Binance Square
$BTC 由于日本和全球经济衰退担忧导致的下跌,50 日均线的关键支撑位再次失守。 FTX 的崩盘导致自 2023 年 9 月以来的第二次“死亡交叉”。如果移动平均线被收回,则可能成为反转的触发因素,类似于上次的情况。 $BTC
$BTC 由于日本和全球经济衰退担忧导致的下跌,50 日均线的关键支撑位再次失守。
FTX 的崩盘导致自 2023 年 9 月以来的第二次“死亡交叉”。如果移动平均线被收回,则可能成为反转的触发因素,类似于上次的情况。
Scientists Developed the World’s Whitest Paint, Which Reflects 98% of Sun’s Rays and Cools Your Home Scientists have developed an exceptionally white paint that has the remarkable ability to reflect 98% of sunlight. This innovative paint isn’t just visually striking with its bright appearance; it also has the potential to revolutionize the way we manage indoor temperatures and energy use. The key feature of this paint is its ability to reflect nearly all of the sun’s rays. By doing so, it significantly reduces the amount of heat absorbed by buildings, leading to cooler indoor environments. This means that homes and buildings coated with this paint could stay cooler naturally, without relying as heavily on air conditioning or other cooling systems. As a result, homeowners could see a noticeable reduction in their energy bills, as the need for artificial cooling decreases. This paint presents an eco-friendly solution that not only enhances energy efficiency but also contributes to the fight against climate change by reducing the overall energy consumption of buildings. #Innovation #EcoFriendly #EnergySavings
Scientists Developed the World’s Whitest Paint, Which Reflects 98% of Sun’s Rays and Cools Your Home
Scientists have developed an exceptionally white paint that has the remarkable ability to reflect 98% of sunlight. This innovative paint isn’t just visually striking with its bright appearance; it also has the potential to revolutionize the way we manage indoor temperatures and energy use.
The key feature of this paint is its ability to reflect nearly all of the sun’s rays. By doing so, it significantly reduces the amount of heat absorbed by buildings, leading to cooler indoor environments. This means that homes and buildings coated with this paint could stay cooler naturally, without relying as heavily on air conditioning or other cooling systems.
As a result, homeowners could see a noticeable reduction in their energy bills, as the need for artificial cooling decreases. This paint presents an eco-friendly solution that not only enhances energy efficiency but also contributes to the fight against climate change by reducing the overall energy consumption of buildings.
在加密货币中,价格反映的是基本面,而不是感觉。通过关注项目的核心价值、用例和市场趋势,立足现实。不要让情绪影响你的判断——在投资时保持头脑清醒,并对潜在驱动因素有充分的了解。 此致, Muhammad Nazakat Awan $BTC
Muhammad Nazakat Awan
🆘️On August 15, Dogs announced DOGS token economics, with a total supply of 550,000,000,000 DOGS, of which: · 81.5% belongs to the community (no lockup): 73% belongs to Telegram OGs, who earn DOGS in the app; The rest is used to reward traders, creators, and future community members; · 10% is allocated to the team and future development; · 5% is reserved for CEX and DEX liquidity and listing-related activities. $BTC
🆘️On August 15, Dogs announced DOGS token economics, with a total supply of 550,000,000,000 DOGS, of which:
· 81.5% belongs to the community (no lockup): 73% belongs to Telegram OGs, who earn DOGS in the app; The rest is used to reward traders, creators, and future community members;
· 10% is allocated to the team and future development;
· 5% is reserved for CEX and DEX liquidity and listing-related activities.
