Binance Square
If there is a pullback in the next few days, boldly copy The second half of the bull market is the real stage of wealth creation! There are many people who are optimistic about the bull market, but there are more people who are afraid of pullbacks! Continuously rising in doubt, all trends come from this, so-called buying in disagreement and selling in agreement, we just need to hold the spot and stay away from the noise. ​​​ #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
If there is a pullback in the next few days, boldly copy
The second half of the bull market is the real stage of wealth creation!
There are many people who are optimistic about the bull market, but there are more people who are afraid of pullbacks!
Continuously rising in doubt, all trends come from this,
so-called buying in disagreement and selling in agreement, we just need to hold the spot and stay away from the noise. ​​​

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
In the past three months, Bitcoin's price has fluctuated very little, one of the lowest volatility periods in history In each halving cycle, Bitcoin's price tends to remain relatively stable for a period of time, with little price fluctuation, forming a so-called "consolidation period" or "accumulation period". During this stage, the market may appear to be relatively calm, with less trading volume, and investors may be waiting and waiting for the market to give a clearer direction signal. However, this calm will not last long, because at a certain point in time, Bitcoin's price tends to suddenly fluctuate greatly, which may be a sharp rise or a sudden fall, which is the so-called "outburst period". #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
In the past three months, Bitcoin's price has fluctuated very little, one of the lowest volatility periods in history

In each halving cycle, Bitcoin's price tends to remain relatively stable for a period of time, with little price fluctuation, forming a so-called "consolidation period" or "accumulation period".

During this stage, the market may appear to be relatively calm, with less trading volume, and investors may be waiting and waiting for the market to give a clearer direction signal.

However, this calm will not last long, because at a certain point in time, Bitcoin's price tends to suddenly fluctuate greatly, which may be a sharp rise or a sudden fall, which is the so-called "outburst period".

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
Currently, BTC has entered a consolidation phase on the 4-hour chart. The rise after the breakthrough has temporarily stopped and is expected to enter a range consolidation. The operation strategy recommendations are as follows: Long: It is recommended to wait for the price to pull back to the key support level before entering the market to ensure a better entry point. Short: Although you can consider shorting against the trend, the increase will increase and the risk will increase. The best strategy is to wait patiently for clearer market signals. Overall, subdivide the operation and wait for the market direction to become clearer. #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
Currently, BTC has entered a consolidation phase on the 4-hour chart. The rise after the breakthrough has temporarily stopped and is expected to enter a range consolidation. The operation strategy recommendations are as follows:

Long: It is recommended to wait for the price to pull back to the key support level before entering the market to ensure a better entry point.

Short: Although you can consider shorting against the trend, the increase will increase and the risk will increase. The best strategy is to wait patiently for clearer market signals.

Overall, subdivide the operation and wait for the market direction to become clearer.

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
Major market divergences—— Figure 1: Historically high gold prices (yellow line) VS continued upward US real interest rates (red line). Figure 2: S&P 500 at high point (green line) VS balance sheet size of major central banks (blue line) We can review the changes in gold market pricing in 2023——the return of monetary attributes. After the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the correlation between gold and the real interest rate of the US dollar has been greatly weakened. The story of de-dollarization began to ferment, and central banks of various countries began to pursue the diversification of foreign exchange reserves and increase their holdings of gold and BTC. The logic of long-term inflation began to be questioned, and the model of debt + economic growth was tested. The increase in divergences and deviations only points to one reason——US Treasury bonds are gradually losing the role of global asset pricing anchors, and people need more interest-free inflation-protected bonds that transcend national sovereign credit. In this round of global interest rate cuts, gold and BTC are two major safe-haven assets that must be configured. Continue the buy and hold strategy! #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
Major market divergences——

Figure 1: Historically high gold prices (yellow line) VS continued upward US real interest rates (red line).

Figure 2: S&P 500 at high point (green line) VS balance sheet size of major central banks (blue line) We can review the changes in gold market pricing in 2023——the return of monetary attributes. After the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the correlation between gold and the real interest rate of the US dollar has been greatly weakened. The story of de-dollarization began to ferment, and central banks of various countries began to pursue the diversification of foreign exchange reserves and increase their holdings of gold and BTC. The logic of long-term inflation began to be questioned, and the model of debt + economic growth was tested.

