Binance Square
#io 是真正的交易! IO 启动池正在进行中,很多人都厌倦了如此多的启动池和糟糕的结果,这当然令人沮丧,但这意味着他们错过了一个巨大的机会,那就是通过在 binance 上质押他们的 $BNB 或 #fdusd 来赚取一些免费的 #IO ! 这是您钱包里的免费钱‼️ 那么为什么 #IO 很特别? 1- 它的代币具有与 $BTC 相同的逻辑,这意味着它将来不会“印制”更多钱。 2- IO 有一个销毁机制,就像 $ETH 一样,这意味着它将自我销毁一些代币以避免投机,并允许 IO 的稀缺性在市场上盛行。 3- 因此,对 IO 的需求将随着时间的推移而增长…… 4- 所有的 IO 都已经运行起来了,因为它是一个优秀的代币,允许我们使用 #Solana 和 athos,并且可以免费使用 IO。 5- 那些工作和初始投资者至少 1 年内不能出售或更好地抛售他们的 IO,这证实了 IO 稀缺性的逻辑,并且不会允许 IO 在首次开市后立即下跌! 自己看看吧!图片如下,我登录 IO 亲自检查,了解这个正在进行的项目和即将推出的新代币! 再次强调,IO 是真正的交易‼️ 去 IO.NET 亲自看看吧! 购买并持有 IO
#io 是真正的交易!

IO 启动池正在进行中,很多人都厌倦了如此多的启动池和糟糕的结果,这当然令人沮丧,但这意味着他们错过了一个巨大的机会,那就是通过在 binance 上质押他们的 $BNB #fdusd 来赚取一些免费的 #IO


那么为什么 #IO 很特别?

1- 它的代币具有与 $BTC 相同的逻辑,这意味着它将来不会“印制”更多钱。
2- IO 有一个销毁机制,就像 $ETH 一样,这意味着它将自我销毁一些代币以避免投机,并允许 IO 的稀缺性在市场上盛行。
3- 因此,对 IO 的需求将随着时间的推移而增长……
4- 所有的 IO 都已经运行起来了,因为它是一个优秀的代币,允许我们使用 #Solana 和 athos,并且可以免费使用 IO。
5- 那些工作和初始投资者至少 1 年内不能出售或更好地抛售他们的 IO,这证实了 IO 稀缺性的逻辑,并且不会允许 IO 在首次开市后立即下跌!

自己看看吧!图片如下,我登录 IO 亲自检查,了解这个正在进行的项目和即将推出的新代币!

再次强调,IO 是真正的交易‼️

去 IO.NET 亲自看看吧!

购买并持有 IO
The #bullmarket is on!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 However most people do not see it and prefer to sell or to buy when the prices Go skyrocketing. That is certainly a big mistake ! Here are a few instruments everyone can use to hedge, and protect your wallet while participating on this #bullran : 1- Buy and hold your cripto. 2- Keep 95% of your capital on the 2 or 3 main coins. 3- Choose just one underdog cripto, to try to earn high earnings, but if it crashes it Will not hurt you. This 💩COiN does not count as one of the 2 or 3 criptos mentioned previously. 4- Use all #Binance tools to earn “free cash”, like #Launchpool‬ , #Airdrop‬⁩s , megadrops , miningtools, web3 wallet etc… 5- Use $BNB on these projects. So BNB has to be one of your core coins, mentioned on item 2. 6- TRANSFER ALL PROFITS TO $BTC $BTC has to be your goal !🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
The #bullmarket is on!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
However most people do not see it and prefer to sell or to buy when the prices Go skyrocketing.
That is certainly a big mistake !
Here are a few instruments everyone can use to hedge, and protect your wallet while participating on this #bullran :

1- Buy and hold your cripto.
2- Keep 95% of your capital on the 2 or 3 main coins.
3- Choose just one underdog cripto, to try to earn high earnings, but if it crashes it Will not hurt you. This 💩COiN does not count as one of the 2 or 3 criptos mentioned previously.
4- Use all #Binance tools to earn “free cash”, like #Launchpool‬ , #Airdrop‬⁩s , megadrops , miningtools, web3 wallet etc…
5- Use $BNB on these projects. So BNB has to be one of your core coins, mentioned on item 2.

