Binance Square
🚀🚀🚀 #SEC 舉報人揭露 Terra 生態系統中的 Chai 支付應用程序未使用加密貨幣 🚀🚀🚀 在紐約南區美國法院法官 Jed Rakoff 最近的一項簡易判決中,Do Kwon 和他共同創立的 Terraform Labs 公司提供的四種加密貨幣代幣被視爲未註冊證券。相關代幣包括 #TerraUSD (UST)、$LUNA、wLUNA 和 Mirror Protocol (MIR)。值得注意的是,該裁決駁回了 Terra 的鏡像協議“mAssets”構成基於證券的互換的觀點。 該判決強調了有關 Chai 支付平臺的重要啓示,Kwon 經常將其宣傳爲 Terra #blockchain​ 的現實世界用例。SEC 提供的證據表明,Chai 平臺並未如所聲稱的那樣在 Terra 區塊鏈上運行。根據 Chai 員工 2020 年 5 月的一封電子郵件,據稱付款是使用傳統方法結算的,然後通過 Kwon 控制的服務器反映在 Terra 區塊鏈上。 此外,一位被稱爲 Chai 首席產品官的舉報人透露,一名加入 Chai 的前 Terraform 員工透露,“Chai 內部沒有加密貨幣。”舉報人聲稱曾於 2021 年 9 月就 Chai 的真實本性與 Kwon 面對面,但據稱 Kwon 表現得漠不關心。 儘管有令人信服的證據,拉考夫法官承認重大事實存在爭議,特別是在舉報人的可信度方面。辯方辯稱,一名舉報人在被 Chai 解僱後試圖勒索 Kwon 和 Terra 聯合創始人 Daniel Shin。舉報人賬戶的不一致,包括有關柴系統的信息來源,也導致了爭議。 Terraform 首席技術官 Chris Amani 反駁了這一說法,稱 Chai 使用了區塊鏈。法院裁定 Kwon 和 Terraform 違反了美國有關未註冊數字貨幣的法律。對 SEC 欺詐指控的簡易判決被駁回,審判定於 2024 年 1 月 29 日進行。 來源 - Ruholamin Haqshanas @ruholamin-haqshanas 網站 - 加密新聞

🚀🚀🚀 #SEC 舉報人揭露 Terra 生態系統中的 Chai 支付應用程序未使用加密貨幣 🚀🚀🚀

在紐約南區美國法院法官 Jed Rakoff 最近的一項簡易判決中,Do Kwon 和他共同創立的 Terraform Labs 公司提供的四種加密貨幣代幣被視爲未註冊證券。相關代幣包括 #TerraUSD (UST)、$LUNA、wLUNA 和 Mirror Protocol (MIR)。值得注意的是,該裁決駁回了 Terra 的鏡像協議“mAssets”構成基於證券的互換的觀點。

該判決強調了有關 Chai 支付平臺的重要啓示,Kwon 經常將其宣傳爲 Terra #blockchain​ 的現實世界用例。SEC 提供的證據表明,Chai 平臺並未如所聲稱的那樣在 Terra 區塊鏈上運行。根據 Chai 員工 2020 年 5 月的一封電子郵件,據稱付款是使用傳統方法結算的,然後通過 Kwon 控制的服務器反映在 Terra 區塊鏈上。

此外,一位被稱爲 Chai 首席產品官的舉報人透露,一名加入 Chai 的前 Terraform 員工透露,“Chai 內部沒有加密貨幣。”舉報人聲稱曾於 2021 年 9 月就 Chai 的真實本性與 Kwon 面對面,但據稱 Kwon 表現得漠不關心。

儘管有令人信服的證據,拉考夫法官承認重大事實存在爭議,特別是在舉報人的可信度方面。辯方辯稱,一名舉報人在被 Chai 解僱後試圖勒索 Kwon 和 Terra 聯合創始人 Daniel Shin。舉報人賬戶的不一致,包括有關柴系統的信息來源,也導致了爭議。

Terraform 首席技術官 Chris Amani 反駁了這一說法,稱 Chai 使用了區塊鏈。法院裁定 Kwon 和 Terraform 違反了美國有關未註冊數字貨幣的法律。對 SEC 欺詐指控的簡易判決被駁回,審判定於 2024 年 1 月 29 日進行。

來源 - Ruholamin Haqshanas @ruholamin-haqshanas

網站 - 加密新聞

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立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!