在接下来的几天里,长期悬而未决的 SEC 诉 Ripple 案将永久结案。Ripple 技术已被数百家银行和金融机构采用,包括: » Santander(美国) » 加拿大帝国商业银行(加拿大) » Kotak Mahindra Bank(印度) » SBI Holdings(日本) » IndusInd Bank(印度) » InstaReM(新加坡) ... 等等。 现在最大的问题是:$XRP 会因此卷土重来吗? 由于案件正在进行中,$XRP 在过去错过了重大反弹。但现在案件即将结束,这是我们可以期待的。图表分析:数据告诉我们什么 • 自 2017 年 5 月以来,$XRP 一直形成一个巨大的对称三角形模式。 • 预计本周期将出现突破,可能受到牛市反弹和 XRP 被宣布为非证券的推动。 • 所有指标都指向价格大幅上涨。 上周的重要更新 1. 2020 年修正:由于 SEC 诉讼,XRP 经历了 75% 的修正。上周的判决有利于 Ripple,对安全违规行为处以 1.25 亿美元的罚款。 2. 日本全国采用:2024 年 8 月 9 日,日本宣布在全国范围内采用 XRP,将 Ripple 整合到其金融系统中。 3. 稳定币的推出:Ripple 计划在 XRP 账本上推出一种具有高级互操作性的稳定币。 4. 9000 万账本关闭:XRP 账本最近实现了 9000 万账本关闭的里程碑。 5. 印度-阿联酋协议:印度和阿联酋已同意使用 XRP 账本进行石油交易,进一步巩固其在全球金融中的地位。 结论:这些发展表明 $XRP 及其生态系统的潜力越来越大。随着跨境交易、银行一体化和机构采用的出现,XRP 很快就会成为全球金融领域的关键资产。 $BTC
在接下来的几天里,长期悬而未决的 SEC 诉 Ripple 案将永久结案。Ripple 技术已被数百家银行和金融机构采用,包括:
» Santander(美国)
» 加拿大帝国商业银行(加拿大)
» Kotak Mahindra Bank(印度)
» SBI Holdings(日本)
» IndusInd Bank(印度)
» InstaReM(新加坡)
... 等等。
现在最大的问题是:$XRP 会因此卷土重来吗?
由于案件正在进行中,$XRP 在过去错过了重大反弹。但现在案件即将结束,这是我们可以期待的。图表分析:数据告诉我们什么 • 自 2017 年 5 月以来,$XRP 一直形成一个巨大的对称三角形模式。
• 预计本周期将出现突破,可能受到牛市反弹和 XRP 被宣布为非证券的推动。
• 所有指标都指向价格大幅上涨。
1. 2020 年修正:由于 SEC 诉讼,XRP 经历了 75% 的修正。上周的判决有利于 Ripple,对安全违规行为处以 1.25 亿美元的罚款。
2. 日本全国采用:2024 年 8 月 9 日,日本宣布在全国范围内采用 XRP,将 Ripple 整合到其金融系统中。
3. 稳定币的推出:Ripple 计划在 XRP 账本上推出一种具有高级互操作性的稳定币。
4. 9000 万账本关闭:XRP 账本最近实现了 9000 万账本关闭的里程碑。
5. 印度-阿联酋协议:印度和阿联酋已同意使用 XRP 账本进行石油交易,进一步巩固其在全球金融中的地位。
结论:这些发展表明 $XRP 及其生态系统的潜力越来越大。随着跨境交易、银行一体化和机构采用的出现,XRP 很快就会成为全球金融领域的关键资产。
日本公司正在利用旨在保护房屋免受地震侵袭的突破性技术突破创新界限。其中,Air Danshin 推出了一项革命性概念——房屋漂浮在地面上,由下方的气球状结构支撑。 这些未来主义的房屋配备了先进的传感器,可以持续监测地震活动。当检测到地震时,传感器会启动外部空气压缩机,将压缩空气泵入房屋的抗震地基,将其抬高到地面以上并保护其免受震动。这种创新方法可以重新定义日本等地震多发地区的地震准备工作。 此外,建筑师现在正在探索在未来的建筑项目中使用磁悬浮技术的可能性——该技术已用于日本的高速子弹头列车。虽然漂浮房屋的想法仍处于概念阶段,但日本在技术进步方面的记录表明,这一愿景很快就会成为现实。 #FloatingHomes #EarthquakeSafety #SeismicProtection #SmartHomes $BTC $ETH $SOL #DisasterResilience
日本公司正在利用旨在保护房屋免受地震侵袭的突破性技术突破创新界限。其中,Air Danshin 推出了一项革命性概念——房屋漂浮在地面上,由下方的气球状结构支撑。
#FloatingHomes #EarthquakeSafety #SeismicProtection #SmartHomes $BTC $ETH $SOL #DisasterResilience
在 H4 时间范围内,$BTC 的价格走势被 57.56% 至 57.41% 之间的水平阻力位拒绝。目前,价格走势正试图突破其支撑趋势线。我们可以预期,卖方流动性水准的目标将是56.77%。 $BTC
在 H4 时间范围内,$BTC 的价格走势被 57.56% 至 57.41% 之间的水平阻力位拒绝。目前,价格走势正试图突破其支撑趋势线。我们可以预期,卖方流动性水准的目标将是56.77%。 $BTC
随着中心化交易所比特币的下跌,许多分析师认为,BTC 的抛售压力可能已经结束,至少目前如此。链上数据也支持这一点,因为交易所稳定币比率跌至 2023 年 2 月以来的最低水平。 交易所稳定币比率衡量中心化交易所钱包中持有的 BTC 数量相对于交易所的稳定币。较低的值通常表示更高的购买力和价格上涨的潜力。CryptoQuant 数据显示,该比率目前为 0.000115,自 7 月以来一直在下降。 然而,也有人担心抛售压力可能很快回归,尤其是随着最近 BTC 的走势。几天前,18,536 个 BTC 被转移到链上,这些 BTC 已经休眠了大约 2-3 年。从那时起,数千个 BTC 被转移到链上,这些 BTC 的休眠期从 6 个月到 5 年不等。 加密分析师 XBT Manager 表示,长期休眠的代币活动激增通常表明抛售压力增加,如果流动性低,这可能会导致价格下跌。 休眠的 BTC 最近几天开始活跃起来——CryptoQuant 尽管如此,BTC 现在似乎处于良好状态。旗舰资产在过去 24 小时内上涨了 2.6%,在过去 7 天内上涨了 7%。由于 BTC 目前交易价格轻松超过 60,000 美元,问题是它是否会再次下跌。 另请参阅 Crypto PAC 大胆投资 85 万美元支持 John Deaton 竞选参议院席位,反对沃伦 $BTC
随着中心化交易所比特币的下跌,许多分析师认为,BTC 的抛售压力可能已经结束,至少目前如此。链上数据也支持这一点,因为交易所稳定币比率跌至 2023 年 2 月以来的最低水平。
交易所稳定币比率衡量中心化交易所钱包中持有的 BTC 数量相对于交易所的稳定币。较低的值通常表示更高的购买力和价格上涨的潜力。CryptoQuant 数据显示,该比率目前为 0.000115,自 7 月以来一直在下降。
