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#xtz XTZ 现价直接多, 止损1.02,先看1.22,再看1.35附近! 日线级别开始纠正上涨趋势, 金叉打开,还有kdj看涨背离,埋伏一波!
XTZ 现价直接多, 止损1.02,先看1.22,再看1.35附近!
日线级别开始纠正上涨趋势, 金叉打开,还有kdj看涨背离,埋伏一波!
XTZ 高位出现长的上影线,不管阴阳,都要以卖出为主! 高位出现放量下跌的大阴线,这种形态叫“断tou铡刀”坚决卖出! 高位出现穿头破脚的k线,伴随着大量,不管阴阳,都以卖出为主! 高位出现一个明显的头部,卖出为主! 不会看当下走势,是涨还是跌? 也不会看支撑和压力?更不知道当下运行的是什么级别的买 卖点。 一套完善的AI交易策略:“多、空提示进场位和止损位”! 👉秒变分析师! #xtz #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF $XTZ $MEME $WIF

也不会看支撑和压力?更不知道当下运行的是什么级别的买 卖点。

#xtz #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF $XTZ $MEME $WIF
有一个2023年都需要持有的碧,建议后面出了本金利润也要拿着的,没有技术角度可言,纯纯看带来好运,上车后记得转发[玉兔捣药][玉兔捣药][玉兔捣药] xtz。 祝大家持有小兔子,兔年行大运 ​ #crypto2023 #xtz
有一个2023年都需要持有的碧,建议后面出了本金利润也要拿着的,没有技术角度可言,纯纯看带来好运,上车后记得转发[玉兔捣药][玉兔捣药][玉兔捣药] xtz。
祝大家持有小兔子,兔年行大运 ​
#crypto2023 #xtz
day33 11714u 今晚半夜估計又要#割韭菜 順順利利的早上開單 睡醒起來這時候平倉。 學會教訓了,賺點菸錢。 大餅順勢被拉上去之後, 都會出現山寨被洗的畫面, 平倉99%後三小時左右, 掛著下來等接針。 #xtz 1.2 _2000_多 #LQTY 1.44 _4000_多 #magic 1.2_2000_多


順順利利的早上開單 睡醒起來這時候平倉。


#xtz 1.2 _2000_多
#LQTY 1.44 _4000_多
#magic 1.2_2000_多
Carrying a 60-pound gas tank, delivering one household after another, bending the waist, exhausted and helpless. Holding a 120-pound girlfriend, going to one hotel after another, straightening the waist and pole, stimulating and obsessed. So, can't you bear it? It's not enough pressure, not enough motivation. So, what cryptocurrency is good to buy today? #BTC #theta #xtz #SAND #BTT
Carrying a 60-pound gas tank, delivering one household after another, bending the waist, exhausted and helpless.
Holding a 120-pound girlfriend, going to one hotel after another, straightening the waist and pole, stimulating and obsessed.
So, can't you bear it?
It's not enough pressure, not enough motivation.
So, what cryptocurrency is good to buy today?

●$AR -推出超并行计算机ao测试网。 ●$XTZ- Tezos宣布将很快推出tzBTC 2.0。 ●$AERO - Base生态系统基金购入了AERO代币。●$RBN- AEVO的TGE和空投已于3月中旬确认。 ●$GALA- Galachain推出了第一个DEX Galaswap。. ●$PRIME-Parallel宣布将于2月29日发布公开测试版。 ●$IRON- lron Fish的测试网硬分叉计划于2月28日激活。 ●$APE-YugaLabs和MagicEden推出了以太坊NFT市场。 ●$FLOKI- DWF Labs计划购买价值1000万美元的FLOKI代币。 ●$AKT - Akash网络正在增加新的计算资源,以支持更多的活动租约。 ●$XRP - Ripple与Axelar合作进行RWA代币化和XRPL_上的跨链通信。 #ar #xtz #xrp #pepe
$AR -推出超并行计算机ao测试网。

$XTZ - Tezos宣布将很快推出tzBTC 2.0。

●$AERO - Base生态系统基金购入了AERO代币。●$RBN- AEVO的TGE和空投已于3月中旬确认。

●$GALA- Galachain推出了第一个DEX Galaswap。.