👉👉👉 Saylor predicts #SEC will designate #Ethereum as a security and deny spot ETF applications this summer During a presentation at the MicroStrategy World 2024 conference on May 2, #MichaelSaylor , executive chairman and co-founder of MicroStrategy, shared his belief that the SEC will classify Ethereum as a security this summer. He also predicted that spot ETF applications related to Ethereum, including those filed by asset managers like BlackRock, will be rejected by the SEC. Saylor further speculated that other cryptocurrencies "down the stack," such as $BNB , Solana ($SOL ), $XRP , and Cardano (ADA), will also receive an unregistered security designation. In his statement, Saylor emphasized his conviction that Bitcoin (BTC) alone has achieved full institutional acceptance, referring to it as the "one universal" institutional-grade crypto asset. He asserted that there won't be another crypto asset like Bitcoin embraced by Wall Street. These remarks from Saylor follow MicroStrategy's recent announcement of adding $1.65 billion of BTC to its corporate holdings in the first quarter and the unveiling of its Bitcoin-based decentralized identity (DID) product. Regarding Ethereum, initial optimism about the approval of spot Ethereum ETFs has waned in recent weeks. The odds of approval, as indicated by Polymarket, have plummeted to a mere 11%. Analysts have adjusted their expectations accordingly, from over an 80% chance of approval to less than 30%. The SEC faces a critical decision on May 23 regarding VanEck's proposed ETF, along with other similar applications. There's anticipation for the SEC to clarify Ethereum's classification as a security. Consensys aims to push for ETH not being labeled as a security in a legal case. US lawmakers are also seeking clarity, particularly in relation to Prometheum. A clear designation for ETH could guide companies in handling the asset but might also affect product approvals like a spot ETF and companies' decisions on involvement without proper registration. Source - 
💥💥💥 Here's What $100 In Dogecoin Would Be Worth If You Invested 10 Years Ago 💥💥💥 In the early days of cryptocurrency, when it was little more than a curiosity for internet enthusiasts, a few daring souls made investments that would change their lives forever. Among these pioneers was Dogecoin (DOGE), a token initially created as a joke in 2013. For years, DOGE languished in obscurity, its value barely registering above a fraction of a cent. However, in 2021, fueled by social media hype and endorsements from influential figures like Elon Musk, DOGE soared to unprecedented heights, reaching almost $0.75 in just months—a staggering increase of over 13,000%. Although DOGE's price has since retreated from its peak, it has shown remarkable resilience, with a strong floor around $0.12 and notable gains in 2024. A decade ago, DOGE could be acquired for a minuscule fraction of a cent, but by 2024, its value had surged to as high as $0.23—an incredible surge of nearly 230,000%. From its humble beginnings to its peak in 2021, DOGE had multiplied in value by an astonishing 740,000%. One visionary—or perhaps reckless—investor seized the opportunity in 2014 when they acquired 5 billion DOGE for $4 million, amassing 3.49% of the total DOGE supply. Holding steadfastly through the fluctuations, this investor's wallet has seen its value soar to over $3.5 billion at its peak, now settling around $700 million. The market capitalization of DOGE also skyrocketed from under $10 million in 2014 to over $30 billion in 2024, surpassing the valuations of household names like HP Inc., eBay Inc., and DraftKings Inc. Dogecoin's improbable journey over the past decade has captivated investors and spectators alike, generating billions in investment despite offering little tangible utility. It has minted millionaires and billionaires seemingly out of thin air, leaving many to ponder what the future holds for this enigmatic token. As DOGE continues to defy expectations, its story serves as a testament to the unpredictable and exhilarating world of cryptocurrency.
💥💥💥 Why #bitcoin , #Ethereum , and #Dogecoin‬⁩ Surged Today The #cryptocurrency market surged after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell hinted at a potential rate cut, catching many investors off guard, as they had anticipated a hike. With a more accommodative monetary policy on the horizon, risk assets like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Dogecoin (DOGE) all saw gains of 3.8%, 2.2%, and 4% respectively, by 4 p.m. ET Thursday. Besides Powell's comments, specific factors are influencing these digital assets: - Bitcoin's Outlook: Despite concerns about momentum loss, Bitcoin's near and medium-term outlook is bullish. Lower interest rates are expected to weaken the U.S. dollar, benefiting commodities and store-of-value assets like Bitcoin. - Ethereum's Prospects: Ethereum stands to gain from capital inflows into cryptocurrencies. Expectations for SEC approval of spot Ethereum ETFs and its transition to a proof-of-stake protocol enhance bullish sentiment. - Dogecoin's Appeal: Dogecoin remains a speculative asset favored by traders seeking short-term gains. Recent liquidation data may have contributed to its pronounced move during the rally. - Sustainability of the Rally: While the surge is significant, broader context is crucial. Bitcoin remains below its all-time high, and the rally's sustainability depends on factors like additional catalysts and market sentiment. Monitoring Bitcoin is key, as it often dictates the direction of the overall cryptocurrency market. Source -




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