The increase in divergences and deviations only points to one reason——US Treasury bonds are gradually losing the role of global asset pricing anchors, and people need more interest-free inflation-protected bonds that transcend national sovereign credit. In this round of global interest rate cuts, gold and BTC are two major safe-haven assets that must be configured. Continue the buy and hold strategy!

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
二饼光速加急🚀 昨天前天连续两次给兄弟们强调二饼行情的重雅丽在3500点附近。 行情昨天果然冲高这个位置回调超过130点,兄弟们吃的很开心,盆满钵满 [作揖] 当前整体点位变化不大 雅丽位依旧在3490~3520附近! 支撑位依旧在3300-3335附近! 短时趋势:大概率会回踩3330附近震荡反弹! 当前行情多变,无论是热衷于合悦还是现货的朋友 ,都可以查看剪介找到我 ,我也看好了几个潜力币准备布局了。 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期




当前行情多变,无论是热衷于合悦还是现货的朋友 ,都可以查看剪介找到我 ,我也看好了几个潜力币准备布局了。

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
昨天晚上消息出来 利好!!晚间直击!! 美联储主席鲍威尔刚说,最近三次通胀数据确实增强了信心。 如果美联储等到通胀率达到2%再进行降息!!!!! 那就会等得太久。 所以是利好! 比特币可能要冲66000附近,以太预计可能要到3600附近。 山寨目前走向很不错!!世界币起来了,Pepe又要开始了? 当然这不是投资建议,大盘目前暂时企稳,消息面很重要,草莓近期埋伏了一个潜力币!!! 币圈走势充满了不确定性和挑战,但也蕴含着潜在的机遇。投资者在参与币圈投资时,应充分了解相关风险,保持冷静和理性,以稳健的策略应对市场的变化! 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,查看剪介,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
昨天晚上消息出来 利好!!晚间直击!!


那就会等得太久。 所以是利好!






#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
为什么大部分人牛市赚不到钱? 1、跌下来不敢分批抄底! 2、即使抄底了,但没有拿住,庄家一洗,就下车了; 3、筹码太分散; 4、频繁上车下车,不断的换仓,追涨杀跌,最终错过了牛市; 5、牛市追涨,且大仓位满仓梭哈,一个大回调,就造成割肉离场; 6、牛来了却不知道,不敢重仓,牛市走了不知道走,依然重仓或者不断。 如果你还在水下,看不清大盘趋势,看多就跌看空就涨,关注我剪介,每日免费分享盈利密码 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期








#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
BTC: 65,500 is still the key game position near the weekly line and MA120. Among them, standing above 65,000 means standing firmly at the position of MA120, and the second is the key position of the weekly line. We talked about the situation after standing firm yesterday, so we won’t mention it again. Support: Short-term pullback support can be seen near 64,300 at the 1-hour level and near 63,200 at the 4-hour level. RSI: Index 68, soaring from 55 yesterday to 68, and the short-term price has not risen too much. The price increase is limited and the index is growing rapidly, indicating that the current market bullish sentiment is consuming too fast and lacks momentum. Once the index reaches around 70, pay attention to the short-term pullback risk. If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the introduction and find me, you can get the position allocation strategy, teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期

65,500 is still the key game position near the weekly line and MA120. Among them, standing above 65,000 means standing firmly at the position of MA120, and the second is the key position of the weekly line. We talked about the situation after standing firm yesterday, so we won’t mention it again.
Support: Short-term pullback support can be seen near 64,300 at the 1-hour level and near 63,200 at the 4-hour level.

