Binance Square
Stuttering cryptopoet
對於那些第一次牛市的人來說,還有一個提示,也給其他人一個提醒: - 請勿與任何人分享您的幣安密碼。儘管這對每個人來說都是顯而易見的,但假設您的帳戶可能遇到問題,並決定在某些 Telegram 羣組或互聯網其他地方尋求幫助。一些僞裝成“支持”、“技術助理”、“幫助者”或類似名稱的詐騙者可能會與您聯繫並索要您的密碼,以此來解決您的問題。顯然,他們不僅不會解決你的問題,還會竊取你所有的加密貨幣。 - 擁有 2 因素身份驗證,即 Google 身份驗證器、手機短信、電子郵件或全部身份驗證,以登錄您的幣安賬戶。這將使那些可能擁有您的密碼的人竊取您的加密貨幣變得更加困難。 - 擁有地址白名單以便從您的幣安賬戶提取資金。即使您沒有幣安之外的錢包,您也應該使用此功能,就像有人試圖將任何代幣從您的帳戶發送到其他人的帳戶一樣,他或她必須添加您之前添加到您的帳戶中的所有單獨的驗證器。如果您丟失了已登錄幣安賬戶的智能手機,這可能會派上用場。 - 啓用通知。如果其他一切都失敗了,至少你會收到一條通知,表明有人登錄了你的帳戶,或者“你”發送了一些資金,並且可以在情況變得更糟之前嘗試做點什麼。 請記住,沒有辦法擊敗所有這些騙子,但我們可以通過了解他們最常見的騙局並做好準備,始終領先於他們。分享這篇文章,以便更多的人可以學習這些技巧,並避免將辛苦賺來的 BTC 輸給犯罪分子。 #Write2Earn‏ #Safety #Tips


- 請勿與任何人分享您的幣安密碼。儘管這對每個人來說都是顯而易見的,但假設您的帳戶可能遇到問題,並決定在某些 Telegram 羣組或互聯網其他地方尋求幫助。一些僞裝成“支持”、“技術助理”、“幫助者”或類似名稱的詐騙者可能會與您聯繫並索要您的密碼,以此來解決您的問題。顯然,他們不僅不會解決你的問題,還會竊取你所有的加密貨幣。

- 擁有 2 因素身份驗證,即 Google 身份驗證器、手機短信、電子郵件或全部身份驗證,以登錄您的幣安賬戶。這將使那些可能擁有您的密碼的人竊取您的加密貨幣變得更加困難。

- 擁有地址白名單以便從您的幣安賬戶提取資金。即使您沒有幣安之外的錢包,您也應該使用此功能,就像有人試圖將任何代幣從您的帳戶發送到其他人的帳戶一樣,他或她必須添加您之前添加到您的帳戶中的所有單獨的驗證器。如果您丟失了已登錄幣安賬戶的智能手機,這可能會派上用場。

- 啓用通知。如果其他一切都失敗了,至少你會收到一條通知,表明有人登錄了你的帳戶,或者“你”發送了一些資金,並且可以在情況變得更糟之前嘗試做點什麼。

請記住,沒有辦法擊敗所有這些騙子,但我們可以通過了解他們最常見的騙局並做好準備,始終領先於他們。分享這篇文章,以便更多的人可以學習這些技巧,並避免將辛苦賺來的 BTC 輸給犯罪分子。




免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


If you are going to invest your money outside Binance, some of these tips may even apply here. Have the following things in mind: - If someone offers you "free $WLD " or any other token, IT IS NOT FREE. You most likely will have your account, wallet, or personal data stolen, like facial biometrics or other things. Do not fall for it. - Be very careful with projects that tell you that you are going to have quick, extraordinary returns. Those are often rugpulls, and you are going to be rugged before you can exit. - Avoid projects that have complex tokenomics, like having a high selling tax. Those usually lock you in and make it harder for you to sell the token, as the fees for the transaction can be higher than 50% of the transaction value itself. - ALWAYS CHECK THE WEBSITE you are navigating and DO NOT CLICK on Google advertised pages. Scammers like to mimic the original pages to make phishing attacks on your wallets and drain them totally when you connect them. - When sending or swapping coins/tokens, ALWAYS CHECK THE RECIPIENT/CONTRACT ADDRESS. If you send your coins to the wrong address or interact with the wrong contract, it is almost 100% sure your coins will be forever lost. - Keep in mind that all transactions have to pay a fee to be executed, so have some $BNB , $SOL or other coin that is native to the blockchain you are operating in your wallet and you won't run out of gas. - A good practice is to have several wallet addresses and keep your funds in different wallets. This way, if a wallet gets compromised for any reason, you do not lose all your money. - Please, do not enter in any "pump and dump" group. These groups are designed in a way so only a few can actually get some profit. You need to have a trader bot to have any chance to compete with them, so unless you have one of these and do know what you are doing, stay away, or you WILL lose money. Remember: the only way to beat a scammer is to know what they are up to. So share this post so more people get to know these tips, and in this bullmarket, there will be several new people over here
As some of you may have or will have a wallet outside Binace, let me share some more tips so you can be safe out there: - DO NOT SHARE YOUR SEED PHRASE with anyone. This is normally 12 words that works as password of your wallet. If someone knows it, it has total access to your wallet and may transfer funds to any other wallter - DO NOT STORE YOUR SEED PHRASE IN A DIGITAL DEVICE. I would recommend you to write it down on a piece of paper and keep it somewhere safe, like in a locker, as if someone has access to your computer or smartphone that also has a copy of your file containing the Seed phrase, you would be in trouble. - AVOID SHARING YOUR WALLET ADDRESS. This may attract unwanted attention to it and some devoted hacker may take it personally. - AVOID CONNECTING YOUR WALLET ON SUPSICIOUS WEBSITES. Even though you are only authorizing a connection so the website can see your balance in a certain coin, this website can be infected and may transfer any other coin to another wallet and when you noticed, they'll be long gone. - THERE ARE SEVERAL NETWORKS OUT THERE. You should do your own research, look for the one that suits your needs better and get the proper wallet thar works with this network. Still, there will be scammers everywhere - MOST COINS OUT THERE ARE SCAMS OR ARE DEAD. Here in Binance, you have a team of people working for you trying to separate the best coins out there from the not so goods ones. But if you are trying to get this coin before they are listed here, the only option is to get out of here and try to find and buy then before they get listed. - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Not only regarding the coin itself, if you should buy it or not, but also because you will find many coins that have nearly the same name of the one you are currently buying, so be extra careful with those as they are fraudulent. Be sure about the contract address you are interacting with, if it was obtained from CoinGecko or somewhere reliable, as if you interact with the wrong address, then your $BNBs or any other coin are gone forever. #Write2Earn #Tips #Safety




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