Binance Square
今天有人向 Satoshi 的钱包发送了 27 个比特币(价值超过 110 万美元)......或者也许 Satoshi 醒了,对币安进行了 KYC,然后 DCA 添加了比特币👀$BTC
今天有人向 Satoshi 的钱包发送了 27 个比特币(价值超过 110 万美元)......或者也许 Satoshi 醒了,对币安进行了 KYC,然后 DCA 添加了比特币👀$BTC
Tether 已致函美国立法者🇺🇸。 Tether 首席执行官解释了他们防止不受欢迎的个人使用该公司 USDT 稳定币的方法。 Tether 最近允许美国特勤局进入他们的平台,并且正在与联邦调查局做同样的事情。 Tether 上周冻结了美国制裁名单上的钱包,并声称迄今为止已冻结了 4.35 亿美元 USDT。
Tether 已致函美国立法者🇺🇸。 Tether 首席执行官解释了他们防止不受欢迎的个人使用该公司 USDT 稳定币的方法。

Tether 最近允许美国特勤局进入他们的平台,并且正在与联邦调查局做同样的事情。

Tether 上周冻结了美国制裁名单上的钱包,并声称迄今为止已冻结了 4.35 亿美元 USDT。
🔥 富兰克林邓普顿投资公司(管理着超过 1.5 万亿美元):每个国家都需要拥有比特币 比特币已成为不发达国家在“更平衡的竞争环境”上与主要经济体竞争的有吸引力的工具。 比特币可以作为“国际贸易的基本单位”,这意味着每个国家都需要拥有一些比特币储备,以促进高效转移。 即使考虑到“加密货币冬天”,比特币也是过去十年中表现最好的资产之一 #BinanceSquare $BTC
🔥 富兰克林邓普顿投资公司(管理着超过 1.5 万亿美元):每个国家都需要拥有比特币



#BinanceSquare $BTC
🔥 Coinbase 将起诉 SEC 今天,SEC 驳回了 Coinbase 监管加密货币的请愿书。经过18个月的沉默后,我们诉诸法庭,要求法律规定的答案。出于对法院的感谢,今天晚些时候我们将继续通过挑战 SEC 的豁免来寻求他们的帮助。 #SEC #Coinbase
🔥 Coinbase 将起诉 SEC

今天,SEC 驳回了 Coinbase 监管加密货币的请愿书。经过18个月的沉默后,我们诉诸法庭,要求法律规定的答案。出于对法院的感谢,今天晚些时候我们将继续通过挑战 SEC 的豁免来寻求他们的帮助。 #SEC #Coinbase
🔥 Costco超市上季度销售额超1亿美元 9 月份,1 盎司的金条经常在 Costco 网站上发布后几个小时内就被抢购一空 👀 每位 Costco 会员最多只能购买两根金条。
🔥 Costco超市上季度销售额超1亿美元

9 月份,1 盎司的金条经常在 Costco 网站上发布后几个小时内就被抢购一空 👀

每位 Costco 会员最多只能购买两根金条。
🔥 Safemoon Company officially filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, meaning "liquidation bankruptcy", sold everything and closed. Employee shares letter from company: You need to file a claim in bankruptcy court to recover your unpaid wages. In November, the US Department of Justice 🇺🇸 arrested Braden founders and senior employees John Karony and Thomas Smith while Kyle Nagy remained on the run. They are being prosecuted for the crime of International Fraud Scheme. #BinanceSquare $BTC $ETH $BNB
🔥 Safemoon Company officially filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, meaning "liquidation bankruptcy", sold everything and closed.

Employee shares letter from company: You need to file a claim in bankruptcy court to recover your unpaid wages.

In November, the US Department of Justice 🇺🇸 arrested Braden founders and senior employees John Karony and Thomas Smith while Kyle Nagy remained on the run. They are being prosecuted for the crime of International Fraud Scheme. #BinanceSquare $BTC $ETH $BNB
#ETF #SEC Bitcoin Spot ETF UPDATE (Bloomberg, Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart): Invesco accepted its loss to the SEC and accepted a 'cash' model instead of 'in-kind'. Bitwise has also adopted this model. Simply put, the issuing company must hold Bitcoin, while intermediaries only need to hold "cash only" cash. Currently, only large companies like ARK and BlackRock still persist in wanting the 'in-kind' model.$BTC
#ETF #SEC Bitcoin Spot ETF UPDATE (Bloomberg, Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart):

Invesco accepted its loss to the SEC and accepted a 'cash' model instead of 'in-kind'. Bitwise has also adopted this model. Simply put, the issuing company must hold Bitcoin, while intermediaries only need to hold "cash only" cash.

