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OpenAI 首席執行官 Sam Altman 計劃爲革命性 AI 芯片風險投資 7 萬億美元。 🧠🤯 《華爾街日報》最近披露,OpenAI 首席執行官 Sam Altman 正着手走上一條徹底改變全球半導體行業的道路,並着眼於數萬億美元的投資。 爲了解決人工智能芯片的供需缺口,Altman 尋求通過投資更多人工智能基礎設施(包括晶圓廠產能、能源和數據中心)來推動 OpenAI 的增長。 爲了提高全球芯片製造能力,奧特曼正在與潛在投資者進行談判,其中包括與阿拉伯聯合酋長國政府的討論。 據報道,這一雄心勃勃的項目的融資目標在 5 萬億至 7 萬億美元之間,顯示了該項目巨大的財務規模。 Altman 的歷史包括爲代號爲“Tigris”的芯片企業尋求數十億美元的資金,以及之前對 Rain Neuromorphics 的投資,此舉引發了一些爭議。 目前英偉達佔據了人工智能芯片市場80%的份額,Altman的項目標誌着對英偉達行業主導地位的大膽挑戰。 回顧 OpenAI 的過去,Altman 的創新導致 ChatGPT 於 2022 年 11 月成功推出,獲得了廣泛採用並在財富 500 強公司中佔有重要地位。 11 月,奧特曼面臨短暫的下臺,他的迴歸導致了董事會的變動,增加了佈雷特·泰勒 (Bret Taylor) 和拉里·薩默斯 (Larry Summers) 等知名人士。主要投資者微軟獲得了無投票權的董事會觀察員職位。 Sam Altman 爲這個突破性的 AI 芯片項目尋求數萬億美元的資金,凸顯了 OpenAI 重塑半導體行業的承諾。對全球技術和經濟競爭力的潛在影響使得這一努力值得密切關注。 #OpenAI #SamAltman #chatgpt #chatGPT-4 #Wallstreet

OpenAI 首席執行官 Sam Altman 計劃爲革命性 AI 芯片風險投資 7 萬億美元。 🧠🤯

《華爾街日報》最近披露,OpenAI 首席執行官 Sam Altman 正着手走上一條徹底改變全球半導體行業的道路,並着眼於數萬億美元的投資。

爲了解決人工智能芯片的供需缺口,Altman 尋求通過投資更多人工智能基礎設施(包括晶圓廠產能、能源和數據中心)來推動 OpenAI 的增長。


據報道,這一雄心勃勃的項目的融資目標在 5 萬億至 7 萬億美元之間,顯示了該項目巨大的財務規模。

Altman 的歷史包括爲代號爲“Tigris”的芯片企業尋求數十億美元的資金,以及之前對 Rain Neuromorphics 的投資,此舉引發了一些爭議。


回顧 OpenAI 的過去,Altman 的創新導致 ChatGPT 於 2022 年 11 月成功推出,獲得了廣泛採用並在財富 500 強公司中佔有重要地位。

11 月,奧特曼面臨短暫的下臺,他的迴歸導致了董事會的變動,增加了佈雷特·泰勒 (Bret Taylor) 和拉里·薩默斯 (Larry Summers) 等知名人士。主要投資者微軟獲得了無投票權的董事會觀察員職位。

Sam Altman 爲這個突破性的 AI 芯片項目尋求數萬億美元的資金,凸顯了 OpenAI 重塑半導體行業的承諾。對全球技術和經濟競爭力的潛在影響使得這一努力值得密切關注。

#OpenAI #SamAltman #chatgpt #chatGPT-4 #Wallstreet

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NFT Giveaway Opportunity for STON Stakers on Storm Trade DEX. 💎🔥 For those immersed in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), Storm Trade's latest announcement is sure to ignite enthusiasm. Until May 9, Storm Trade, in collaboration with, is offering an exclusive NFT giveaway for STON stakers, presenting a golden opportunity for participants to delve into the captivating realm of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Until May 9, STON stakers have the chance to participate in this thrilling event, making it imperative to seize the moment and dive into the action. The giveaway boasts five NFTs from the esteemed Market Makers utility collection by Storm Trade, promising winners a slice of digital rarity and prestige. 🔹Participants can secure victory in one of two ways: Three NFTs will adorn the collections of the participants who stake the most STON, rewarding commitment and dedication. Two lucky souls will be chosen through a random draw among all STON stakers, ensuring fairness and inclusivity. 🔹These prized possessions offer a myriad of benefits: Gain access to STORM tokens at the lowest initial price, laying the foundation for profitable endeavors. NFTs wield the power to diminish trading fees on the DEX, amplifying profitability and efficiency. Embrace exclusive entry into the VIP community, unlocking a realm of privileges and perks. Every STON staker automatically becomes a contender for the giveaway, simplifying the process and eliminating barriers to entry. Until May 9, participants can revel in special conditions, relishing rewards of up to 10% of the stake amount, further enhancing the allure of this captivating opportunity. 🔹About Storm Trade: As a decentralized exchange facilitating leveraged trading on the TON Blockchain, Storm Trade stands as a beacon of innovation and versatility, offering a diverse array of trading options spanning cryptocurrencies, stocks, Forex, commodities, and beyond. #DeFi #NFT #STONfi #StormTrade #TONBlockchain
Exciting Week Ahead for Crypto Enthusiasts and Investors. 🔥⚡ This week is shaping up to be an exciting one for the crypto community, with a flurry of activities, listings, and events set to take place. Here's a rundown of what to keep an eye on: 🔹New Listings: Several exchanges are gearing up to list new coins on May 6th. BitMart will be listing Friend3 (F3), Welsh Corgi Coin (WELSH), and Seal (SEAL), while KuCoin will join the party with the listing of ZeroLend (ZERO). Bybit is also making moves with the listings of Spectral (SPEC) and ZeroLend (ZERO). 🔹Notable Listings: Bitget will list LandX Governance Token (LNDX), and Bitfinex will list Spectral (SPEC), both happening on May 6th. 🔹Community Engagement: Ongoing and upcoming governance votes are keeping the community engaged. Projects like Cartesi (CTSI) and GMX (GMX) have ongoing votes until May 8th. 🔹Opportunities: Impossible Finance offers an opportunity for IDIA staking for whitelisted allocations in the CARV Node Sale until May 11th. The YGG & Ronin airdrop, ending on May 20th, presents another opportunity for participants. Staking enthusiasts can also participate in the STDYDX airdrop, distributing 150,000 STRD over the next four months. 🔹Events: The Dubai Fintech Summit 2024 kicks off on May 6th, bringing together thought leaders to discuss the future of finance and its relationship with cryptocurrency. Siacoin (SC) will host a community call on the same day to discuss future plans, and Concordium (CCD) will hold its monthly AMA with its founder. 🔹Educational Opportunities: "CHAIN FUSION LIVE!" will examine Loka Mining's decentralized Bitcoin mining pools, offering insights into the evolving landscape of mining. source: KriptoKoin #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #buythedip




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