RSI: Index 68, soaring from 55 yesterday to 68, and the short-term price has not risen too much. The price increase is limited and the index is growing rapidly, indicating that the current market bullish sentiment is consuming too fast and lacks momentum. Once the index reaches around 70, pay attention to the short-term pullback risk.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the introduction and find me, you can get the position allocation strategy, teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
The bull and bear markets have completely reversed, with small drops and big rises. Please go all in. There is nothing wrong with the previous bearish view. Trump is a white swan. If there is no such shot, can the market be bullish? This round of Mt.gox distribution alone can easily bring BTC back below 60,000. Trump is likely to be elected and the vice president is pro-cryptocurrency. The bullish sentiment of the entire market is unprecedentedly high. It seems that no one cares how much money to take over the BTC in Mentougou. Everyone is looking at 70,000 or 100,000 BTC. The market expectations are different. It may not be right to buy the bottom on the left, but now it is definitely a win to buy heavily on the right. If you have been chasing the rise and fall, often trapped, and have no latest news in the currency circle, and have no direction, follow me to check the clippings. I will share the bull market strategy layout with fans for free, just to increase fans! #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
The bull and bear markets have completely reversed, with small drops and big rises. Please go all in.

There is nothing wrong with the previous bearish view. Trump is a white swan. If there is no such shot, can the market be bullish? This round of Mt.gox distribution alone can easily bring BTC back below 60,000.

Trump is likely to be elected and the vice president is pro-cryptocurrency. The bullish sentiment of the entire market is unprecedentedly high. It seems that no one cares how much money to take over the BTC in Mentougou. Everyone is looking at 70,000 or 100,000 BTC. The market expectations are different.

It may not be right to buy the bottom on the left, but now it is definitely a win to buy heavily on the right.

If you have been chasing the rise and fall, often trapped, and have no latest news in the currency circle, and have no direction, follow me to check the clippings. I will share the bull market strategy layout with fans for free, just to increase fans!

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
WLD又换了一种方式来席卷市场了!! 分配给 Worldcoin 贡献方 Tools for Humanity 的 WLD 代币原定于 2024 年 7 月 24 日开始以线性方式每天解锁。 但 TFH 将团队成员和投资者持有的 80% 的 WLD 的解锁时间表将从 3 年延长到 5 年。 这种治标不治本!抓紧把世界币的实际作用体现出来 币价才会拉!!! 如果你还在水下,看不清大盘趋势,看多就跌看空就涨,关注我剪介,每日免费分享盈利密码 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期

分配给 Worldcoin 贡献方 Tools for Humanity 的 WLD 代币原定于 2024 年 7 月 24 日开始以线性方式每天解锁。

但 TFH 将团队成员和投资者持有的 80% 的 WLD 的解锁时间表将从 3 年延长到 5 年。

这种治标不治本!抓紧把世界币的实际作用体现出来 币价才会拉!!!


#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
In fact, the normal state of the cryptocurrency circle is the same. When the market is bad, it is deserted, and when the market is good, it is very lively. Those who have not experienced the cycle do not need to panic at all. Everything at the moment is not a "supernatural" phenomenon in the cryptocurrency circle. Everything is normal. For old leeks, those who have seen big winds and waves and hold spot goods probably don't panic much. Not only are they not panicked, they are also very lively and humorous, and they play one joke after another. If you are still underwater and can't see the trend of the market, you will fall if you are bullish and rise if you are bearish, follow me to share the profit code for free every day #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
In fact, the normal state of the cryptocurrency circle is the same. When the market is bad, it is deserted, and when the market is good, it is very lively.

Those who have not experienced the cycle do not need to panic at all. Everything at the moment is not a "supernatural" phenomenon in the cryptocurrency circle. Everything is normal.

For old leeks, those who have seen big winds and waves and hold spot goods probably don't panic much. Not only are they not panicked, they are also very lively and humorous, and they play one joke after another.

