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Saya senang bermain dengan solana sangat menarik
通过 arb 机器人创造一个赚取 solana $SOL 的机会,我认为是可能的
通过 arb 机器人创造一个赚取 solana $SOL 的机会,我认为是可能的
Solana 网络目前遇到拥塞问题,您的交易可能会延迟。这一切什么时候才能解决? $SOL 🙁☹️☹️
Solana 网络目前遇到拥塞问题,您的交易可能会延迟。这一切什么时候才能解决?


Solana (SOL) 在今天的日期,即 2024 年 4 月 5 日,展示了其网络交易处理方面的可喜进展。 目前,交易量小幅增长约 0.87%。 我仍然乐观地认为,未来将会不断改进并迅速解决这一问题。 #Write2Erarn
Solana (SOL) 在今天的日期,即 2024 年 4 月 5 日,展示了其网络交易处理方面的可喜进展。

目前,交易量小幅增长约 0.87%。


“大约 75% 的 Solana (SOL) 交易失败。” “这需要尽快解决。否则会产生不利影响。” #Write2Erarn 🤯🤯🤯
“大约 75% 的 Solana (SOL) 交易失败。”


2024 年 4 月 3 日,由于迄今为止的交易失败率较高,Solana (SOL) 的价值下跌了 9%。这引起了大多数 Crypto X(Twitter)用户对 Solana 区块链未来的担忧,怀疑其提供稳定可扩展性的能力。 Solana 被称为著名的权益证明 (PoS) 加密网络,其历史证明 (PoH) 协议有助于以低廉的费用处理交易。然而,Solana 的错误和网络故障历史极大地影响了 Solana 网络的原生代币 Sol 币的价格。 Solana Dex Raydium 上的加密货币交易者注意到交易失败率很高,这表明 Solana 网络可能会出现新的困难阶段,这可能是由高网络负载引起的。交易失败率高达75%,Solana网络和Solana DeFi交易所的用户感到非常担忧。 面对这个问题,一些加密货币交易者开始认识到卡尔达诺区块链的作用,认为卡尔达诺区块链在稳定性和去中心化方面比 Solana 更好。一位卡尔达诺支持者甚至对该网络表示持续乐观,而加密货币影响者 Slumdoge Millionaire 则对 Solana 表示失望,并考虑切换到 Base 区块链或以太坊第 2 层扩展网络。 经过 Solana 网络的讨论,Sol 币的交易价格当天下跌了近 9%。
2024 年 4 月 3 日,由于迄今为止的交易失败率较高,Solana (SOL) 的价值下跌了 9%。这引起了大多数 Crypto X(Twitter)用户对 Solana 区块链未来的担忧,怀疑其提供稳定可扩展性的能力。

Solana 被称为著名的权益证明 (PoS) 加密网络,其历史证明 (PoH) 协议有助于以低廉的费用处理交易。然而,Solana 的错误和网络故障历史极大地影响了 Solana 网络的原生代币 Sol 币的价格。

Solana Dex Raydium 上的加密货币交易者注意到交易失败率很高,这表明 Solana 网络可能会出现新的困难阶段,这可能是由高网络负载引起的。交易失败率高达75%,Solana网络和Solana DeFi交易所的用户感到非常担忧。

面对这个问题,一些加密货币交易者开始认识到卡尔达诺区块链的作用,认为卡尔达诺区块链在稳定性和去中心化方面比 Solana 更好。一位卡尔达诺支持者甚至对该网络表示持续乐观,而加密货币影响者 Slumdoge Millionaire 则对 Solana 表示失望,并考虑切换到 Base 区块链或以太坊第 2 层扩展网络。

经过 Solana 网络的讨论,Sol 币的交易价格当天下跌了近 9%。
今天早上,我从 ARB 机器人 Solana (SOL) 那里得到了一个惊喜。 。 我想我今天很感激😇😇
今天早上,我从 ARB 机器人 Solana (SOL) 那里得到了一个惊喜。 。
是时候看看 Solana (SOL) 🚀🚀🚀 今天将看涨。 ? 我们一起观察一下。 。 Solana 投资者的韧性。
是时候看看 Solana (SOL) 🚀🚀🚀
今天将看涨。 ?