Currently, only large companies like ARK and BlackRock still persist in wanting the 'in-kind' model.$BTC
ETH 现货 ETF 更新: SEC 决定推迟 Invesco 和 Galaxy 的提议,这也是许多人预料到的,他们必须先解决比特币现货 ETF 的问题,然后再解决以太币的问题。$BTC #ETF #SEC #ether
ETH 现货 ETF 更新:

SEC 决定推迟 Invesco 和 Galaxy 的提议,这也是许多人预料到的,他们必须先解决比特币现货 ETF 的问题,然后再解决以太币的问题。$BTC #ETF #SEC #ether
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell wants to maintain high interest rates longer than expected As on CME, the expectation is that the FED will cut interest rates in May next year. Let's wait for the FED to speak tomorrow and see the market's reaction$BTC #fed #CME
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell wants to maintain high interest rates longer than expected
As on CME, the expectation is that the FED will cut interest rates in May next year. Let's wait for the FED to speak tomorrow and see the market's reaction$BTC #fed #CME
🔥 彭博社 James Seyffart:贝莱德昨天与 SEC 举行了私人会议,讨论比特币现货 ETF。 这是贝莱德第三次与 SEC 私下会面...而在过去的一周内,共有 4 家公司与 SEC 举行了私下会议。
🔥 彭博社 James Seyffart:贝莱德昨天与 SEC 举行了私人会议,讨论比特币现货 ETF。

这是贝莱德第三次与 SEC 私下会面...而在过去的一周内,共有 4 家公司与 SEC 举行了私下会议。
Kucoin 交易所已与纽约总检察长🇺🇸达成诉讼和解,并将离开纽约州,接受 2200 万美元的罚款。 纽约总检察长今年 3 月起诉该交易所未经注册在纽约运营。 有趣的是,诉讼还指控以太坊 (ETH)、LUNA 和 TerraUSD (UST) 等流行的加密货币是证券。 请注意,这起诉讼涉及交易所在纽约州的注册,而不是在 SEC 的注册。$BTC $ETH #usd #KuCoin #BinanceSquare
Kucoin 交易所已与纽约总检察长🇺🇸达成诉讼和解,并将离开纽约州,接受 2200 万美元的罚款。

纽约总检察长今年 3 月起诉该交易所未经注册在纽约运营。

有趣的是,诉讼还指控以太坊 (ETH)、LUNA 和 TerraUSD (UST) 等流行的加密货币是证券。

请注意,这起诉讼涉及交易所在纽约州的注册,而不是在 SEC 的注册。$BTC $ETH #usd #KuCoin #BinanceSquare
🔥CPI UPDATES: ➡️ CPI This Month = 3.1% Last month = 3.2% Estimate = 3.1% ➡️ Core CPI This Month = 4.0% Last month = 4.0% Estimate = 4.0%$BTC $ETH $BNB #BinanceSquare #BinanceFate

➡️ CPI This Month = 3.1%
Last month = 3.2%
Estimate = 3.1%

➡️ Core CPI This Month = 4.0%
Last month = 4.0%
Estimate = 4.0%$BTC $ETH $BNB #BinanceSquare #BinanceFate
🔥 ARK invest has continuously sold Coinbase shares in recent weeks. The biggest sale, which took place last Friday, was the biggest since July, when they sold 480,000 shares worth $50.5 million. ARK applies a target weight to its ETFs. The weight of each component investment does not fall below 2% of the fund's value and does not exceed 10%. The recent rally in Coinbase stock, which has reached a high since April 2022, means its weighting in the funds has gone well beyond 10% so the decision to sell is not too unusual according to How the fund works.$BTC $ETH #BinanceSquare #BinanceBlockchainWeek
🔥 ARK invest has continuously sold Coinbase shares in recent weeks. The biggest sale, which took place last Friday, was the biggest since July, when they sold 480,000 shares worth $50.5 million.

ARK applies a target weight to its ETFs. The weight of each component investment does not fall below 2% of the fund's value and does not exceed 10%.

