Binance Square
Binan CFA
🟢我的原則玩區塊鏈,可以不賺錢,但是絕對不能賠一分錢。對的我就是保守派,激進派哪涼快去哪呆着去! 🟢從業至今沒有沒人賠過一分錢,我只做10%-30%的穩定年化,一個億本金我也可以給你做出來這樣穩定的年化,你1-2萬U當然看不上10%-30%的穩定年化,專業服務於1000萬以上的大用戶,有實力,所以敢保證! 🔵關注我,賺取那些不是很多卻落袋爲安的籌碼。 #BTC #ETH #Binance #GPT-4 #Launchpad




#BTC #ETH #Binance #GPT-4 #Launchpad

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😼How to create an investment plan and grow your wealth with $100! 1) Since you need to plan your investment, you cannot choose futures trading because the risks of futures are not consistent with long-term stable investment. Although futures trading has very attractive returns, there is also a 50% probability of making you bankrupt. If you invest like this frequently for a long time, you are likely to enter a vicious cycle and make your life worse! 2) Buy a stable portfolio. The portfolio consists of 5-10 stablecoins. A stable portfolio focuses on long-term potential. This investment portfolio may not have a high return, but it can bring you a stable income. For a stable investment portfolio, try to choose some projects that are stable in the long term and have upside potential, such as XRP, SOL, BNB and other mainstream currencies. 3) Use 20% of your funds to choose popular investment portfolios. The main components of the portfolio are some new projects on the market and very popular. The hot portfolio’s strengths are “new currencies that stand out in the current market.” These currencies have the possibility of sudden rise, so 20% of the funds in our investment plan need to be invested in popular combinations. 4) Establishing an investment plan is a very good investment habit. We only need to invest in this plan regularly and wait for the market trend to arrive. As long as this plan can be implemented until the bull market arrives, your assets will definitely double. ✅️Follow BinanCFA, knowledge is power! #etf $XRP $SOL $MATIC


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