我们一起观察一下。 。 Solana 投资者的韧性。
今天的可能性还是要耐心的承受。 😎😎😎 但别担心,有好消息!可以看出,Solana (SOL) 价格开始显示出正能量,暗示着有趣的上涨潜力! 🚀 #Write2Eearn #TrendingTopic! #SolanaTrade
今天的可能性还是要耐心的承受。 😎😎😎

但别担心,有好消息!可以看出,Solana (SOL) 价格开始显示出正能量,暗示着有趣的上涨潜力! 🚀

#Write2Eearn #TrendingTopic! #SolanaTrade
🚀🌟 来自加密世界的激动人心的消息! 🌟🚀 📈 Solana (SOL) 跌至 25 个月来的最高峰! 📈 最新消息:SOL在过去24小时内飙升14%,突破185美元大关,达到惊人的197.27美元!这一涨幅标志着 Solana 令人惊讶的 25 个月新高! 🔥 💥 然而,这还不是全部!在过去 30 天里,SOL 的价值令人难以置信地增长了 51%,给投资者和分析师带来了兴奋。专家们现在预计在不久的将来可能上涨 250 美元! 💥 📊 RSI 触及 80.50:虽然 SOL 继续加速看涨趋势,但相对强弱指数 (RSI) 已达到 80.50,表明可能存在超买。这表明投资者对 Solana 的发展充满信心。 📊 🌐 SOL 成为先锋:在投资者信心不断上升和令人兴奋的发展(例如即将推出的 BILS)的支持下,Solana 正在引领加密货币领域的看涨浪潮,BILS 是一种由以色列谢克尔支持、建立在 Solana 平台上的稳定币。 不要错过这个乘坐 SOL 火箭取得财务成功的绝佳机会!等待下一次更新并立即加入 Solana 社区! 🚀🌟 #Solana #Crypto #TrendingTopics #Opportunity #Write2Earn‏
🚀🌟 来自加密世界的激动人心的消息! 🌟🚀

📈 Solana (SOL) 跌至 25 个月来的最高峰! 📈
最新消息:SOL在过去24小时内飙升14%,突破185美元大关,达到惊人的197.27美元!这一涨幅标志着 Solana 令人惊讶的 25 个月新高! 🔥

💥 然而,这还不是全部!在过去 30 天里,SOL 的价值令人难以置信地增长了 51%,给投资者和分析师带来了兴奋。专家们现在预计在不久的将来可能上涨 250 美元! 💥

📊 RSI 触及 80.50:虽然 SOL 继续加速看涨趋势,但相对强弱指数 (RSI) 已达到 80.50,表明可能存在超买。这表明投资者对 Solana 的发展充满信心。 📊

🌐 SOL 成为先锋:在投资者信心不断上升和令人兴奋的发展(例如即将推出的 BILS)的支持下,Solana 正在引领加密货币领域的看涨浪潮,BILS 是一种由以色列谢克尔支持、建立在 Solana 平台上的稳定币。

不要错过这个乘坐 SOL 火箭取得财务成功的绝佳机会!等待下一次更新并立即加入 Solana 社区! 🚀🌟
#Solana #Crypto #TrendingTopics #Opportunity #Write2Earn‏
solana (SOL) 本周会达到 200 美元的目标吗? ? 出售资产要有耐心。 。
solana (SOL) 本周会达到 200 美元的目标吗? ?

出售资产要有耐心。 。
SOL 通知。 ! !
SOL 通知。 ! !
Solana Official
Network Performance Report: March 2024
The Solana Foundation regularly releases updates and metrics on the state of the network as part of its commitment to transparency. This is the March 2024 Network Performance Report. Past reports include the previous Network Performance Report in July 2023, the Validator Health Report, and Energy Use Report. The Foundation welcomes input from the Solana community on this report. Fill out this form with questions, feedback, and metrics that you’d like to see tracked. 