然而,也有人担心抛售压力可能很快回归,尤其是随着最近 BTC 的走势。几天前,18,536 个 BTC 被转移到链上,这些 BTC 已经休眠了大约 2-3 年。从那时起,数千个 BTC 被转移到链上,这些 BTC 的休眠期从 6 个月到 5 年不等。
加密分析师 XBT Manager 表示,长期休眠的代币活动激增通常表明抛售压力增加,如果流动性低,这可能会导致价格下跌。
休眠的 BTC 最近几天开始活跃起来——CryptoQuant
尽管如此,BTC 现在似乎处于良好状态。旗舰资产在过去 24 小时内上涨了 2.6%,在过去 7 天内上涨了 7%。由于 BTC 目前交易价格轻松超过 60,000 美元,问题是它是否会再次下跌。
另请参阅 Crypto PAC 大胆投资 85 万美元支持 John Deaton 竞选参议院席位,反对沃伦
“交易你看到的,而不是你感觉到的” 这是交易中的一个基本原则,强调基于客观的市场分析而不是主观情绪或偏见做出决策的重要性。这里有一个全面的解释:你看到的: - 指对市场数据、图表和指标的客观分析。 - 涉及根据事实信息识别趋势、模式和信号。 - 要求交易者专注于当前时刻和当前的市场状况。你的感受:指主观情绪、偏见和个人意见。包括可能影响交易决策的恐惧、贪婪、希望或焦虑等情绪。可能导致冲动和非理性决策,偏离深思熟虑的交易计划。为什么要交易你看到的?客观分析有助于交易者做出明智的决策,减少情绪的影响。市场数据和图表提供了市场状况的事实陈述,使交易者能够做出相应的反应。根据你看到的情况进行交易有助于培养决策的纪律性和一致性。为什么不交易你的感受呢?情绪会导致冲动决策,从而导致风险管理不善和潜在损失。偏见和个人观点会影响判断,导致交易者误解市场信号。情绪化交易会导致过度交易、犹豫不决或优柔寡断,最终损害业绩。 $BTC $ETH $BNB
- 指对市场数据、图表和指标的客观分析。
- 涉及根据事实信息识别趋势、模式和信号。
- 要求交易者专注于当前时刻和当前的市场状况。你的感受:指主观情绪、偏见和个人意见。包括可能影响交易决策的恐惧、贪婪、希望或焦虑等情绪。可能导致冲动和非理性决策,偏离深思熟虑的交易计划。为什么要交易你看到的?客观分析有助于交易者做出明智的决策,减少情绪的影响。市场数据和图表提供了市场状况的事实陈述,使交易者能够做出相应的反应。根据你看到的情况进行交易有助于培养决策的纪律性和一致性。为什么不交易你的感受呢?情绪会导致冲动决策,从而导致风险管理不善和潜在损失。偏见和个人观点会影响判断,导致交易者误解市场信号。情绪化交易会导致过度交易、犹豫不决或优柔寡断,最终损害业绩。
降息如预期般出现(正面)。比特币试图推动,但立即在中轨上方被拒绝。 再次,只是噪音。58k - 61k 之间的整个价格走势没有任何意义。一旦我们从其中一个水平明显突破,有趣的部分就开始了。 $BTC
再次,只是噪音。58k - 61k 之间的整个价格走势没有任何意义。一旦我们从其中一个水平明显突破,有趣的部分就开始了。
Spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US completed yesterday's trading day with a plus of $39 million. While BlacRock invested $34.5 million, this figure was 22 million dollars for Fidelity. Net outflows of $28.6 million were also seen in Grayscale. Ether spot ETFs also closed yesterday with a $24.3 million plus. BlackRock received a net investment of 50 million dollars, while Grayscale's ETHE fund saw $31 million in sales. #bitcoinetf #EtheruemETF $BTC $ETH
Spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US completed yesterday's trading day with a plus of $39 million. While BlacRock invested $34.5 million, this figure was 22 million dollars for Fidelity. Net outflows of $28.6 million were also seen in Grayscale.
Ether spot ETFs also closed yesterday with a $24.3 million plus. BlackRock received a net investment of 50 million dollars, while Grayscale's ETHE fund saw $31 million in sales.
#EtheruemETF $BTC $ETH
Educational PostWhat Is Monetary Policy? Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by a nation's central bank to regulate the money supply and the cost of borrowing in the economy. Monetary policies are used to achieve specific economic goals, such as controlling inflation, managing employment levels, or encouraging economic growth. To implement monetary policy, central banks can adjust interest rates, conduct open market operations (OMOs), and alter reserve requirements for commercial banks. By influencing the supply and cost of borrowing money, they can either increase economic activity or cool down an overheating economy. How Does Monetary Policy Work? Monetary policies can be either expansionary or contractionary. Expansionary monetary