Binance Square
比特幣:模因幣之王! 第2部分 這歸結爲稀缺性、可接受性和持久性。 稀缺部分(在我看來)與流通供應無關。至少不是直接的。流通量決定了代幣的可用性/可獲取性,並最終決定了其單價……但不影響總市值。從這個意義上說,Shib 永遠無法擁有與 King 相媲美的單價,但它的市值卻很可能具有可比性。所以稀缺性無法區分“真實”價值! 那麼可接受性呢?嗯……觀衆必須接受。那麼……對於 BTC 和 DOGE 來說都是如此。同樣,這是不同程度的可接受性的問題,而不是可接受性的本質。 那麼……這取決於耐用性嗎?好吧...你猜怎麼着...都一樣。比特幣更古老,但更耐用嗎?你可能會說是的,但由於你或我都不是“千里眼”,我們對時間的感知範圍非常有限。憤世嫉俗而正確的答案是“沒有人真正知道”。 最後一次檢查...也許是用例?再說一次,比特幣是有利的......在這個時間點(憤世嫉俗的聲音)! 這是一篇很長的文章……但是要對我的想法做出結論……這一切都與看法有關(至少現在是這樣),僅此而已。顯然,比特幣正在掌權。我們生活在它的時代......但你猜怎麼着......帝國在時間的壓力下崩潰了,你難道不相信數字價值存儲不能或不會!沒有科學方法可以證明 BTC 從長遠來看更具可行性。考慮到此刻的可用數據,您已經有了這樣的看法。你這麼想就很好……現在!!! 所以是的……就我而言,陪審團對此還沒有定論。是的,比特幣確實是一種被美化的 Meme 幣,直到在我們可能永遠不會見證的遙遠的未來一段時期以不同的方式被證明! 一如既往……不是財務建議。 DYOR,在加密仙境中享受樂趣! $PEPE $FLOKI $SHIB #memecoin‬⁩ #MemecoinSupercycle #PEPEALERT




稀缺部分(在我看來)與流通供應無關。至少不是直接的。流通量決定了代幣的可用性/可獲取性,並最終決定了其單價……但不影響總市值。從這個意義上說,Shib 永遠無法擁有與 King 相媲美的單價,但它的市值卻很可能具有可比性。所以稀缺性無法區分“真實”價值!

那麼可接受性呢?嗯……觀衆必須接受。那麼……對於 BTC 和 DOGE 來說都是如此。同樣,這是不同程度的可接受性的問題,而不是可接受性的本質。



這是一篇很長的文章……但是要對我的想法做出結論……這一切都與看法有關(至少現在是這樣),僅此而已。顯然,比特幣正在掌權。我們生活在它的時代......但你猜怎麼着......帝國在時間的壓力下崩潰了,你難道不相信數字價值存儲不能或不會!沒有科學方法可以證明 BTC 從長遠來看更具可行性。考慮到此刻的可用數據,您已經有了這樣的看法。你這麼想就很好……現在!!!

所以是的……就我而言,陪審團對此還沒有定論。是的,比特幣確實是一種被美化的 Meme 幣,直到在我們可能永遠不會見證的遙遠的未來一段時期以不同的方式被證明!

一如既往……不是財務建議。 DYOR,在加密仙境中享受樂趣!


