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#PiNetwok Pi網絡五週年更新 2024 年 Pi Day 標誌着 Pi 網絡正式成立 5 週年,在我們爲開放網絡做準備的過程中,令人興奮的進展正在發生。這是發生的事情: 新產品和生態系統願景: 我們正在發佈新產品,並探索我們的集體工作如何構建 Pi Network 的生態系統願景。 重點是創建一個強大的生態系統來支持我們的社區和世界。該生態系統旨在用戶友好、包容性強,併爲先鋒及其他領域提供豐富的應用程序和實用程序。 我們的目標是逐步從封閉狀態轉變爲開放狀態,從公用事業開始,逐漸擴展到非先驅者。 競賽 1000 萬 KYC 活動: 作爲開放網絡計劃的一部分,我們將推出一項新活動,先鋒者可以在其中分享他們的 KYC 成功故事。這鼓勵社區努力實現開放網絡里程碑,並幫助其他先鋒獲得 KYC 認證。 已完成的 Pi 瀏覽器 – PiNet 循環: Pi瀏覽器作爲Pi生態系統的界面,現已通過PiNet向外界開放。非先鋒可以查看 Pi 應用程序並與之交互,有可能作爲新先鋒加入網絡。 該循環通過提供基於實用程序的入口以及傳統的基於挖礦的入口來加強實用程序創建和生態系統建設。 挖礦應用程序中的內容源: 在挖礦時,先鋒將在挖礦應用程序中看到更多 Pi 生態系統內容。這個內容可以刺激Pioneers通過PiNet再次分享,完成循環。 身份驗證和包容性 Web3 生態系統: 我們致力於培育一個對先驅者和非先驅者都有利的生態系統。 最近發佈的產品(例如 Pi 瀏覽器和 Pi 廣告網絡)有助於實現這一願景

#PiNetwok Pi網絡五週年更新

2024 年 Pi Day 標誌着 Pi 網絡正式成立 5 週年,在我們爲開放網絡做準備的過程中,令人興奮的進展正在發生。這是發生的事情:


我們正在發佈新產品,並探索我們的集體工作如何構建 Pi Network 的生態系統願景。



競賽 1000 萬 KYC 活動:

作爲開放網絡計劃的一部分,我們將推出一項新活動,先鋒者可以在其中分享他們的 KYC 成功故事。這鼓勵社區努力實現開放網絡里程碑,並幫助其他先鋒獲得 KYC 認證。

已完成的 Pi 瀏覽器 – PiNet 循環:

Pi瀏覽器作爲Pi生態系統的界面,現已通過PiNet向外界開放。非先鋒可以查看 Pi 應用程序並與之交互,有可能作爲新先鋒加入網絡。



在挖礦時,先鋒將在挖礦應用程序中看到更多 Pi 生態系統內容。這個內容可以刺激Pioneers通過PiNet再次分享,完成循環。

身份驗證和包容性 Web3 生態系統:


最近發佈的產品(例如 Pi 瀏覽器和 Pi 廣告網絡)有助於實現這一願景

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


#pinetworkupdates Yesterday marked a record-breaking moment for Pi Network, with approximately 63,561 new wallets created, setting a new milestone in wallet creation counts. The enthusiasm and dedication of the community are unmatched! hokanews,hoka news,,pi coin,coin,crypto,cryptocurrency,blockchain,pi network,pi network open mainnet,news,pi news The Pi Network indeed had a remarkable day with the creation of 63,561 new wallets1. This event highlights the rapid growth and the strong community support for the Pi Network. The network has been gaining traction as a digital currency platform, attracting users from various backgrounds, including those new to the concept of cryptocurrency. Here are some key points about the recent developments in Pi Network: Rapid Growth: The creation of such a large number of wallets in a single day signifies a growing interest in joining the Pi Network1. Community Support: The record-setting number of new wallets is a testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of the Pi Network community1. KYC Processes: The network emphasizes fast and user-friendly Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, which is crucial in the cryptocurrency world. There are reports of users completing the KYC process in as little as 12 minutes1. Mainnet Launch: Pi Network is working towards its mainnet launch, which is a significant step for any cryptocurrency as it transitions from a test network to a live one2. Ecosystem Development: The network is also focusing on boosting its ecosystem by recruiting developers through an ambassador program and spreading Pi coins to encourage app launches2. The Pi Network’s vision is to build a more inclusive and sustainable financial future, and with the increasing number of participants, it’s moving closer to making that vision a reality 1. For more detailed information, you can visit their official communication channels and news updates
#BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥 Stefan Thomas Do You know him ??, a Swiss crypto entrepreneur living in San Francisco, is at the center of a fascinating and high-stakes story involving a locked USB drive. Here’s what happened: The Lost Fortune: Stefan Thomas owns an encrypted USB drive from 2011, known as an IronKey S200. This particular IronKey holds the keys to 7,002 bitcoins, which are currently worth close to $235 million at today’s exchange rates1. Unfortunately, Stefan forgot the password to unlock this treasure chest. The Impossible Task: IronKeys are designed to erase their contents permanently if someone enters an incorrect password 10 times. Stefan has already tried eight incorrect guesses, leaving him with just two more attempts before the IronKey erases the keys stored on it. Losing access to the bitcoins forever is a real possibility The Secret Hackers: A team of hackers from a startup called Unciphered in Seattle has been working for months on a password-cracking technique specifically for this IronKey model. They’ve developed a method that gives them essentially infinite tries to guess the passphrase. With the help of a high-performance computer, they cracked Stefan’s passphrase in just 200 trillion tries The Uncertain Outcome: Unciphered’s hackers believe that a similar IronKey, vulnerable to their cracking technique, is stored in a Swiss bank vault. This second IronKey holds the keys to the $235 million worth of bitcoins. Now, they’re ready to use their secret technique to unlock Stefan’s fortune. The stakes are incredibly high, and the outcome remains uncertain $BTC


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