The Solana network’s performance has continued to improve through the past six months (Sept. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024), as measured by uptime, the ratio of non-voting-to-voting transactions, time to produce a block, and average and max transactions per second. However, the network suffered an outage on Feb. 6, 2024. Solana ecosystem engineers immediately began triaging the situation and were able to push a fix that led to the network restarting in a little less than five hours, indicating a well-prepared and engaged validator community that enables the network to bounce back more quickly in times of emergency. 

There are several new features and developments to highlight on the Solana network since the last network performance report in July 2023, including several announcements from Breakpoint 2023, an annual conference for the Solana community:

Network upgrades to better handle high traffic and demand, including the rollout of QUIC TPU, stake-weighted QoS, and localized fee markets. Since these network upgrades, the network has performed well in periods of high stress.

1.17 update for validators. v1.17 of the Solana Labs validator client includes a number of new features and performance updates that will be activated over time. This includes a ZK proof program that will facilitate performance updates that are expected to reduce transaction latency, reduce resource usage by block-producing validators, and lower startup times for validator restarts.  

Firedancer, a new validator client from Jump Crypto, is live on testnet. This new validator client is built from the ground up in C++ and has shown significant performance improvements.

Token extensions represent the next generation of the SPL token standard. Token extensions represent a comprehensive suite of turnkey solutions tailored to meet the needs of enterprises moving on chain.

Over 60% of stake now runs through the Jito validator client. Jito is a validator software client that launched on mainnet just over a year ago. 

The network continues to be run by a robust group of independent validators around the world. The Solana network is one of the world’s most decentralized proof-of-stake blockchains, and one of the most developed on, with 2500-3000 developers consistently choosing to build on Solana. Read on for a few statistics the Solana Foundation tracks to measure the decentralization and vitality of the Solana network (updated as of Feb. 26, 2024 unless noted otherwise).

Details of network performance

In order for a billion people to use and take advantage of the benefits of the Solana network, users need to feel confident in the network’s overall reliability, including the ability to consistently access the network and safety of funds and information. 

The Foundation is committed to tracking network performance over time through quantitative and qualitative measures. For this report, we highlight four metrics for the sake of simplicity and to allow users to easily track these metrics and how they progress over time. We’ve included these metrics, as well a few others, on a Dune dashboard that makes it easy to dig a layer deeper into the data or run your own analyses. 


A constantly reliable network is foundational to the trust and continued growth of the network. 

One of the most important measures of reliability is network uptime, or the percentage of time that the network is successfully running and available to use. 100% uptime within a specific period of time means that there were no errors or incidents that caused the network to be unavailable during that period. 

The Solana network has had 99.94% uptime in the 12 month period previous to the publishing of this report (March 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024). 

Below, we snapshot the network’s monthly uptime, measured as the percentage of uptime in a given month over the past 6 months. 

Average monthly uptime:

September 2023: 100%

October 2023: 100%

November 2023: 100%

December 2023: 100%

January 2024: 100%

February 2024: 99.31%

The network experienced a 4 hour 46 minute outage on Feb. 6, 2024. The outage was caused by a bug in the LoadedPrograms function that led to an infinite loop and halted consensus. This bug had previously been identified and was scheduled to be deployed during the v1.18 release cycle, and instead was deployed immediately upon cluster restart. Importantly, during a network outage, all funds are safe. Anza published a root cause analysis report of the outage on Feb. 9, 2024. 

100% uptime is a consistent goal for the network – this sort of reliability and consistency builds trust for users and potential users that the network will be consistently available for use over time, and if there is downtime, that access will be quickly restored. To that end, it’s important to note that on Solana, time between outages continues to grow. Messari’s Jan. 11, 2024 State of Solana report noted that the period between Feb. 25, 2023 and Dec. 31, 2023 was the network’s longest-ever period without a network interruption, at 309 days. [1]

Block time (time to produce a block)

Block time measures the speed of a single transaction, since it measures how quickly the network adds more “blocks” to the blockchain. In this chart, we see the average time to produce a block, how consistent this metric is, and how it changes over time. 

