Bitcoin prices experienced a decline or plunge of 2.7% in the crypto market. Meanwhile, the prices of second-tier crypto tokens, such as Ether, Solana and Dogecoin, also experienced bigger losses. Reporting from Bloomberg, the decline in these digital assets occurred on Tuesday (18/6/2024). The price of the Bitcoin Cs token touched its lowest level in a month, at 1:20 pm Bitcoin was trading at around US$65,740 in Singapore. This decline was caused by outflows from digital asset investment products and the prospect of higher United States (US) interest rates in the long term, weakening the crypto market.
为了解决这些长期存在的问题,开发了一种基于有向无环图(DAG)的新模型。 FANTOM是一个基于DAG的新型智能合约平台,旨在解决现有公共分布式账本技术的可扩展性问题。该平台旨在通过尝试采用现有基于 DAG 的协议的改进版本,将自己与传统的基于区块账本的存储基础设施区分开来。 FANTOM平台采用一种称为“Lachesis协议”的新协议来维持共识。该协议旨在集成到 Fantom OPERA 链中。目的是让建立在 FANTOM OPERA Chain 之上的应用程序能够为所有用户享受即时交易和近乎零的交易成本。