The recent rally in Coinbase stock, which has reached a high since April 2022, means its weighting in the funds has gone well beyond 10% so the decision to sell is not too unusual according to How the fund works.$BTC $ETH #BinanceSquare #BinanceBlockchainWeek
Hello everyone! Today, I will introduce to you some commonly used on-chain checking tools. Here are some fundamental tools that on-chain analysts should be aware of: 1. Nansen 2. 0xscope 3. Arkham 4. Debank 5. Zerion 6. Blockscan 7. Meta Sleuth 8. Dune These tools provide valuable insights into on-chain activities, allowing users to analyze transactions, smart contracts, and various blockchain data. Whether you are interested in tracking token movements, exploring decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, or conducting blockchain analytics, these tools can offer a comprehensive range of features to assist you in your on-chain research. #onchain #Research $ETH $BTC $BNB #BinanceSquare
Hello everyone! Today, I will introduce to you some commonly used on-chain checking tools. Here are some fundamental tools that on-chain analysts should be aware of:
1. Nansen
2. 0xscope
3. Arkham
4. Debank
5. Zerion
6. Blockscan
7. Meta Sleuth
8. Dune
These tools provide valuable insights into on-chain activities, allowing users to analyze transactions, smart contracts, and various blockchain data. Whether you are interested in tracking token movements, exploring decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, or conducting blockchain analytics, these tools can offer a comprehensive range of features to assist you in your on-chain research. #onchain #Research $ETH $BTC $BNB #BinanceSquare
"The adjustments during the long-term growth season of Bitcoin remain unchanged. In the context of extended development, Bitcoin has undergone various corrections without significantly impacting its growth trend. These adjustments often occur within market cycles and typically do not disrupt the fundamental structure of Bitcoin. Investors and market observers commonly acknowledge that volatility is a natural part of the cryptocurrency market. These corrections can be attributed to various factors, including market events, technical elements, and psychological factors affecting investor sentiment. However, it is crucial to recognize that these adjustments generally do not alter the long-term growth trajectory of Bitcoin. Its technological foundation, limited supply, and increasing recognition are critical factors in maintaining Bitcoin's strength in the cryptocurrency market. Therefore, while short-term fluctuations may occur, these corrections often do not change the long-term growth prospects of Bitcoin, and many investors continue to maintain faith in its sustainability over an extended period."$BTC #BinanceSquare
"The adjustments during the long-term growth season of Bitcoin remain unchanged. In the context of extended development, Bitcoin has undergone various corrections without significantly impacting its growth trend. These adjustments often occur within market cycles and typically do not disrupt the fundamental structure of Bitcoin.
Investors and market observers commonly acknowledge that volatility is a natural part of the cryptocurrency market. These corrections can be attributed to various factors, including market events, technical elements, and psychological factors affecting investor sentiment.
However, it is crucial to recognize that these adjustments generally do not alter the long-term growth trajectory of Bitcoin. Its technological foundation, limited supply, and increasing recognition are critical factors in maintaining Bitcoin's strength in the cryptocurrency market.
Therefore, while short-term fluctuations may occur, these corrections often do not change the long-term growth prospects of Bitcoin, and many investors continue to maintain faith in its sustainability over an extended period."$BTC #BinanceSquare
Senator 🇺🇸 Elizabeth Warren introduces the Digital Assets Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2023. This bill would expand Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) responsibilities, including KYC requirements for all cryptocurrency wallet providers, miners, and validators. This bill would be essentially unworkable and the current version is unlikely to pass the Senate, let alone the House, where the Republican Party retains control, BUT it would be The starting point for a negotiation, what they want is for the majority of transactions to go through intermediaries to protect banks in the name of anti-money laundering.$BTC $ETH $BNB #Uptrend
Senator 🇺🇸 Elizabeth Warren introduces the Digital Assets Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2023.

This bill would expand Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) responsibilities, including KYC requirements for all cryptocurrency wallet providers, miners, and validators.

This bill would be essentially unworkable and the current version is unlikely to pass the Senate, let alone the House, where the Republican Party retains control, BUT it would be The starting point for a negotiation, what they want is for the majority of transactions to go through intermediaries to protect banks in the name of anti-money laundering.$BTC $ETH $BNB #Uptrend
Don't worry guys... Tether just minted 1 billion USDT on Tron Since November 3, Tether has minted a total of 6 billion USDT on Tron and Ethereum.$ETH $BTC $TRX
Don't worry guys...

Tether just minted 1 billion USDT on Tron

Since November 3, Tether has minted a total of 6 billion USDT on Tron and Ethereum.$ETH $BTC $TRX
Even Google believes that the Bitcoin Spot ETF will be approved. They have just updated their advertising policies: In January 2024, Google will update policies related to crypto and related products to clarify the scope and advertising requirements for crypto funds. Starting from January 29, 2024, advertisers offering crypto funds targeting the United States can advertise their products and services if they meet the following requirements and are certified by Google. ✅ Crypto funds For example, financial products that allow investors to trade shares in funds holding large amounts of crypto.$BTC $ETH #Web3 #ETF
Even Google believes that the Bitcoin Spot ETF will be approved. They have just updated their advertising policies:

In January 2024, Google will update policies related to crypto and related products to clarify the scope and advertising requirements for crypto funds.

Starting from January 29, 2024, advertisers offering crypto funds targeting the United States can advertise their products and services if they meet the following requirements and are certified by Google.
✅ Crypto funds
For example, financial products that allow investors to trade shares in funds holding large amounts of crypto.$BTC $ETH #Web3 #ETF
🔥 The amount of money flowing into some investment funds in the past week, as reported by CoinShares, indicates a decrease. However, it is still the 11th consecutive week with additional funds coming in. The funds mainly attracted money into assets such as BTC, ETH, and Short BTC. The inflows are originating from countries like Germany, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada.#BTCUSDT #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB
🔥 The amount of money flowing into some investment funds in the past week, as reported by CoinShares, indicates a decrease. However, it is still the 11th consecutive week with additional funds coming in.

The funds mainly attracted money into assets such as BTC, ETH, and Short BTC. The inflows are originating from countries like Germany, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada.#BTCUSDT #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB
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