The spike at the end of February 2023 correlates with the Feb. 25, 2023 network outage, discussed in the previous Network Performance Report. The smaller spike at the end correlates with the Feb. 6, 2024 outage. The consistency in the chart otherwise shows the general stability and speed of the network.

Average and maximum transactions per second

Total transactions per second are the most accurate reflection of the current throughput of the network and demonstrate its potential and growth over time. The benchmark throughput is 65,000 transactions per second, based on simple transactions like sending money from one place to another. Actual transactions per second will differ due to the varied mix of complex transactions on the network, and based on demand at any given moment. An NFT purchase, for example, is much more complex than a simple movement of native tokens across wallets. 

It’s important to note that actual network transactions per second is not a reflection of network capacity, but of demand for transaction throughput. In almost all cases, Solana mainnet-beta is operating below capacity.

The chart below is a snapshot of how well the network is performing in real time. It’s segmented into average transactions per second on a given day, along with maximum transactions per second, split out by date. Average transactions per second have remained relatively similar since December 2022, with some volatility that correlates with high network demand. Notably, other blockchain networks may have seen a recent rise in the number of transactions per second and max transactions per second due to an increase in a specific type of transaction called inscriptions. Inscriptions are a type of NFT that are very simple on a technical transaction level, so they don't take up much blockspace or compute. This can inflate the total number of "transactions" that a blockchain can do, where that number may not fully represent the capacity to fulfill “normal” transactions like token transfers and standard NFT interactions. 

Max transactions per second

Average transactions per second

This chart shows a drop in transactions per second in December 2023-January 2024. Large drops like this are not unexpected, particularly in periods with significant activity. This rise in interest and usage in December 2023 aligns with other charts and information tracked by the Foundation. We can see a similar time pattern emerge in these charts of new wallets created and token extension transactions, for example. 

Users can continue to monitor the performance of the Solana network and use reports like this one to help the community track its development over time. Read more on the latest upgrade to the Solana Labs validator client , as well as the recent fork by Anza. See the release schedule which is available through Github.

Network highlights since the July 2023 report

Network upgrades to better handle high traffic and demand. The network is being continually improved and upgraded to address user needs and technical issues. Many of the recent upgrades, such as QUIC, Stake Weighted QoS, and localized fee markets, were in response to specific points of stress, slowdowns, and outages in periods of high activity and demand. Developers are also continuing to test and develop other network upgrades and initiatives, including increasing maximum transaction sizes (currently limited to 1232 bytes) and simplifying the voting logic, which reduces the overall amount of data needed to be transmitted and stored. 

Release of versions 1.16 and 1.17 of the Solana Labs validator client. Version 1.16 was successfully rolled out in September 2023, and version 1.17 rolled out on Jan. 15, 2024. Both these versions include new features, performance updates, and changes to improve resiliency of the network. 

New features include:

Improved runtime support for zero-knowledge math:

Supports 128 elliptic curve operations (equivalents of EIP-196, EIP-197, and EIP-198).

Support for resizeable program data accounts

The capability to broadcast shreds and do repair over QUIC, which will help transition protocols to QUIC

Token extensions. Solana Labs introduced the original Token Program to define a common implementation for Fungible and Non Fungible tokens, making it easier to introduce and work with tokens on the Solana blockchain. Token extensions, a cross-ecosystem effort introduced to the greater public in January 2024, is an evolution or superset of the original Token Program functionality, making it easy to adopt. By adding different extensions to mints and accounts, token extensions introduce new features not possible or not widely accessible in the original Token program. 