policy Expansionary monetary policies typically involve lowering interest rates while increasing the money supply to stimulate economic growth. They are often implemented during recessions or periods of low economic activity. The goal is to make borrowing cheaper, encouraging consumers to spend and businesses to invest, thereby boosting overall economic activity. Imagine that the central bank of Country X wants to stimulate the economy by lowering interest rates. Jane and John, residents of Country X, notice that borrowing costs have decreased. Jane decides to take out a loan to start a new business, while John takes advantage of lower interest rates to buy a new home. As such, demand for goods and services increases, leading to job creation and further economic activity. Example: 2008 financial crisis During the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. government implemented an expansionary monetary policy to revive the economy. They lowered interest rates and introduced quantitative easing (QE), i.e., buying government and mortgage-backed securities. This increased the money supply and made borrowing cheaper. Consequently, consumers spent more, businesses invested more, and the economy began to recover. Contractionary monetary policy Contractionary monetary policy involves raising interest rates and decreasing the money supply to slow economic growth and combat inflation. By making borrowing more expensive, the central bank aims to reduce spending and investment, decreasing overall demand and cooling down the economy. Imagine that the central bank of Country Y wants to control rising inflation by increasing interest rates. Residents Sarah and Mike find that the cost of borrowing has gone up. Sarah decides to delay her plans to expand her business, and Mike postpones buying a new car. Consequently, consumer demand falls, and businesses see a decline in sales, which helps lower inflation and stabilize prices. Example: early 1980s In the early 1980s, the Federal Reserve used a contractionary monetary policy to combat high inflation in the United States. The Fed raised interest rates, making borrowing more expensive. This successfully brought down inflation but also led to a temporary increase in unemployment.

Educational Post

What Is Monetary Policy?
Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by a nation's central bank to regulate the money supply and the cost of borrowing in the economy. Monetary policies are used to achieve specific economic goals, such as controlling inflation, managing employment levels, or encouraging economic growth.
To implement monetary policy, central banks can adjust interest rates, conduct open market operations (OMOs), and alter reserve requirements for commercial banks. By influencing the supply and cost of borrowing money, they can either increase economic activity or cool down an overheating economy.
How Does Monetary Policy Work?
Monetary policies can be either expansionary or contractionary.