$BTC has to be your goal !🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#Binance 刚刚超过 2 亿会员 !!!!!! D A N G 这狗屎是真的,但黑鬼们仍然认为 #Binance 是个骗局! 如果 binance 是真的,想象一下这个网站和 $ETH $USDC $BNB 的重要性 现在看看下面的图形。 你知道这意味着什么吗? 是时候买入并持有了 !!!! 只需点击购买此处引用的任何加密货币,因为它们由 #ElonsMusk 和 #billgates 保证是金钱艺术的遗产! 但不要忘记保留它们,例如 #texasholdthem 现在是牛市时间‼️ 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#Binance 刚刚超过 2 亿会员 !!!!!!
D A N G 这狗屎是真的,但黑鬼们仍然认为 #Binance 是个骗局!

如果 binance 是真的,想象一下这个网站和 $ETH $USDC $BNB 的重要性


是时候买入并持有了 !!!!

只需点击购买此处引用的任何加密货币,因为它们由 #ElonsMusk #billgates 保证是金钱艺术的遗产!
但不要忘记保留它们,例如 #texasholdthem

Follow the graphs and you Will grasp How this market works, just as simple as a bunch of ups and downs ! But do not worry about it too much ! Learn How to use $BNB and $USDC and $SOL to #stake and earn free money. Other tools for an extra income are #megadrops and #launchpools . By the way, IO launchpool is just about to begin. We are 30 minutes to Go and with only around 100k participants on this project the rewards are going to be greater and better for those who do not miss this great opportunity!
Follow the graphs and you Will grasp How this market works, just as simple as a bunch of ups and downs !

But do not worry about it too much !
Learn How to use $BNB and $USDC and $SOL to #stake and earn free money.

Other tools for an extra income are #megadrops and #launchpools .

By the way, IO launchpool is just about to begin. We are 30 minutes to Go and with only around 100k participants on this project the rewards are going to be greater and better for those who do not miss this great opportunity!
Will you enter IO launchpool?
4 票 • 投票已关闭
Some say: “Justice for all” However, the best deal now a days and in the crypto world is: PROSPERITY FOR ALL expand earnings possibiliteis by buying or selling your crypto via the links or # hashtags hereby added. By doing so you allow an extra cash flow into #Binance and the #markets . $USDC $BTC $ETH Lets us all prosper by conmecting and eventually doing P2P, sending and receiving #redpackets , megadroping and airdroping tokens and etcetera. Fellas there is a vast variety to allow yourself and other a to prosper ‼️ Let’s do it Let’s win “To the moon some How, Like Kevin garnett, Anything is possible” I am on a boat !
Some say:
“Justice for all”

However, the best deal now a days and in the crypto world is:


expand earnings possibiliteis by buying or selling your crypto via the links or # hashtags hereby added. By doing so you allow an extra cash flow into #Binance and the #markets .

Lets us all prosper by conmecting and eventually doing P2P, sending and receiving #redpackets , megadroping and airdroping tokens and etcetera.

Fellas there is a vast variety to allow yourself and other a to prosper ‼️

Let’s do it
Let’s win

“To the moon some How,
Like Kevin garnett,
Anything is possible”

I am on a boat !
牛市将继续存在,因为它甚至没有到达月球的一半路程🚀🌕 $BTC $BNB 和 $ETH 是安全的硬币,并将飙升至 2025 年,就像弗兰克·辛纳屈唱的那样: 🎵🎶“带我飞向月球”🎶🎵 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 伙计们,这是交易:#ethereum 刚刚获得通过 ETF 运营的许可 #bitcoin 是王者硬币!真正的交易,因为它无与伦比。比特币不需要解释。 #BNB⁩ 是下一个登月者,即使这在短期内不会发生,或者价格下跌,请记住这一点:您可以随时使用 BNB,电话号码为 #Binance ,通过 megadrop、launchpools 等赚取免费硬币和代币……这是一笔额外的自由现金流,将帮助您增加钱包。 总之,只有当您无所畏惧地定位自己,并且不要太担心市场价格(现货)时,您才能赚钱。 秘诀很简单,只需每周或每月一点一点地继续购买,这样您就会学会如何不太担心市场价格。 总之,不要试图通过以最低价购买来中大奖,只需保持一致,不要出售!
$BTC $BNB $ETH 是安全的硬币,并将飙升至 2025 年,就像弗兰克·辛纳屈唱的那样:


伙计们,这是交易:#ethereum 刚刚获得通过 ETF 运营的许可

#bitcoin 是王者硬币!真正的交易,因为它无与伦比。比特币不需要解释。

#BNB⁩ 是下一个登月者,即使这在短期内不会发生,或者价格下跌,请记住这一点:您可以随时使用 BNB,电话号码为 #Binance ,通过 megadrop、launchpools 等赚取免费硬币和代币……这是一笔额外的自由现金流,将帮助您增加钱包。


$BNB 的价格在几秒钟前刚刚达到历史最高点🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 这是否意味着你不应该购买它? 一点也不。 不要等 #bnb 下跌后再购买! 最重要的是,不要仅仅因为 #BNB⁩ 今天创下了历史最高价就卖掉它。 这里的逻辑很简单,也适用于 $BTC 和 $ETH 。 没有人能够知道加密货币的价格会走向何方,我们甚至还没有开始牛市…… 因此…… 只需购买并持有您的代币并使用您的 BNBS 即可在 #Binance 赚取免费现金和代币
$BNB 的价格在几秒钟前刚刚达到历史最高点🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
不要等 #bnb 下跌后再购买!
最重要的是,不要仅仅因为 #BNB⁩ 今天创下了历史最高价就卖掉它。
这里的逻辑很简单,也适用于 $BTC $ETH
只需购买并持有您的代币并使用您的 BNBS 即可在 #Binance 赚取免费现金和代币
$BNB is an amazing coin 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 And I am not saying that just because #bnb is going up around 7% today. The reality is that it is hard to figure out what to do with BNB when it Goes up, and I suggest you to keep at least 10 full BNBs on your wallet, not mattering it’s price on the market. Try to develop a goal if you can not own 10 at this time focus on having 5, or 3 , or 2 at a minimum. Just start with 1 BNB and slowly keep buying them, until you reach your goal. The reason is simple. Even when #BNB value Goes down you still can use this token for a wide variety of tools, including #Launchpool‬ , #megadrops amongst other projects that alie you to earn “free” coins or tokens ! Do you have any BNBs sitting at your wallet right now ? If yes, just click on #megadrop and use them to earn on the #Lista project ! It is free and allow you to boost your wallet !
$BNB is an amazing coin 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
And I am not saying that just because #bnb is going up around 7% today.
The reality is that it is hard to figure out what to do with BNB when it Goes up, and I suggest you to keep at least 10 full BNBs on your wallet, not mattering it’s price on the market.
Try to develop a goal if you can not own 10 at this time focus on having 5, or 3 , or 2 at a minimum. Just start with 1 BNB and slowly keep buying them, until you reach your goal.
The reason is simple.
Even when #BNB value Goes down you still can use this token for a wide variety of tools, including #Launchpool‬ , #megadrops amongst other projects that alie you to earn “free” coins or tokens !

Do you have any BNBs sitting at your wallet right now ?
If yes, just click on #megadrop and use them to earn on the #Lista project !

It is free and allow you to boost your wallet !
#LISTAAirdrop ,或者更好的 #Megadrop 正在进行中。 距离结束还有 17 天,您仍然有时间购买 $BNB 以参与,或者使用您钱包里的 $BNB 。 如果您完成所需的提取,您可以 Aldo 连接您的 web3 钱包以赚取一些现金。 无论如何,目标都是参与以赚取一些免费现金! 不要错过这个机会 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#LISTAAirdrop ,或者更好的 #Megadrop 正在进行中。
距离结束还有 17 天,您仍然有时间购买 $BNB 以参与,或者使用您钱包里的 $BNB
如果您完成所需的提取,您可以 Aldo 连接您的 web3 钱包以赚取一些现金。
不要错过这个机会 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Bitcoin does not depend on politicians or macro economics!!!! Forget about politician A or B, interest rates and all of that non sense ! Be a winner, just buy and keep all bitcoin you can own ! #bitcoin $BTC 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Bitcoin does not depend on politicians or macro economics!!!!
Forget about politician A or B, interest rates and all of that non sense !

Be a winner, just buy and keep all bitcoin you can own ! #bitcoin $BTC 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Where are those crazy nuts that were saying $BTC would reach 50k ?
Where are those crazy nuts that were saying $BTC would reach 50k ?
The reality is no one can know where bitcoin Will Go ! Wake up pal and do not believe on cheap talk and posts that talk like they know Where #bitcoin prices Will Go ! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀$BTC
The reality is no one can know where bitcoin Will Go ! Wake up pal and do not believe on cheap talk and posts that talk like they know
Where #bitcoin prices Will Go !