Additional Firedancer progress. Firedancer, a Solana validator client being developed by Jump Crypto, is adding features and getting closer to release to mainnet. At Breakpoint 2023, the Foundation and Jump Crypto announced Firedancer was live on testnet — a big step towards release for all users. Firedancer offers potential performance advantages, and having another validator client in the Solana ecosystem reduces risk via a diversity of code: if one validator client fails or has a major error, other clients could still be available for use because they have a different code base. 

Onchain carbon credits purchases. In April 2023, Solana became the first major smart-contracts blockchain to have its carbon footprint measured in real time; TryCarbonara, an independent startup, launched to track the network’s impact. In December 2023, the Solana Foundation announced it had offset 100% of the carbon footprint of the network for 2022 via onchain carbon offset purchases. 

Upcoming initiatives 

Solana core developers are consistently working on new network upgrades aimed at strengthening the network in the face of massive user growth and adoption. Follow the status of these upgrades.

Timely vote credits: This is a protocol change and governance initiative carried out mostly by validators. The change penalizes validators for voting on blocks late, incentivizing fast voting and improving the health of consensus. The change has been implemented, testing is happening now, and there will be a governance vote to activate it in the coming weeks. 

SFDP changes: The SFDP (Solana Foundation’s Delegation Program) provides support for validators to become self-reliant and sustainable, with the broader goal of maximizing decentralization, network resiliency, and performance of the network. The Foundation recently announced changes to the program, which supports validators at a higher level early on and less so over time as they grow, with a high performance requirement for the validator. Read more about the delegation program here.


Pantera 准备购买 3.9 兆印尼盾的 Solana,SOL 价格预计将跃升至 1,000 美元。 ! ! Pantera Capital 是加密货币投资领域的主要参与者,拥有数十亿美元的资金,准备购买价值 3.9 兆印尼盾的 Solana (SOL) 加密货币。 Pantera 采取了一项策略性举措,透过发起旨在以折扣价收购 SOL 代币的众筹活动,利用现已破产的加密货币交易所 FTX 的受损资产。 Pantera的大动作 该计划名为 Pantera Solana 基金,提出了一种投资途径,投资者有机会直接从 FTX 资产以更低的市场价格购买价值高达 2.5 亿美元的 SOL 代币。 NewsBTC 报道称,此次收购的策略凸显了加密市场动荡但充满机会的格局。 Solana 是一个因其速度和效率而备受推崇的区块链平台,其 SOL 代币的价值随著市场状况和影响加密领域的更广泛的经济因素而波动。 Pantera Capital 以折扣价购买这些代币的举动反映了一个更广泛的趋势,即投资公司正在寻求利用市场低迷来获取潜在的长期利润。 根据彭博社报道,Pantera Solana 基金为投资者提供了一个独特的主张,允许他们以比 30 天平均水平低 39% 的价格或以 59.95 美元的预定价格购买 SOL 代币。 这种方法不仅为投资者提供了一个有利可图的切入点,还有助于在约翰·J·雷三世(John J. Ray III) 的监督下管理的FTX 资产以最大程度地减少市场干扰的方式清算其资产。 透过同意长达四年的归属期,投资者可以制定逐步分配策略,从而减轻对 SOL 市场价格的影响。 SOL 价格预计将飙升至 1,000 美元 😎 $SOL #Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #solana
Pantera 准备购买 3.9 兆印尼盾的 Solana,SOL 价格预计将跃升至 1,000 美元。 ! !

Pantera Capital 是加密货币投资领域的主要参与者,拥有数十亿美元的资金,准备购买价值 3.9 兆印尼盾的 Solana (SOL) 加密货币。

Pantera 采取了一项策略性举措,透过发起旨在以折扣价收购 SOL 代币的众筹活动,利用现已破产的加密货币交易所 FTX 的受损资产。


该计划名为 Pantera Solana 基金,提出了一种投资途径,投资者有机会直接从 FTX 资产以更低的市场价格购买价值高达 2.5 亿美元的 SOL 代币。