If you are still underwater and can't see the trend of the market, you will fall if you are bullish and rise if you are bearish, follow me to share the profit code for free every day

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
It is not recommended for novices to touch contracts. If you really want to play contracts, you must pay attention to setting stop loss points and profit targets, knowing your risk tolerance, and setting stop loss lines rationally. Once reached, execute decisively. Protecting the principal is always the first priority. When the loss exceeds the tolerance range, you must stop the operation. Read more and learn more, don't do it blindly! Don't be like a gambler after losing money, and open more and more leverage. The more you play with margin, the more likely you will be sent away. Newbies can go and see the case of liquidation. If you are not afraid, then experience it once. You will always experience a liquidation when playing contracts. #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
It is not recommended for novices to touch contracts. If you really want to play contracts, you must pay attention to setting stop loss points and profit targets, knowing your risk tolerance, and setting stop loss lines rationally. Once reached, execute decisively. Protecting the principal is always the first priority. When the loss exceeds the tolerance range, you must stop the operation. Read more and learn more, don't do it blindly! Don't be like a gambler after losing money, and open more and more leverage. The more you play with margin, the more likely you will be sent away. Newbies can go and see the case of liquidation. If you are not afraid, then experience it once. You will always experience a liquidation when playing contracts. #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
5 Laws of Speculating in the Cryptocurrency Circle 1: Rapid rise and slow fall means accumulating chips. Rapid rise but slow fall means that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise. 2: Rapid fall and slow rise means selling. Rapid fall but slow rise means that the dealer is gradually selling and the market is about to enter a falling cycle. 3: Don’t sell at the top, and run away if there is no volume at the top. If the top volume is large, it may continue to rise; but if the top volume shrinks, it means that the upward momentum is insufficient, and leave the market as soon as possible. 4: Don’t buy at the bottom, but you can buy if the volume continues to increase. The bottom volume may be a relay of decline, which needs to be observed; continuous volume means that funds are constantly entering, and you can consider buying. 5. Speculating in cryptocurrencies is speculation on emotions, and consensus is trading volume. Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check the clipping, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing. #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
5 Laws of Speculating in the Cryptocurrency Circle

1: Rapid rise and slow fall means accumulating chips.
Rapid rise but slow fall means that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise.

2: Rapid fall and slow rise means selling.
Rapid fall but slow rise means that the dealer is gradually selling and the market is about to enter a falling cycle.

3: Don’t sell at the top, and run away if there is no volume at the top.
If the top volume is large, it may continue to rise; but if the top volume shrinks, it means that the upward momentum is insufficient, and leave the market as soon as possible.

4: Don’t buy at the bottom, but you can buy if the volume continues to increase.
The bottom volume may be a relay of decline, which needs to be observed; continuous volume means that funds are constantly entering, and you can consider buying.

5. Speculating in cryptocurrencies is speculation on emotions, and consensus is trading volume.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check the clipping, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing.

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
下半场主旋律,我一直强调重复的动作是——堆龙头……有伙伴问哪些分别是哪个赛道的龙头? 哪些赛道,必须是那些很可能在后面下波牛市主升浪里有可能成为热点的赛道。 而市场方向变化是很快很快的,大都需要随时迅速预判。除非能够经历完整牛熊的一些公链龙头和meme龙头,这些不用想,一看就知道哪个了。 公链龙头sol了,退而求其次我看好inj meme龙头我说过好几次了,以太生态pepe,大饼生态dog,sol链生态更看好wif 只是我个人观点不作为投资建议 反正自己决策自己承担,我只能做到自己怎么做的就怎么说,问心无愧就好。 如果你还在水下,看不清大盘趋势,看多就跌看空就涨,关注我剪介,每日免费分享盈利密码 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?








#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
最近的市场总结显示,存在大量逼空行为,价格被推高后开始追高,而后再受门头沟消息的影响大幅下挫,情况令人沮丧。 尽管形势复杂,但在当前局势下,如果反弹至约64200美元附近,仍需考虑空头操作,下方目标看向2000点,并应关注今日低点的破位是否延续。 想了解具体的机会,具体的决策,查看剪介,可领取仓位分配攻略,教你如何在牛市中赚钱,在熊市中赚币 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期



#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期
接下来个人认为可以逢低布局一些随着以太坊接力大盘,高度联动以太的币种,例如L2板块,作为接下来牛市会爆炒的板块之一,他们的龙头币拉升都是迟早的事情,不要等涨起来才去追,而是要提前埋伏,其次就是LSD赛道,昨天LDO,SSV,RPL都有不同程度的回落,正是逢低布局的时候。 另外就是存储赛道的FIL,每一轮行情这个币种都不会缺席,逢低布局,其他优质标的ENS,MASK,SUI也是可以逢低布局的币种之一。不追涨杀跌,中长线忽略短期波动,回调不要慌,逢低布局优质标的,等以太接力,山寨普涨的行情不远了。 当前行情多变,无论是热衷于合悦还是现货的朋友 ,都可以查看剪介找到我 ,我也看好了几个潜力币准备布局了。 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?


