Binance Square
加密貨幣重大新聞! (23/02/24) ✦ 來自growepie網站的數據顯示,昨天第2層(L2)網絡總共支付了210萬美元的gas費,創下了今年的新高。 ✦ 去中心化永續合約交易平臺OX.FUN獲400萬美元融資 ✦ DYdX 交易量突破 400 億美元 ✦ 以太坊質押協議 Renzo 的 TVL 超過 4 億美元 ✦ Starknet TVL 突破 14 億美元,創下歷史新高 ✦ 以太坊 Layer2 解決方案 Scroll 的主網 TVL 突破 1 億美元 ✦ 涉及 Curve 代幣(CRV)的大規模交易已經發生。一位投資者在過去 14 小時內從以 0xd4a 開頭的地址出售了 211 萬個 CRV,兌換了 117 萬個 USDC。 ✦ Merlin Chain 主網質押活動 14 天內 TVL 突破 19.7 億美元

加密貨幣重大新聞! (23/02/24)

✦ 來自growepie網站的數據顯示,昨天第2層(L2)網絡總共支付了210萬美元的gas費,創下了今年的新高。

✦ 去中心化永續合約交易平臺OX.FUN獲400萬美元融資

✦ DYdX 交易量突破 400 億美元

✦ 以太坊質押協議 Renzo 的 TVL 超過 4 億美元

✦ Starknet TVL 突破 14 億美元,創下歷史新高

✦ 以太坊 Layer2 解決方案 Scroll 的主網 TVL 突破 1 億美元

✦ 涉及 Curve 代幣(CRV)的大規模交易已經發生。一位投資者在過去 14 小時內從以 0xd4a 開頭的地址出售了 211 萬個 CRV,兌換了 117 萬個 USDC。

✦ Merlin Chain 主網質押活動 14 天內 TVL 突破 19.7 億美元

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CRYPTO BREAKING NEWS! (22/5/24) ✦ According to U.Today, on this day in 2010, Florida-based software developer Laszlo Hanyecz made history by purchasing two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins. This marked the first commercial transaction using the original cryptocurrency. Laszlo had posted a request to buy pizzas with Bitcoin five days before the actual transaction on the renowned BitcoinTalk forum. With Bitcoin's current trading value close to $70,000, the two Papa John's pizzas would now be worth over $700 million. Fourteen years ago, these pizzas were valued at just $41. ✦ Blockchain data reveals that more than 13,300 Ethereum (ETH) tokens have been sent to the Ethereum burn address, with a current value exceeding $50 million. In addition, data from Ultrasound Money indicates that the rate of ETH burning is significantly lagging behind its issuance rate. On average, 303,000 ETH tokens are burned annually, while 918,000 are issued each year. This information provides insight into the current state of Ethereum's token economy, highlighting the disparity between the number of tokens being destroyed and those being created. ✦ The Ethereum L2 network Linea TVL has broken through the $1 billion mark, setting a new historical high. The network has seen an increase of over 40% in the past seven days. This significant growth indicates a rising interest and investment in the Ethereum L2 network Linea TVL. ✦ A significant transaction involving USDC coins has been detected. The transaction, which took place at 12:57:11 Beijing time, saw a total of 271 million USDC coins being transferred from an unknown wallet to MakerDAO. ✦ Data from Santiment reveals that the number of small Ethereum wallets, holding 10 or fewer ETH, continues to rise, reaching a record high of 121.74 million. In contrast, the number of 'Smart Money' wallets, those holding between 10 and 10,000 ETH, has decreased by 5.8% over the past year. Furthermore, the number of large 'whale' wallets, holding more than 10,000 ETH, has decreased by 10.6%.




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