Expansionary monetary policy
Expansionary monetary policies typically involve lowering interest rates while increasing the money supply to stimulate economic growth. They are often implemented during recessions or periods of low economic activity. The goal is to make borrowing cheaper, encouraging consumers to spend and businesses to invest, thereby boosting overall economic activity.
Imagine that the central bank of Country X wants to stimulate the economy by lowering interest rates. Jane and John, residents of Country X, notice that borrowing costs have decreased. Jane decides to take out a loan to start a new business, while John takes advantage of lower interest rates to buy a new home. As such, demand for goods and services increases, leading to job creation and further economic activity.
Example: 2008 financial crisis
During the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. government implemented an expansionary monetary policy to revive the economy. They lowered interest rates and introduced quantitative easing (QE), i.e., buying government and mortgage-backed securities. This increased the money supply and made borrowing cheaper. Consequently, consumers spent more, businesses invested more, and the economy began to recover.
Contractionary monetary policy
Contractionary monetary policy involves raising interest rates and decreasing the money supply to slow economic growth and combat inflation. By making borrowing more expensive, the central bank aims to reduce spending and investment, decreasing overall demand and cooling down the economy.
Imagine that the central bank of Country Y wants to control rising inflation by increasing interest rates. Residents Sarah and Mike find that the cost of borrowing has gone up. Sarah decides to delay her plans to expand her business, and Mike postpones buying a new car. Consequently, consumer demand falls, and businesses see a decline in sales, which helps lower inflation and stabilize prices.
Example: early 1980s
In the early 1980s, the Federal Reserve used a contractionary monetary policy to combat high inflation in the United States. The Fed raised interest rates, making borrowing more expensive. This successfully brought down inflation but also led to a temporary increase in unemployment.
️Nvidia股价在过去四个交易日飙升近17%,市值增加超过4000亿美元。反弹也推动大盘走高。在这四天里,英伟达贡献了标准普尔500指数约22%的涨幅。 Spear Invest 创办人兼首席投资长 Ivana Delevska 表示:「英伟达在这个财报季带来了许多好消息,但套利交易的影响太大了,好消息根本不重要。」技术压力缓解,市场回归基本面,这就是股价飙升的原因。英伟达股价的反弹也让押注其进一步下跌的选择权交易员措手不及。机构数据显示,相较于从上涨10%的涨幅中获利的合约,保护股票在未来60天内免受10%下跌的成本已接近2023年5月以来的最高水准。 $BTC
️Nvidia股价在过去四个交易日飙升近17%,市值增加超过4000亿美元。反弹也推动大盘走高。在这四天里,英伟达贡献了标准普尔500指数约22%的涨幅。 Spear Invest 创办人兼首席投资长 Ivana Delevska 表示:「英伟达在这个财报季带来了许多好消息,但套利交易的影响太大了,好消息根本不重要。」技术压力缓解,市场回归基本面,这就是股价飙升的原因。英伟达股价的反弹也让押注其进一步下跌的选择权交易员措手不及。机构数据显示,相较于从上涨10%的涨幅中获利的合约,保护股票在未来60天内免受10%下跌的成本已接近2023年5月以来的最高水准。
Ripple's XRP has achieved a significant milestone in its adoption journey. The total amount of XRP tokens held in accounts has surpassed 60 billion, valued at over $34 billion at current rates. Data from XRPL Services indicates there are nearly 5.3 million XRP accounts, with only 2,450 accounts currently holding a zero balance. This milestone follows the surpassing of the 5 million account mark at the beginning of 2024. The 60 billion tokens held in accounts include all XRP stored in wallets, whether in circulation or not. This figure encompasses XRP held by Ripple Labs (outside of escrow), tokens owned by institutions, and any other XRP not actively traded in the market. The current circulating supply of XRP is slightly over 56 billion, with a maximum supply cap of 100 billion. Ripple has structured the release of $XRP from escrow to allow up to 1 billion XRP to be unlocked each month. However, the actual amount entering the market is less, as the company uses some of the holdings for business operations, partnerships, or sales. Ripple has already unlocked its portion of XRP tokens for this month. Despite the increased circulating supply, the valuation of the coin has remained stable due to the predictable nature of the release, allowing investors to prepare accordingly. XRP's price experienced a surge following a recent court ruling in the case between Ripple and the US SEC. Judge Torres ruled that Ripple must pay a fine of $125 million for violating certain securities laws, a significant reduction from the initial demand of $2 billion. Following the announcement, XRP's price increased by 20%, reaching nearly $0.64. However, it later retraced below $0.55 before stabilizing at around $0.57, according to CoinGecko's data. Despite the recent price fluctuations, analysts remain optimistic about XRP's future. One analyst, using the handle FLASH, suggested that XRP's price could reach $2 if it surpasses the 200-day weighted moving average (WMA). Another analyst, Crypto Tony, identified $0.66 aspredicting a potential price increase if this level is breached. #SEC #XRP
Ripple's XRP has achieved a significant milestone in its adoption journey. The total amount of XRP tokens held in accounts has surpassed 60 billion, valued at over $34 billion at current rates. Data from XRPL Services indicates there are nearly 5.3 million XRP accounts, with only 2,450 accounts currently holding a zero balance. This milestone follows the surpassing of the 5 million account mark at the beginning of 2024.
