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#WLD $WLD OpenAI 執行長 Sam Altman 最近的離職為科技和加密貨幣社群帶來了一波不確定性。此後,關於奧特曼做了什麼或沒做什麼的報道和觀點相互矛盾,人們將他的罷免歸咎於溝通問題,導致董事會懷疑他的領導能力。 這項消息對 Altman 領導的加密貨幣項目 WorldCoin 產生了直接影響。世界幣的價值已下跌超過 12%,分析師認為奧特曼處境的不確定性是主要因素。這些損失只會加劇加密貨幣本已動盪的環境,光是 2019 年的 9 個月內,加密貨幣的總市值就從超過 2,200 億美元的高點跌至 1,100 億美元的低點。 儘管這種波動在一定程度上可以歸因於投機和對某些加密貨幣缺乏信心,但奧特曼的離職和相關價值下跌的影響提醒人們加密貨幣的脆弱性以及投資加密貨幣的相關風險。 從長遠來看,Altman 離開 OpenAI 以及價值損失會產生多大影響,還有待觀察。許多業內人士擔心,奧特曼缺乏領導力和對他的方向缺乏信任,會對他參與的項目造成重大干擾。與此同時,加密貨幣愛好者對市場最終會穩定和反彈持謹慎樂觀態度,特別是考慮到最近的情況。安全和監管方面的進步。 最終,只有時間才能告訴我們 OpenAI 和 Worldcoin 將如何從 Altman 的離開中恢復過來。然而,就目前而言,市場顯然首當其衝受到影響。


OpenAI 執行長 Sam Altman 最近的離職為科技和加密貨幣社群帶來了一波不確定性。此後,關於奧特曼做了什麼或沒做什麼的報道和觀點相互矛盾,人們將他的罷免歸咎於溝通問題,導致董事會懷疑他的領導能力。

這項消息對 Altman 領導的加密貨幣項目 WorldCoin 產生了直接影響。世界幣的價值已下跌超過 12%,分析師認為奧特曼處境的不確定性是主要因素。這些損失只會加劇加密貨幣本已動盪的環境,光是 2019 年的 9 個月內,加密貨幣的總市值就從超過 2,200 億美元的高點跌至 1,100 億美元的低點。


從長遠來看,Altman 離開 OpenAI 以及價值損失會產生多大影響,還有待觀察。許多業內人士擔心,奧特曼缺乏領導力和對他的方向缺乏信任,會對他參與的項目造成重大干擾。與此同時,加密貨幣愛好者對市場最終會穩定和反彈持謹慎樂觀態度,特別是考慮到最近的情況。安全和監管方面的進步。

最終,只有時間才能告訴我們 OpenAI 和 Worldcoin 將如何從 Altman 的離開中恢復過來。然而,就目前而言,市場顯然首當其衝受到影響。

免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。 請參閱條款。
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


#AVAX $AVAX Avalanche (AVAX) is a Layer 1 platform that has seen a remarkable 160% rise in its native token price this month. It is an open-source platform for launching decentralised finance (DeFi) applications and customisable blockchains. The Avalanche ecosystem includes its own blockchain protocol, consensus protocol and virtual machine, as well as a suite of tools for developers to create and deploy blockchain applications. The Avalanche protocol is designed to support high throughput and high scalability, allowing for numerous applications to be deployed on its platform. It supports various consensus algorithms, allowing for a range of decentralised applications to be built, including stablecoins, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), digital asset exchanges, insurance products, distributed games, among others. Avalanche also has a unique tokenomics model that is designed to incentivise its community and ecosystem participants. The network has three types of tokens: AVAX, P-CIP and X-CIP, each with different roles and use cases. AVAX is the native token of the Avalanche network and is used to grant access to the network, secure the network and interact with smart contracts. P-CIP and X-CIP are used to provide governance and staking rewards to users. Avalanche is one of the most promising Layer 1 platforms, with a lot of potential for growth. It has a strong team of developers that have been working on delivering solutions such as the Avalanche consensus protocol, which is designed to be more secure and efficient than other protocols. Additionally, its unique tokenomics model is designed to incentivise users to participate in the network and help grow the ecosystem. Overall, Avalanche is a promising Layer 1 platform that is well-positioned to capture a share of the DeFi and blockchain industry. With its strong team and technology, as well as its innovative tokenomics model, it is sure to be an attractive platform for developers and users.
#JUP $SOL The JUP Community Airdrop is a rewarding initiative from the Jupiter Project, a blockchain designed to bring access to entertainment and rewards people with crypto assets and content tokens. The JUP Community Airdrop involves approximately 955K eligible wallets that interacted before November 2nd and will distribute 10 billion JUP tokens, with 40% (4 billion tokens) allocated over four rounds. During the four rounds of the JUP Community Airdrop, eligible wallets will receive 100 JUP coins in each airdrop round. The first round was released on the 15th of November, followed by the second round on the 30th of November. The third round will be released on the 15th of December, with the final round being released on the 30th of December. The remaining 6 billion JUP tokens will be used to build the Jupiter Network’s ecosystem, primarily focusing on payment services, gaming and defi services and products. Jupiter Network is also inclusive of a marketplace platform to allow users to buy and sell their digital content and products, as well as higher yield savings products. After the mainnet launch of the JUP token, holders will be able to trade JUP tokens directly on decentralized exchanges such as UniSwap. JUP tokens can then be used to purchase content, products and services from within the Jupiter Network’s ecosystem. The JUP Community Airdrop is a great way for users to get involved in the Jupiter Project and benefit from both the utility and growth of the token. Participants in each of the 4 rounds will also earn rewards for engaging with content on the Jupiter Network by staking and playing interactive games. In conclusion, the JUP Community Airdrop is a great opportunity to get involved in the Jupiter Network and start building your cryptocurrency portfolio. Participants will be rewarded with 10 billion JUP tokens, with 4 billion tokens being distributed in the four rounds of the airdrop. After the mainnet launch of the JUP token, users can then benefit from the utility of the token, as well as its appreciation as the project expands.
$BTC #dYdX The decentralized digital assets lending and borrowing project dYdX and Noble, an Open Financial Framework for cross-chain transfers are proud to announce their new initiatives. Circle, a leader in the stablecoin and transfer space, has created a CCTP (Circle Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol) integration with Noble and dYdX Chains. This technology will allow instant transfer of USDC from other networks to dYdX Chain, creating faster and more efficient cross-chain payments and transfers. This new initiative is part of a larger initiative to make the world of transfer and payments faster and more efficient. On Nov. 3, Circle’s CCTP tech was available on Noble’s testnet and will launch on the network’s mainnet on Nov. 28. With this new innovation, customers will now be able to move USDC transfers from other networks to dYdX Chain’s layer one in a secure, trustless, and efficient manner. Moreover, the protocol introduces asset sovereignty for the user, meaning that all assets are always under the user’s control. The dYdX team believes this new initiative will help to further financial inclusion and bridge the gap between traditional banking and the still young but rapidly growing world of digital assets. Moreover, this new initiative will help to unlock increased liquidity for dYdX’s products and services. Moving forward, Circle, Noble, and dYdX invite others in the blockchain space to be a part of this initiative, and create a more smooth, secure, and trustless environment for users. The partnership between these three leaders in the blockchain space further affirms the potential of their technologies. With the launch of Circle’s CCTP in just a few weeks, it is only a matter of time before we begin to see the benefits of faster and more efficient transfers in the digital asset world.




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