#memecoin‬⁩ #MemecoinSupercycle #PEPEALERT

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
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Where will the Avalanche carry little Trader Joe? I am not an analyst nor an influencer and sure as hell I am no trading expert. I understand that most people want to see weird charts followed by the precious signal! I also have witnessed how most read those...they don't... their use is aesthetic and their reading superficial to say the least. What I do however is to use my logic and judge if my portfolio can actually benefit long term by a short or medium term move. In that I take pride that I have a long history of survival with a little bit of profit 😉 So, who is this Trader Joe and why I believe that holding medium term (3-5 months) on his native token $JOE can give you a nice 2× ? Trader Joe is a DEX on Avalanche $AVAX Current Market Cap at 289, fully diluted at 408. What attracts me to this token is that there are so many days that the DEX daily trading value exceeds the coins Market Cap. If it happens once ok, if two then interesting if every now and then it is a signal of a healthy project evolving! Now add to this the fact that they hold assets that far exceed their market cap (5x plus that is) and have more than 30% in TVL and I say that failing is more costly than succeeding... and this is to me the single most important signal out there in real world! They also have this Banker Joe who plays lending game by compound. A good add on for every DEX that wishes to survive long term. They also incorporate their own NFT Market that is interesting in my eyes. Finally guess what... they have living, breathing, support team that actually supports - that's a special bonus don't you think? Anyway, I believe that JOE's more realistic evaluation is close to 800m and for that to happen my suggestion is that we will see this at 1.6 - 1.65 before the end of this cycle. It's not the token that will get you rich but I won't back away from a doubling of my investment when the risk of failure (in my eyes) is so low! Not a Lambo but it will pay the bills... As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #AVAX✅ #Joe
Crypto Influencers: A Tale of Self-fulfilling Prophesies! Ladies and gentlemen, I am a crypto-influencer. Well, not really...I am not. I don't have the popularity, I don't have the time, I don't have the skills and above all I am pretty sure that at my 42 I will most probably look to most of you as a boomer! But let's say I am and go check my everyday routine in a hypothetical scenario that it is really not so fictitious... So, I am making breakfast and check the market. This weird $IOTX coin looks in a favorable trading position. Not that I am a great analyst, but hey, I can read RSI and MACD. I grab my phone and let my inner circle know... I have the next prophesy at my hands. I know the coin that will pump and I will share with you my loyal minions once I receive my usual fee... no free lunch - you know, I have an iguana & 2 spiders to feed. Now, I am sitting in my laptop and prepare the narrative. A lot of copy paste with a few key words like tech, idea, potential etc. Look at that, my minions fetched the money. Take those money and invest in the coin first, in the low price it is.... Time to share my wisdom with my inner circle minions. They get my message and rush to position themselves. Here we go the first little signs that my prophesy is correct. The coin begins to move even if only slightly. Time for stage 2... YouTube video premiere in 1 hour. I will share the secret with the public... my poor followers that can't afford to buy themselves a ticket to the inner circle. Cheap little @#%@#$ Look at them... they buy the coin en mass. My prophesy was correct. The coin pumps. Time to withdraw with my nice fat profit. Done... now let me signal it to my loyal minions... signal to sell... they will get much less but it covers my fee! Hey, I forgot someone... ooohhh yes.... the cheap little @#%@#$... yeaaa I know, my signal was correct but they are greedy. They should have withdrawn earlier. After all, guess what! Disclaimer: As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #HotTrends #TradeSuccess #Tradepulse
Bitcoin: King of Meme Coins! Part 1 There it is... I just made a claim that will make the holy inquisition of Crypto Gurus to rain fire on my ignorant sorry excuse of an existence! Given that I am not untouchable by fire or even a side-glance of displeasure to be honest, I should make amends immediately and then I will come back to the subject... Oh great Crypto Gurus, I swear I hold BTC above all else as the unique God of the blockchain creation. Benevolent and all present, the only truth of the crypto universe. Now that we took this out of our system, let me explain myself. The statement is neither a click bait nor an expert's wisdom. I feel it is just the result of a connect the dots simple puzzle. Drawing from the very interesting article by #investopedia :,its%20use%20in%20an%20economy. a currency... "all it needs is to act as a store of value, be recognizable as a unit of account, and be accepted as a medium of exchange" So far so good then ha? BTC and PEPE both pass the first exam - maybe not with the same grade but they do pass. Once these conditions are met we go for the big showdown... Investopedia author John Kelleher correctly goes on to suggest a 6 point scale upon which a "coins" success can be judged/evaluated. Namely... Scarcity, Divisibility, Acceptability, Portability, Durability, Uniformity So in terms of Divisibility, Portability and Uniformity I guess we could all more or less call it a tie. Shib for example has the same merits as BTC in terms of having many denominations, being portable and uniform. ... continues in part 2 ... As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #MemecoinSupercycle #meme #SHIBA🔥 $BTC $SHIB $FLOKI
The "SuperTrader": A Rather Uninspiring Fairytale! Whenever a bull market appears in the horizon, there comes the muthical creature of the great trader. An excellent storyteller, will hit you with the tale of a long gone bull market where he managed to invest 1$ and he/she was so good that made 56.543.000$ in a few weeks. Then he made a tiny mistake and lost the 56 million to end up with the 543k - poor thing! If this story reminds you of something...then you are still close to your childhood! Yes, it is exactly the same narrative used in children fairytales. The normal hero, that gets a good break, followed by adversity, only to come back wounded but victorious! Those stories have always the same elements. A very low entry fee for everyone to be included, a huge profit realized to sell the dream, a loss by a single mistake that you might avoid, and a landing price that in any case presents a huge ROI. This is the reason the phrase "too good to be true" was invented! Let's put the story to the test. So, you are such a good trader that you made it big! Excellent... so the same trader that took advantage of the market in such a way that could make #BlackRockCrypto. and #GrayscaleInvestments eat their hats (there you see, I do like a good comic myself) then failed to capitalize the profit of at least 10% of gains letting bears eat it. Okay then... this is a textbook case of an incompetent trader and I would have never invested a single dollar to your suggestions mate! You are also a greedy anti-hero by the way in your tale. Not even the cool bad guy, or at least the meritorious good guy. To put it in spaghetti western terms... you are not the GOOD, you are not the BAD... you are the ugly! To all you great Crypto enthusiasts... enjoy the ride, delve into the ecosystem, learn and be inspired by the ideas flowing around. You are pioneers of a new era for humanity. Be proud of that, not of your bank account. As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #storytelling #narrative #TradingWizard $ADA $IOTX $DOT
Blood Moon Omen! Crypto community to me is the one set of people that worths to hang around. Even when our naivity in trading can deliver us a heartbreak, the one thing that remains is the vision of a world to come. In that sense, for me, crypto enthusiasts are pioneers of a new era. Rich or Broke, they participate in the most thrilling journey technology can provide in the 21st century! And as pioneers, I guess we senced that there will be no Blood Moons in 2024 and we decided to make one ourselves exactly 1 year before an original one. The next Blood Moon will only happen in 2025, on March 14 you will read if you make a simple search. They are talking about a natural phenomenon, we are talking about a price dump! Not the same but it was as close as we could get by employing the blockchain derivatives on our possession! In days like that you should not search for a higher meaning. There is no secret you could realistically have predicted and could put you on the correct side of the equation. Remember this... you do the same to others countless times. Whenever you close a spot position with $1 profit, someone, somewhere and at some future point in time will suffer a $1 dollar loss. Don't let ideas of inflows of money can nullify that. It won't. You took something out and you set a chain of events that will lead to someone's loss. You don't feel bad about that, do you? So when in the wrong side of the equation you can only do 2 things 1. Embrace the suck! 2. Reposition yourself as best as your portfolio allows. Hint: You are not in a loss until you close a position (talking about spot trading here). Until then you are only short-term challenged in terms of liquidity! So it is our very own Blood Moon. It will come to pass. In the meantime those prices on $XRP $ALGO and $IOTX look super for an entry point! As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #HotTrends #dumpNpump #CryptocurrencyAdventures




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