●$IRON- lron Fish的测试网硬分叉计划于2月28日激活。


●$FLOKI- DWF Labs计划购买价值1000万美元的FLOKI代币。

●$AKT - Akash网络正在增加新的计算资源,以支持更多的活动租约。

$XRP - Ripple与Axelar合作进行RWA代币化和XRPL_上的跨链通信。

#ar #xtz #xrp #pepe
PERP 👉AI 24小时交易策略 不会看当下走势,是涨还是跌? 也不会看支撑和压力?更不知道当下运行的是什么级别的买 卖点。 一套完善的AI交易策略:“多、空提示进场的和止损位”,小白只要遵循提示规则,胜算率99%! #LUNA #LUNA2 #luna、 #ZRX #xtz $PERP
PERP 👉AI 24小时交易策略


也不会看支撑和压力?更不知道当下运行的是什么级别的买 卖点。


#LUNA #LUNA2 #luna、 #ZRX #xtz $PERP
#xtz 在广场给大家推荐的xtz吃到肉了吗兄弟们 ,不要忘了点个关注哦
#xtz 在广场给大家推荐的xtz吃到肉了吗兄弟们 ,不要忘了点个关注哦
早上好铁子们 昨天广场明牌单子基本全部盈利出局,最后就剩一个#xtz 空单 目前xtz也是翻倍了,可以止盈了 最近关注怪咖的铁子应该都赚麻了吧,昨晚大饼瀑布,没有让你们操作成功躲过一劫 看看你们关注的大神昨天喊多是不是今天在装逼昨晚布局空单了,有谁,欢迎评论,让大家避避坑!

昨天广场明牌单子基本全部盈利出局,最后就剩一个#xtz 空单



听说XTZ后面还有利好 现在盈利率都这么高了 后面不会破新高2吧? #xtz
#token 最后一半止损了 下面接续搞#xtz 做空,20倍杠杆等翻倍!
#token 最后一半止损了

下面接续搞#xtz 做空,20倍杠杆等翻倍!
SFP 👉每日智能策略 真正的交易者,只关心两件事: 1、我买入后走势证明我对了该怎么做! 2、我买入后走势证明我错了又怎么做! #ftm #dcr #xtz #Neo #klay $SFP
SFP 👉每日智能策略




#ftm #dcr #xtz #Neo #klay $SFP
The secret that no one tells you, read it carefully, you will gain something! As soon as you have money, you have to develop in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Those who accidentally make a little money and want to eat, drink and have fun and go back to their hometown to lie down are all peasant mentality. People are wealth, where there are more people, there is more money, and assets are valuable. Many people work hard for half their lives to make money and go back to their hometown to build a house, which is worthless if no one takes over. You must cherish your first pot of gold. The first step after having money is to change the circle, change the city, change the house, change the car, change the equipment, update the thinking mode, and learn from the better people. Take a step forward and move up a level as soon as possible, so that you can keep your wealth. You must stay away from the people in the original circle, and don't have the desire to show off. I have seen a person who made a small fortune in a short time, and immediately started to float and start to eat, drink and spend wildly in front of people at the same level. He was crazy and showed off. In less than a year, he immediately lost everything and was beaten back to his original shape. This is not being able to control wealth. Don't look for a sense of existence in circles that are worse than you, that will only attract hatred. Your eyes should look up, go to those circles that are better than you, find frustration, open your eyes, so that you will be calm and low-key and know how much you weigh. Please always remember this sentence: It's not that you wait until you become stronger before you do it, but that you will become stronger when you do it! #trx #ALPACA #WRX #xtz
The secret that no one tells you, read it carefully, you will gain something!
As soon as you have money, you have to develop in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Those who accidentally make a little money and want to eat, drink and have fun and go back to their hometown to lie down are all peasant mentality.
People are wealth, where there are more people, there is more money, and assets are valuable. Many people work hard for half their lives to make money and go back to their hometown to build a house, which is worthless if no one takes over.
You must cherish your first pot of gold. The first step after having money is to change the circle, change the city, change the house, change the car, change the equipment, update the thinking mode, and learn from the better people.
Take a step forward and move up a level as soon as possible, so that you can keep your wealth.
You must stay away from the people in the original circle, and don't have the desire to show off.
I have seen a person who made a small fortune in a short time, and immediately started to float and start to eat, drink and spend wildly in front of people at the same level. He was crazy and showed off. In less than a year, he immediately lost everything and was beaten back to his original shape. This is not being able to control wealth.
Don't look for a sense of existence in circles that are worse than you, that will only attract hatred.
Your eyes should look up, go to those circles that are better than you, find frustration, open your eyes, so that you will be calm and low-key and know how much you weigh.
Please always remember this sentence:
It's not that you wait until you become stronger before you do it, but that you will become stronger when you do it!
#trx #ALPACA #WRX #xtz
这些山寨币有望在 2024 年底前达到 1 美元;现在是购买的好时机吗?故事亮点 随着市场乐观情绪不断增强,比特币和山寨币已突破关键阻力位,表明看涨趋势的开始Polygon、Tezos 和一些山寨币表现出在年底前飙升至 1 美元这一临时里程碑的巨大趋势 随着明星加密货币比特币在上周末突破 41,000 美元,加密货币市场正在进入牛市的初始阶段。尽管市场情绪转向看涨,但山寨币也准备大幅上涨以实现其目标。以下是据信在未来几周内将达到 1 美元并为强劲牛市奠定基础的顶级山寨币。  多边形 (MATIC) #MATIC MATIC价格已恢复看涨势头,因为该代币最近经历了“金叉”,将价格拉升至看跌水平之上 在连续看涨日收盘后,该代币在周末出现了一些看跌行为,但本周的看涨开局保留了强劲上涨趋势的预期 DMI 刚刚转为看涨,因为 ADX 显示出看涨背离,+Di 和 -Di 水平之间存在看涨交叉 价格已从中期低点反弹,目前据信将突破对角线阻力并在 2024 年底前达到 1 美元 特所思 (XTZ) #xtz 过去几天,XTZ 价格一直在不断测试对角线阻力位,但多头似乎 力量不足 尽管价格变化较大,但 RSI 一直沿较低趋势线交易,表明该代币在未来几天将保持良好上涨势头 因此,价格预计将突破 0.872 美元至 0.883 美元之间的直接阻力区,并进行一段时间的盘整 此外,大幅上涨可能会引发 1 美元以上的显着上涨,而 2024 年底的时间框架似乎不受限制。 卡尔达诺和 XRP 的下一步是什么?#xrp 卡尔达诺和 XRP 长期以来一直在 1 美元以下的窄幅区间内盘整。2022年的熊市在很大程度上对其价值产生了不利影响,阻碍了价格突破关键阻力位。ADA 价格目前交易价格为 0.4074 美元,而 XRP 价格约为 0.6327 美元。这两种代币都显示出维持良好上涨势头的潜力,但可能需要比预期更多的时间才能达到 1 美元的里程碑。 

