Binance Square
⛏️ 在 Binance Launchpool 上推出 @Portalcoin (PORTAL) Portal 是一個革命性的跨鏈遊戲平臺,旨在簡化 Web3 遊戲的發現和享受。透過統一的帳號體系,主流遊戲玩家可以輕鬆投入Web3遊戲的龐大生態系統,享受無縫體驗。 💰 原生代幣 - $PORTAL 1.交易:$PORTAL使用戶能夠透過網路獲取遊戲內物品和各種遊戲體驗。 2. 跨鏈費用:使用者可以選擇使用$PORTAL來支付與跨鏈交易相關的費用。 3. 質押:使用者可以質押 $PORTAL,以透過 Portal 啓動板獲得代幣和 NFT 的存取權限。 4.節點:用戶有機會購買Portal節點來幫助網路驗證。 5. 共識:使用者可以透過將 $PORTAL 質押到節點中來放大他們的網路驗證貢獻。 📊 代幣指標 - 代幣類型:ERC20 - 總供應量:1,000,000,000 - 初始流通量:167,134,615 - 幣安啓動池分配:50,000,000 🔎 重點亮點 - 頂級顧問和貢獻者:Jamie King(Rockstar Games 聯合創始人)、Matt Dixon(EA Games 平臺全球總監)、Adrian Lai(Newman Group 執行長)和John Yao(Team Secret 執行長)等知名人士加入。 - 充滿活力的社羣:在各種社羣管道和平臺預註冊中擁有驚人的 50 萬會員。 - 成功籌款:該項目透過私人和公開銷售籌集了令人印象深刻的 29,000,000 美元,並將 33% 的代幣供應用於推動平臺和生態系統的發展。 - 區塊鏈整合:利用 Solana、Avalanche、Kalyton、Base 和 Polygon 的功能。 🗺️路線圖 - 入口網站生態系統推出 ✅ - 跨鏈合作✅ - 與 Magic Eden 和 LayerZero 合作 ✅ - 私募和公開發售籌集了 29,000,000 美元 ✅ - $PORTAL TGE - 正在進行 🔥 - 入口網站基礎 - 門戶質押與節點 - 發現平臺 - 入口網站啓動板#Portalcoin#Launchpool#PixelPricePrediction#Write2Earn #Portal

⛏️ 在 Binance Launchpool 上推出 @Portals (PORTAL)

Portal 是一個革命性的跨鏈遊戲平臺,旨在簡化 Web3 遊戲的發現和享受。透過統一的帳號體系,主流遊戲玩家可以輕鬆投入Web3遊戲的龐大生態系統,享受無縫體驗。

💰 原生代幣 - $PORTAL


2. 跨鏈費用:使用者可以選擇使用$PORTAL來支付與跨鏈交易相關的費用。

3. 質押:使用者可以質押 $PORTAL,以透過 Portal 啓動板獲得代幣和 NFT 的存取權限。


5. 共識:使用者可以透過將 $PORTAL 質押到節點中來放大他們的網路驗證貢獻。

📊 代幣指標

- 代幣類型:ERC20

- 總供應量:1,000,000,000

- 初始流通量:167,134,615

- 幣安啓動池分配:50,000,000

🔎 重點亮點

- 頂級顧問和貢獻者:Jamie King(Rockstar Games 聯合創始人)、Matt Dixon(EA Games 平臺全球總監)、Adrian Lai(Newman Group 執行長)和John Yao(Team Secret 執行長)等知名人士加入。

- 充滿活力的社羣:在各種社羣管道和平臺預註冊中擁有驚人的 50 萬會員。

- 成功籌款:該項目透過私人和公開銷售籌集了令人印象深刻的 29,000,000 美元,並將 33% 的代幣供應用於推動平臺和生態系統的發展。

- 區塊鏈整合:利用 Solana、Avalanche、Kalyton、Base 和 Polygon 的功能。


- 入口網站生態系統推出 ✅

- 跨鏈合作✅

- 與 Magic Eden 和 LayerZero 合作 ✅

- 私募和公開發售籌集了 29,000,000 美元 ✅

- $PORTAL TGE - 正在進行 🔥

- 入口網站基礎

- 門戶質押與節點

- 發現平臺

- 入口網站啓動板#Portalcoin#Launchpool#PixelPricePrediction#Write2Earn #Portal

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。可能包含贊助內容。 請參閱條款。
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⛏️ Introducing Renzo (REZ) on Binance Launchpool Renzo is a protocol that simplifies staking complexity for users and facilitates seamless collaboration with EigenLayer node operators and Validated Services (AVSs). ezETH is Renzo's liquid restaking token that provides users with exposure to restaking while retaining liquidity. 💰 Native Utility & Governance Token - $REZ $REZ will be utilized for voting on governance proposals concerning matters related to the Renzo protocol, including critical operational measures. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: ERC-20 - Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 1,050,000,000 (10.50%) - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 250,000,000 (2.50%) 👀 Key Highlight After restaking ETH, there can be an issue of liquidity being locked up. Renzo's solution is to use a derivative token called ezETH to unlock liquidity from restaked ETH. As the number of EigenLayer Validated Services (AVS) increases, different validation configuration strategies will offer varying returns and risks. Renzo can leverage its algorithm to dynamically balance returns and risks in real-time, replacing the need for users to make complex configuration choices and assisting them in achieving stable, high returns. 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 6 days, the token price is projected to be 0.8 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the price is estimated to be approximately 0.6 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the floor price is anticipated to reach 0.5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #BinanceLaunchpool #priceprediction #RENZO #Megadrop
⛏️ Introducing Saga(SAGA) on Binance Launchpool Saga is a Layer 1 protocol enabling developers to effortlessly create VM-agnostic, parallelized, and interoperable dedicated chains known as "Chainlets." These Chainlets offer applications infinite horizontal scalability. Saga enables developers to initiate Chainlets with just a click, utilizing automated CI/CD deployment pipelines standardized across any type of blockchain virtual machine, leveraging shared security and state-of-the-art validator orchestration. 💰 Native Token - $SAGA 🔧 Token Utility - Chainlet Activation Fee: Developers remit $SAGA to network validators for initiating and maintaining their Chainlets. - Participatory Governance: Users can partake in voting for network governance matters. - Staking Incentives: By contributing to network security, participants earn rewards in $SAGA and tokens from projects utilizing the Saga protocol. 📊 Token Metrics - Token type: Native Cosmos token - Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 - Initial circulating supply: 90,000,000 - Binance Launchpool Allocation: 45,000,000 👀 Chainlets Features - Cost-Efficient Transactions & Predictable Chain Fees - Interoperability & Rapid Bridging - Highly Customizable Stack - Infinite Horizontal Scalability - Automation 🔭Price Prediction Based on previous BNB Launchpools, and assuming an APR of 90% for this mining period duration of 4 days, the token price is projected to exceed 2 USDT. With a conservative estimate derived from a minimum yield rate of 70%, the floor price is estimated to be approximately 1.5 USDT. However, considering the average market capitalization of Binance Launchpool projects to be in the range of 400M to 500M, the token price is anticipated to reach 5 USDT. ⚠️ Binance will be the first platform to list the token. Any claims to offer this token for sale before the stated timeline are false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure safety of your funds. #Launchpool #SAGALAUNCHPOOL #priceprediction #Cosmos




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