The 60 billion tokens held in accounts include all XRP stored in wallets, whether in circulation or not. This figure encompasses XRP held by Ripple Labs (outside of escrow), tokens owned by institutions, and any other XRP not actively traded in the market. The current circulating supply of XRP is slightly over 56 billion, with a maximum supply cap of 100 billion. Ripple has structured the release of $XRP from escrow to allow up to 1 billion XRP to be unlocked each month. However, the actual amount entering the market is less, as the company uses some of the holdings for business operations, partnerships, or sales. Ripple has already unlocked its portion of XRP tokens for this month. Despite the increased circulating supply, the valuation of the coin has remained stable due to the predictable nature of the release, allowing investors to prepare accordingly.
XRP's price experienced a surge following a recent court ruling in the case between Ripple and the US SEC. Judge Torres ruled that Ripple must pay a fine of $125 million for violating certain securities laws, a significant reduction from the initial demand of $2 billion. Following the announcement, XRP's price increased by 20%, reaching nearly $0.64. However, it later retraced below $0.55 before stabilizing at around $0.57, according to CoinGecko's data. Despite the recent price fluctuations, analysts remain optimistic about XRP's future. One analyst, using the handle FLASH, suggested that XRP's price could reach $2 if it surpasses the 200-day weighted moving average (WMA). Another analyst, Crypto Tony, identified $0.66 aspredicting a potential price increase if this level is breached.
It’s almost a week since Grayscale announced the launch of a new Sui [$SUI ] Fund. The market reacted positively to the announcement, resulting in a bullish uptick for the cryptocurrency. The development certainly created a lot of excitement judging by SUI price action. The cryptocurrency has so far rallied by over 100% from its bottom range in July. Bullish expectations have encouraged a surge in leveraged long positions, that may be detrimental in the short-term. Recent findings reveal a surge in long liquidations worth as much as $19.52 million. SUI has been eying the $1 price tag but has recently been experiencing resistance between the $0.95 and $0.96 price level. This, combined with the long liquidations suggests that breaking above $1 might not be a walk in the park. It also signals the possibility of profit-taking since the cryptocurrency is now in a historic resistance zone. Despite the new found resistance, SUI bulls may still have a chance to succeed in their attempt. The RSI still had some wiggle room before entering overbought territory. If the bulls can sum up enough momentum this week. If an extended bullish momentum plays out, the next expected resistance zone is near the $1.17 price range. The impact of the liquidations did not indicate significant sell side exposure at the time of observation. This was in line with some key metrics such as the whale versus retail delta (WRD). The latter maintained above zero for the last 5 days The WRD scored 15 points in the last 24 hours. This suggests that whales currently have more long exposure. This may explain why the price maintained resistance against the downside in the last 3 days. Another key observation that supported the possibility of more upside was the uptrend in the accumulation/distribution indicator. It peaked at 1.05 billion at press time, suggesting that the SUI market was still in favor of the bulls. Based on these findings, we concluded that SUI had a high probability of pushing above the $1 price
It’s almost a week since Grayscale announced the launch of a new Sui [$SUI ] Fund. The market reacted positively to the announcement, resulting in a bullish uptick for the cryptocurrency.
The development certainly created a lot of excitement judging by SUI price action. The cryptocurrency has so far rallied by over 100% from its bottom range in July.
Bullish expectations have encouraged a surge in leveraged long positions, that may be detrimental in the short-term. Recent findings reveal a surge in long liquidations worth as much as $19.52 million.
SUI has been eying the $1 price tag but has recently been experiencing resistance between the $0.95 and $0.96 price level.
This, combined with the long liquidations suggests that breaking above $1 might not be a walk in the park. It also signals the possibility of profit-taking since the cryptocurrency is now in a historic resistance zone.
