At last Bitcoin ETF has started, very quickly a new demand has formed and the market has rapidly gone up. At the time, the price rose above $52K, and the inflow of money into Bitcoin-ETF funds exceeded the inflow into traditional "gold" funds. This behavior is quite predictable. First there was a workshop to warm up the public of the future of the ETF, then there was a small show from the ETF approval process, then there was a pause due to the need for technical preparation of the foundation, and finally, we can see the full-fledged work begins!

比特幣 ETF 作爲一種獨立資產增長,與法定貨幣或任何其他資產沒有關聯。這本身就是一項成就。

比特幣將如何表現?我無法給出準確的預測,目前任何不可抗力都是可能的。例如,交易員認爲到 4 月比特幣價格將達到 7 萬美元的可能性爲 20%。



比特幣的數量受到編程限制,並且相對確定何時鑄造最後一個比特幣。對於交易所交易來說,情況是不尋常的- 絕對準確地知道資產數量,很大一部分是“死”帳戶,很大一部分將流向ETF 基金,更多的比特幣將結算在專注於長期的投資者的錢包中長期投資。也就是說,股市會流通相對較少數量的幣。



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