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投資者押注降息、ETF 流入,比特幣突破 5 萬美元 隨着投資者押注 ETF 流入,比特幣兩年來首次突破 5 萬美元。 週一,比特幣自 2021 年 12 月以來首次突破 50000 美元大關,投資者押注美國今年晚些時候降息,以及大量資金流入新的現貨加密貨幣交易所交易基金 (ETF)。 今年迄今爲止,旗艦加密貨幣已上漲超過 16%,週二上午觸及 50124 美元。週一,受加密貨幣影響的股票也受到提振,Coinbase 和 MicroStrategy 的股價分別上漲近 5% 和 10%。 分析師將比特幣價格上漲主要歸因於監管機構上個月批准的新美國現貨比特幣 ETF 的資金流入加速。這些產品在過去一週已經出現,而灰度比特幣信託基金的資金流出已開始放緩。 投資者押注這些現貨 ETF 今年可能會吸引高達 1000 億美元的新資金流入。市場還在等待基於以太坊的 ETF 的潛在批准,並期待比特幣 2024 年 4 月的下一次“減半”供應事件,這在過去曾發生過重大反彈。 隨着降息、主流 ETF 准入和比特幣供應上限等因素的推動,分析師認爲,儘管 1 月份 ETF 推出後價格有所回落,但今年加密貨幣價格仍有進一步上漲的空間。

投資者押注降息、ETF 流入,比特幣突破 5 萬美元

隨着投資者押注 ETF 流入,比特幣兩年來首次突破 5 萬美元。

週一,比特幣自 2021 年 12 月以來首次突破 50000 美元大關,投資者押注美國今年晚些時候降息,以及大量資金流入新的現貨加密貨幣交易所交易基金 (ETF)。

今年迄今爲止,旗艦加密貨幣已上漲超過 16%,週二上午觸及 50124 美元。週一,受加密貨幣影響的股票也受到提振,Coinbase 和 MicroStrategy 的股價分別上漲近 5% 和 10%。

分析師將比特幣價格上漲主要歸因於監管機構上個月批准的新美國現貨比特幣 ETF 的資金流入加速。這些產品在過去一週已經出現,而灰度比特幣信託基金的資金流出已開始放緩。

投資者押注這些現貨 ETF 今年可能會吸引高達 1000 億美元的新資金流入。市場還在等待基於以太坊的 ETF 的潛在批准,並期待比特幣 2024 年 4 月的下一次“減半”供應事件,這在過去曾發生過重大反彈。

隨着降息、主流 ETF 准入和比特幣供應上限等因素的推動,分析師認爲,儘管 1 月份 ETF 推出後價格有所回落,但今年加密貨幣價格仍有進一步上漲的空間。

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We asked ChatGPT what will be Ethereum price after 2024 Bitcoin halving The weight that Bitcoin (BTC) carries in the cryptocurrency world is not to be underestimated, as its performance usually dictates the broaded market. With Ethereum (ETH) next in line, it is logical that it is the first one to benefit or slump from BTC's events. After the SEC approved BTC exchange-traded funds (ETF) in January, sights are already set towards the next notable event, Bitcoin halving, which is set to take place in mid- April 2024. This week was notable for Ethereum as it surpassed its resistance zone set at $2,800 and is currently trading at $2,835 after gains that have seen its value increase by 1.48% on daily and 13.67% on weekly charts. In its pursuit of insights, Finbold opted to seek counsel from OpenAI's premier platform, ChatGPT, regarding the potential trajectory of the world's leading altcoin as the halving event unfolds. ChatGPT makes a prediction on the Ethereum Although ChatGPT didn't provide a precise figure, it's rational to anticipate some price fluctuation for Ethereum in light of the historical correlation between Bitcoin and Ethereum prices. Nevertheless, factors like Ethereum's ongoing development, expanding usage in decentralized finance (DeFi), and forthcoming upgrades like Ethereum 2.0 suggest a broaded context beyond more volatility. However, considering historical movements, the most likely price range was from $8,000 to $12,000. This range derives from Ethereum's past price trends, its prominent status as the foremost smart contract platform, and the overall expansion path of the cryptocurrency market. $BTC $ETH #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #BTC #Ethereum(ETH)


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