Despite the new found resistance, SUI bulls may still have a chance to succeed in their attempt. The RSI still had some wiggle room before entering overbought territory.
If the bulls can sum up enough momentum this week. If an extended bullish momentum plays out, the next expected resistance zone is near the $1.17 price range.
The impact of the liquidations did not indicate significant sell side exposure at the time of observation. This was in line with some key metrics such as the whale versus retail delta (WRD). The latter maintained above zero for the last 5 days
The WRD scored 15 points in the last 24 hours. This suggests that whales currently have more long exposure. This may explain why the price maintained resistance against the downside in the last 3 days.
Another key observation that supported the possibility of more upside was the uptrend in the accumulation/distribution indicator. It peaked at 1.05 billion at press time, suggesting that the SUI market was still in favor of the bulls.
Based on these findings, we concluded that SUI had a high probability of pushing above the $1 price
Supply chain tracking with Ethereum involves using the Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency in supply chain management. Here's how it works: 1. **Immutable Records**: Each transaction or event in the supply chain, such as the movement of goods or changes in ownership, is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. These records are immutable and can’t be altered once confirmed, providing a trustworthy and transparent history. 2. **Smart Contracts**: Ethereum’s smart contracts automate and enforce agreements between parties. For example, a smart contract can trigger a payment when a shipment reaches a certain checkpoint, reducing the need for intermediaries and minimizing errors. 3. **Tokenization**: Assets can be tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain, representing physical goods digitally. This allows for easy transfer and verification of ownership, reducing fraud and improving efficiency. 4. **Provenance Tracking**: Ethereum can track the origin and journey of products, ensuring authenticity and adherence to quality standards. This is particularly valuable for industries like pharmaceuticals and luxury goods. 5. **Decentralization**: By leveraging Ethereum’s decentralized nature, supply chain data is not controlled by a single entity but rather distributed across multiple nodes, enhancing security and reducing the risk of tampering. Overall, integrating Ethereum into supply chain management can significantly improve transparency, reduce fraud, and streamline operations through automation and decentralized verification.$ETH
Supply chain tracking with Ethereum involves using the Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency, traceability, and efficiency in supply chain management. Here's how it works:
1. **Immutable Records**: Each transaction or event in the supply chain, such as the movement of goods or changes in ownership, is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain. These records are immutable and can’t be altered once confirmed, providing a trustworthy and transparent history.
2. **Smart Contracts**: Ethereum’s smart contracts automate and enforce agreements between parties. For example, a smart contract can trigger a payment when a shipment reaches a certain checkpoint, reducing the need for intermediaries and minimizing errors.
3. **Tokenization**: Assets can be tokenized on the Ethereum blockchain, representing physical goods digitally. This allows for easy transfer and verification of ownership, reducing fraud and improving efficiency.
4. **Provenance Tracking**: Ethereum can track the origin and journey of products, ensuring authenticity and adherence to quality standards. This is particularly valuable for industries like pharmaceuticals and luxury goods.
5. **Decentralization**: By leveraging Ethereum’s decentralized nature, supply chain data is not controlled by a single entity but rather distributed across multiple nodes, enhancing security and reducing the risk of tampering.
Overall, integrating Ethereum into supply chain management can significantly improve transparency, reduce fraud, and streamline operations through automation and decentralized verification.$ETH
$BTC Bitcoin ( BTC ) price could see a massive upward move and enter price discovery if a bullish chart pattern known as a descending broadening triangle is confirmed, according to a crypto trader. “#Bitcoin is moving within a Descending Broadening Triangle,” crypto Post Trader Tardigrade explained in an Aug. 12 post on the X social media platform. The analyst was referring to Bitcoin’s year-to-date price action on a two-week chart timeframe, which had formed a descending broadening wedge. A descending broadening wedge is a technical chart pattern that appears during a downtrend and is characterized by two diverging lines that connect a series of lower highs and lower lows. A decisive break above the resistance of the wedge confirms a breakout on the upside. "This is the same pattern as $BTC performed in 2019-2020,” he declared. When Bitcoin’s price broke out of this pattern in 2020, it rallied 580% to the 2021 all-time high of around $69,000. “The breaking of this pattern brought $BTC from near $10,000 to near $70,000.”$BTC
$BTC Bitcoin ( BTC ) price could see a massive upward move and enter price discovery if a bullish chart pattern known as a descending broadening triangle is confirmed, according to a crypto trader.
“#Bitcoin is moving within a Descending Broadening Triangle,” crypto Post Trader Tardigrade explained in an Aug. 12 post on the X social media platform.