NewsBTC 报道称,此次收购的策略凸显了加密市场动荡但充满机会的格局。

Solana 是一个因其速度和效率而备受推崇的区块链平台,其 SOL 代币的价值随著市场状况和影响加密领域的更广泛的经济因素而波动。

Pantera Capital 以折扣价购买这些代币的举动反映了一个更广泛的趋势,即投资公司正在寻求利用市场低迷来获取潜在的长期利润。

根据彭博社报道,Pantera Solana 基金为投资者提供了一个独特的主张,允许他们以比 30 天平均水平低 39% 的价格或以 59.95 美元的预定价格购买 SOL 代币。

这种方法不仅为投资者提供了一个有利可图的切入点,还有助于在约翰·J·雷三世(John J. Ray III) 的监督下管理的FTX 资产以最大程度地减少市场干扰的方式清算其资产。

透过同意长达四年的归属期,投资者可以制定逐步分配策略,从而减轻对 SOL 市场价格的影响。

SOL 价格预计将飙升至 1,000 美元

😎 $SOL

#Write2Earn‬ #TrendingTopic #solana
Solana (SOL) 的价格跃升至 145 美元,创下两年高点,但尽管涨幅惊人,但仍被低估。 技术指标显示SOL仍有进一步增长的潜力,历史数据表明按照当前趋势可能会上涨。市销率 (PS) 显示 Solana 从根本上被低估,表明未来具有巨大的增长潜力。 尽管 SOL 达到近期高点,但分析表明,这种加密资产的价值仍然低于应有的水平,在有迹象表明潜在进一步增长的情况下,为投资者提供了独特的机会。 最近几周令人印象深刻的反弹表明 SOL 有更大的增长空间。尽管SOL在过去两周的涨幅达到了45%,但相对强弱指数(RSI)等技术指标表明了持续增长的潜力。历史趋势表明,当进入超买区时,SOL 的涨幅可能高达 300% 至 400%。 虽然 300% 的上涨可能是乐观的,但清除 150 美元的阻力位可能会推动 SOL 达到 168 美元,为迈向 200 美元大关铺平道路。 尽管围绕 SOL 的看涨情绪很高,但值得注意的是,需要强有力的支撑来维持其势头。 150 美元的心理和技术支撑位是关键,如果未能突破该支撑位,SOL 可能会回到 126 美元。跌破该水平可能会使看涨前景转为看跌,并有可能跌回 100 美元。 总之,Solana 为寻求加密市场未开发增长潜力的投资者提供了有吸引力的前景。由于价格走势仍未反映其真正潜力,SOL 未来有可能进一步上涨。 #SOL#索拉纳 #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn‬
Solana (SOL) 的价格跃升至 145 美元,创下两年高点,但尽管涨幅惊人,但仍被低估。

技术指标显示SOL仍有进一步增长的潜力,历史数据表明按照当前趋势可能会上涨。市销率 (PS) 显示 Solana 从根本上被低估,表明未来具有巨大的增长潜力。

尽管 SOL 达到近期高点,但分析表明,这种加密资产的价值仍然低于应有的水平,在有迹象表明潜在进一步增长的情况下,为投资者提供了独特的机会。

最近几周令人印象深刻的反弹表明 SOL 有更大的增长空间。尽管SOL在过去两周的涨幅达到了45%,但相对强弱指数(RSI)等技术指标表明了持续增长的潜力。历史趋势表明,当进入超买区时,SOL 的涨幅可能高达 300% 至 400%。

虽然 300% 的上涨可能是乐观的,但清除 150 美元的阻力位可能会推动 SOL 达到 168 美元,为迈向 200 美元大关铺平道路。

尽管围绕 SOL 的看涨情绪很高,但值得注意的是,需要强有力的支撑来维持其势头。 150 美元的心理和技术支撑位是关键,如果未能突破该支撑位,SOL 可能会回到 126 美元。跌破该水平可能会使看涨前景转为看跌,并有可能跌回 100 美元。