当前行情多变,无论是热衷于合悦还是现货的朋友 ,都可以查看剪介找到我 ,我也看好了几个潜力币准备布局了。

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
普通人的人生巅峰: 1,农民:经济上,拥有100万元存款。仕途上,能当上村主任或村支部书记。 2,工人:经济上,拥有200万元存款。仕途上,担任中层领导。 3,普通教师:经济上,拥有300万元存款。职称上,正高。职务上,乡镇中心学校校长。 4,普通事业编公务员,经济上,拥有300万元存款。职级上,一级主任科员。职务上,实职正科。 实际上:达到人生巅峰的机会 经济上:20%的可能。 职称职级上:5%的可能。 职务上:1%的可能。 你觉得中肯吗? #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温




#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温
BTC突破 63800u 后触及 65000u 的0.618回撤位,目前暂时受阻。 按照一般趋势反转的定义,只要本周能突破 0.618-0.66 这个黄金口袋区间,多头趋势就可以延续。 当前 65000u 的阻力对多头趋势构成一定隐患,接下来需要看到的是在这个小区间内的供应再次被吸收,并成功站上0.66,以开启下一段上涨行情。 基于先前市场情绪和费率的表现,我依旧认为之前的行情主题是轧空。在突破 63800u 后,场内空头已被全面清理,且费率恢复正常,并在部分交易所出现较高水平。 因此,可以确认轧空行情已经结束,市场将重新恢复为供需博弈的状态。本周价格在0.66~0.5之间的区间内震荡的可能性较大。 策略在 62500u 时已全面做多,但我依旧保持谨慎看多的思路,只关注盘面,不被情绪左右。 如果本周内重新跌破 62300u,我会认为 63800u 是针对空头清算的假突破,并重新看空。在此之前,先持有多单观望即可。 #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
BTC突破 63800u 后触及 65000u 的0.618回撤位,目前暂时受阻。

按照一般趋势反转的定义,只要本周能突破 0.618-0.66 这个黄金口袋区间,多头趋势就可以延续。

当前 65000u 的阻力对多头趋势构成一定隐患,接下来需要看到的是在这个小区间内的供应再次被吸收,并成功站上0.66,以开启下一段上涨行情。

基于先前市场情绪和费率的表现,我依旧认为之前的行情主题是轧空。在突破 63800u 后,场内空头已被全面清理,且费率恢复正常,并在部分交易所出现较高水平。


策略在 62500u 时已全面做多,但我依旧保持谨慎看多的思路,只关注盘面,不被情绪左右。

如果本周内重新跌破 62300u,我会认为 63800u 是针对空头清算的假突破,并重新看空。在此之前,先持有多单观望即可。

#山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
VC币大家为什么不喜欢? 1.局限性:不在和ico时代一样,只要认识人就能投了,在身边人眼中,不患寡患不均,如果你能有,我没有,那就不行; 2.估值大:不再是以前都是低估值的年代了,现在项目小的100m,大的3b-10b,起始就这么高了,怎么赚钱呢; 3.不拉盘:主要是最近的vc币表现,从上线就开始otc套保,然后一路向下,只要敢于接盘的全死了; 归根结底VC币的诟病不是别的,是无法让大家赚钱,如果大家都能赚到钱,咔咔咔的拉盘,谁能拒绝这么可爱的VC币呢? 所以如果出现低市值,低估值,有技术的团队,还很有钱的团队,拉盘还厉害的团队,你冲不冲? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年






#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年
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