The analyst was referring to Bitcoin’s year-to-date price action on a two-week chart timeframe, which had formed a descending broadening wedge.
A descending broadening wedge is a technical chart pattern that appears during a downtrend and is characterized by two diverging lines that connect a series of lower highs and lower lows. A decisive break above the resistance of the wedge confirms a breakout on the upside.
"This is the same pattern as $BTC performed in 2019-2020,” he declared.
When Bitcoin’s price broke out of this pattern in 2020, it rallied 580% to the 2021 all-time high of around $69,000.
“The breaking of this pattern brought $BTC from near $10,000 to near $70,000.”$BTC
Waqar Zaka New Plan for crypto persons: VIP Trading Club - Kisi ko paise dene ki zaroorat nahi, bas trading ki basic samajh honi chahiye. Step ; Apne wallet ka public key lein jahan aap ke paas funds hain. Yeh wahi public key honi chahiye jo aap TRC20 USDT receive karne ke liye use karte hain, kisi aur chain ki zaroorat nahi. Phir par jaake register karein. Sirf un logon ko airdrop milega jinke paas TRC20 wallet hai. Khali wallet address walon ko kuch nahi milega aur na hi membership. $BTC
Waqar Zaka New Plan for crypto persons:

VIP Trading Club - Kisi ko paise dene ki zaroorat nahi, bas trading ki basic samajh honi chahiye.
Step ; Apne wallet ka public key lein jahan aap ke paas funds hain. Yeh wahi public key honi chahiye jo aap TRC20 USDT receive karne ke liye use karte hain, kisi aur chain ki zaroorat nahi.
Phir par jaake register karein. Sirf un logon ko airdrop milega jinke paas TRC20 wallet hai. Khali wallet address walon ko kuch nahi milega aur na hi membership.
$BTC is really struggling and really needs to cross and stays above 7MA in 1 hour , 4 hour and 1 day timeframe 👀 $BTC suppose to surpass 59600 or 59800 and sustain there by now 🤷 If $BTC is not going to sustain above 7MA then big dump is expected soon 😱 and i wish that's not gonna happen 🙃 Nothing is financial advice always do your own research 👍🏻
$BTC is really struggling and really needs to cross and stays above 7MA in 1 hour , 4 hour and 1 day timeframe 👀
$BTC suppose to surpass 59600 or 59800 and sustain there by now 🤷
If $BTC is not going to sustain above 7MA then big dump is expected soon 😱 and i wish that's not gonna happen 🙃
Nothing is financial advice always do your own research 👍🏻
$2,584 Etherium is trying to recover to the breakdown level of $2,850, which is likely to witness a tough battle between the bulls and the bears. If the price breaks above $2,724, the ETH/USDT pair could reach the downsloping 20-day EMA ($2,864). This is an important level to watch out for because a sharp fall from the 20-day EMA will suggest that the sentiment remains negative. The bears will then try to pull the price below $2,552. Contrary to this assumption, if the price rises above the 20-day EMA, it will signal that the bulls are back in the game. The pair may rise to the 50-day SMA ($3,162) and then to $3,400. The moving averages on the 4-hour chart are close to completing a bullish crossover, and the RSI is in the positive zone, signaling that the trend is turning positive. There is a minor resistance at $2,724, but if crossed, the pair may reach the solid overhead resistance of $2,850. This positive view will be invalidated in the near term if the price turns down and breaks below $2,550. That could sink the pair to $2,300, where the bulls will try to arrest the decline. $ETH
Etherium is trying to recover to the breakdown level of $2,850, which is likely to witness a tough battle between the bulls and the bears.
If the price breaks above $2,724, the ETH/USDT pair could reach the downsloping 20-day EMA ($2,864). This is an important level to watch out for because a sharp fall from the 20-day EMA will suggest that the sentiment remains negative. The bears will then try to pull the price below $2,552.
Contrary to this assumption, if the price rises above the 20-day EMA, it will signal that the bulls are back in the game. The pair may rise to the 50-day SMA ($3,162) and then to $3,400.
The moving averages on the 4-hour chart are close to completing a bullish crossover, and the RSI is in the positive zone, signaling that the trend is turning positive. There is a minor resistance at $2,724, but if crossed, the pair may reach the solid overhead resistance of $2,850.
This positive view will be invalidated in the near term if the price turns down and breaks below $2,550. That could sink the pair to $2,300, where the bulls will try to arrest the decline.
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