这些山寨币有望在 2024 年底前达到 1 美元;现在是购买的好时机吗?

随着市场乐观情绪不断增强,比特币和山寨币已突破关键阻力位,表明看涨趋势的开始Polygon、Tezos 和一些山寨币表现出在年底前飙升至 1 美元这一临时里程碑的巨大趋势
随着明星加密货币比特币在上周末突破 41,000 美元,加密货币市场正在进入牛市的初始阶段。尽管市场情绪转向看涨,但山寨币也准备大幅上涨以实现其目标。以下是据信在未来几周内将达到 1 美元并为强劲牛市奠定基础的顶级山寨币。 

DMI 刚刚转为看涨,因为 ADX 显示出看涨背离,+Di 和 -Di 水平之间存在看涨交叉
价格已从中期低点反弹,目前据信将突破对角线阻力并在 2024 年底前达到 1 美元
特所思 (XTZ) #xtz

过去几天,XTZ 价格一直在不断测试对角线阻力位,但多头似乎 力量不足
尽管价格变化较大,但 RSI 一直沿较低趋势线交易,表明该代币在未来几天将保持良好上涨势头
因此,价格预计将突破 0.872 美元至 0.883 美元之间的直接阻力区,并进行一段时间的盘整
此外,大幅上涨可能会引发 1 美元以上的显着上涨,而 2024 年底的时间框架似乎不受限制。
卡尔达诺和 XRP 的下一步是什么?#xrp
卡尔达诺和 XRP 长期以来一直在 1 美元以下的窄幅区间内盘整。2022年的熊市在很大程度上对其价值产生了不利影响,阻碍了价格突破关键阻力位。ADA 价格目前交易价格为 0.4074 美元,而 XRP 价格约为 0.6327 美元。这两种代币都显示出维持良好上涨势头的潜力,但可能需要比预期更多的时间才能达到 1 美元的里程碑。 
Waterfall wash your face, don't worry, take another look at the iron rules of investment, write them down in a notebook 1: Don't rush to buy 2: Don't be greedy to sell 3: Don't drag the stop loss 4: Don't diversify the varieties 5: Never be full 6: Follow the trend Buy small when falling Buy big when falling Buy when the waterfall falls Don't buy if it doesn't fall Sell slightly when rising Sell big when rising Sell when the waterfall rises Don't sell if it doesn't rise. $THETA $XTZ $SAND #theta #xtz #KCS #SAND #BTT
Waterfall wash your face, don't worry, take another look at the iron rules of investment, write them down in a notebook
1: Don't rush to buy
2: Don't be greedy to sell
3: Don't drag the stop loss
4: Don't diversify the varieties
5: Never be full
6: Follow the trend
Buy small when falling
Buy big when falling
Buy when the waterfall falls
Don't buy if it doesn't fall
Sell slightly when rising
Sell big when rising
Sell when the waterfall rises
Don't sell if it doesn't rise.
立即註冊就有機會獲得價值高達 100 USDT 獎勵!