Nakamoto's address in January 2024. Also, in November 2023, three other sleepy wallets woke up and moved about 7,000 Bitcoins to Bitfinex. Despite all this excitement, the Bitcoin price hasn't really changed much. It's still hovering around $70,000. #BinanceLaunchpool #write2earn…. #BinanceCeloby #earn1dollarpermin


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