This is How the #launchpad works… A)You buy X amount of BNBs at 100 usdt value B) BNB Goes down to 90 usdt C) Then you “earn” 2 usdt at the cost of loosing 8 usdt.💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 #Binance #Launchpool‬ is AMAZING 🤣🤣🤣 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
This is How the #launchpad works…

A)You buy X amount of BNBs at 100 usdt value
B) BNB Goes down to 90 usdt
C) Then you “earn” 2 usdt at the cost of loosing 8 usdt.💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

#Binance #Launchpool‬ is AMAZING 🤣🤣🤣

There are only 250 K people staking #not right now. Do you know what that means ? People in general are broke and little cash is available for liquidity in the markets as whales just keep buying #bitcoin Guess what ? Amateurs will sell their $BTC in the first 🚀 pump after the #bitcoinhalving as the are desperate to “recover” their #fiat 💩 Few are patient enough and have the stomach to hold to see $BTC at 100k. Just keep buying $BTC 💪🏻 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 to the moon !
There are only 250 K people staking #not right now.

Do you know what that means ?

People in general are broke and little cash is available for liquidity in the markets as whales just keep buying #bitcoin

Guess what ?

Amateurs will sell their $BTC in the first 🚀 pump after the #bitcoinhalving as the are desperate to “recover” their #fiat 💩

Few are patient enough and have the stomach to hold to see $BTC at 100k.

Just keep buying $BTC 💪🏻
🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 to the moon !
#bitcoin is about to Go UP in June 2024. … buy $BTC
#bitcoin is about to Go UP in June 2024. … buy $BTC
The definition of CRAZY is: Those who are not buying #bitcoin now !
The definition of CRAZY is:

Those who are not buying #bitcoin now !
Fellas, whenever you have a chance please Google Hayek and read more about “The Pretense of Knowledge” Then come Back here at #binance and check the postings and How people are just crazy guessing or affirming that they know How markets prices work or How much #bitcoin will cost in the future or next month. By they way around 1980’s Hayek openly defended the Denationalization of Money ! With #cripto nowadays we are in a whole new era of Decentrilized Finincing (DEFI) in sum with Hayek’s Denationalization of Money 💰 Buy #Bitcoin❗️
Fellas, whenever you have a chance please Google Hayek and read more about
“The Pretense of Knowledge”

Then come Back here at #binance and check the postings and How people are just crazy guessing or affirming that they know How markets prices work or How much #bitcoin will cost in the future or next month.

By they way around 1980’s Hayek openly defended the Denationalization of Money !

With #cripto nowadays we are in a whole new era of Decentrilized Finincing (DEFI) in sum with Hayek’s Denationalization of Money 💰

Buy #Bitcoin❗️
People are addicted to guessing where #crypto prices Will Go ! This is a stupidity and a waste of time. What is even worse is when you guess it right and starting believing that the logic behind your guessing is the reason why the price went up or down. This is the worst thing ever because guessing it right will make you believe you know or understand How #crypto prices work and the truth is NO ONE KNOWS ! When you guess it right you become cocky and confident and then stupidity takes place ! 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸
People are addicted to guessing where #crypto prices Will Go !

This is a stupidity and a waste of time.

What is even worse is when you guess it right and starting believing that the logic behind your guessing is the reason why the price went up or down.

This is the worst thing ever because guessing it right will make you believe you know or understand How #crypto prices work and the truth is NO ONE KNOWS !

When you guess it right you become cocky and confident and then stupidity takes place !
Omni staking timing and speed is very different, when comparing to the other recently #Binance cripto launches . A slower mining timing and earning progress is perceived as very, very positive. A slower pace on mining and staking may mean that Omni is gaining more value and that its networking process is more resolved and consequently a more serious project. #staking @binance #Binance is DEFINITELY A GREAT OPORTUNITY ! Eram some $BNB for free !
Omni staking timing and speed is very different, when comparing to the other recently #Binance cripto launches .
A slower mining timing and earning progress is perceived as very, very positive.

A slower pace on mining and staking may mean that Omni is gaining more value and that its networking process is more resolved and consequently a more serious project.

#staking @binance #Binance is DEFINITELY A GREAT OPORTUNITY !

Eram some $BNB for free !
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