总之,Solana 为寻求加密市场未开发增长潜力的投资者提供了有吸引力的前景。由于价格走势仍未反映其真正潜力,SOL 未来有可能进一步上涨。
#SOL#索拉纳 #TrendingTopic #Write2Earn‬
持有 $SOL 比挨饿要好 🤣😂
持有 $SOL 比挨饿要好 🤣😂
最新消息 $SOL 达到 140 美元,是否会继续上涨至 200 美元。 等待下一个讯息
最新消息 $SOL 达到 140 美元,是否会继续上涨至 200 美元。

如果您今天早上购买了 $SOL。 。是时候等待了。 。微笑并点赞
如果您今天早上购买了 $SOL 。 。是时候等待了。 。微笑并点赞
立即购买 $SOL 并持有 1 周。 祝你好运
立即购买 $SOL 并持有 1 周。

Solana 价格预测:3 月份 SOL 是否即将涨向 200 美元 Solana (SOL) 在过去几天显示出巨大的进步,在其图表上显示出强烈的看涨模式。最近一段时间,SOL 经历了令人印象深刻的反弹,上涨超过 14%,并达到 130 美元的新年高点。这一上涨与比特币引领的更广泛的市场趋势一致,比特币已突破 62,000 美元大关。 Solana 交易量也出现了大幅增长,24 小时内增长了 127% 以上,达到 75.9 亿美元。这一增长反映了交易者兴趣的增加。 Solana 目前在 CoinMarketCap 上排名第五,即时市值为 570 亿美元。 Solana 最近的价格高点是由围绕 Meme 币 Dogwifhat (WIF)(一种基于 Solana 的代币)的传言推动的。这种狂热导致 Meme 币的价格飙升 50%,从 2 月 27 日的 0.52 美元上涨至 0.79 美元。自2023年12月14日上线以来,WIF已飙升超过374%。 Solana 生态系统持续快速增长,DeFi 生态系统的总锁定价值(TVL)在过去一年增长了 40%,达到 25 亿美元。这使得 Solana 在 DeFi 行业中排名第四,仅次于以太坊、Tron 和 BNB。 Solana 价格预测基于显示持续增长的技术指标。通过收复关键的 130 美元水平,Solana 为未来的价格上涨奠定了基础。如果看涨势头持续下去,价格升至 170 美元甚至 200 美元的可能性越来越大。然而,潜在的逆转可能导致价格回落至 110 美元左右的支撑位。 #Write2Earn #solana
Solana 价格预测:3 月份 SOL 是否即将涨向 200 美元

Solana (SOL) 在过去几天显示出巨大的进步,在其图表上显示出强烈的看涨模式。最近一段时间,SOL 经历了令人印象深刻的反弹,上涨超过 14%,并达到 130 美元的新年高点。这一上涨与比特币引领的更广泛的市场趋势一致,比特币已突破 62,000 美元大关。

Solana 交易量也出现了大幅增长,24 小时内增长了 127% 以上,达到 75.9 亿美元。这一增长反映了交易者兴趣的增加。 Solana 目前在 CoinMarketCap 上排名第五,即时市值为 570 亿美元。

Solana 最近的价格高点是由围绕 Meme 币 Dogwifhat (WIF)(一种基于 Solana 的代币)的传言推动的。这种狂热导致 Meme 币的价格飙升 50%,从 2 月 27 日的 0.52 美元上涨至 0.79 美元。自2023年12月14日上线以来,WIF已飙升超过374%。

Solana 生态系统持续快速增长,DeFi 生态系统的总锁定价值(TVL)在过去一年增长了 40%,达到 25 亿美元。这使得 Solana 在 DeFi 行业中排名第四,仅次于以太坊、Tron 和 BNB。

Solana 价格预测基于显示持续增长的技术指标。通过收复关键的 130 美元水平,Solana 为未来的价格上涨奠定了基础。如果看涨势头持续下去,价格升至 170 美元甚至 200 美元的可能性越来越大。然而,潜在的逆转可能导致价格回落至 110 美元左右的支撑位。

#Write2Earn #solana




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