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MicroStrategy 宣布大规模新债发行,以增加其比特币 (BTC) 押注。 由 Michael Saylor 创立和经营的商业智慧巨头 MicroStrategy 宣布再次发行债券,透过向投资者出售 MSTR 来筹集资金。目标是筹集高达 5 亿美元的资金。 在了解该公司专注于比特币的策略后,社群预计这 5 亿美元很快就会用于购买另一大块比特币。新闻稿明确指出,出售这些票据的收益将用于购买额外的比特币,证实了这些预期。 MicroStrategy 的另一个比特币赌注。 Michael Saylor 今天发布了 X 帖子,宣布透过出售可转换优先票据进行新一轮融资。 新闻稿称,该公司打算根据 1933 年证券法向机构买家私募发行 2032 年到期的 5 亿美元可转换优先票据。 此次发行预计购买者将选择在两周内购买这些票据,其中包括这些票据首次发行的日期。这些债务的利息将于每年 6 月 15 日和 12 月 15 日支付。根据新闻稿,MicroStrategy 可能会将这些优先票据的全部或任何部分赎回为现金。 该文件还确认,筹集的 5 亿美元将用于购买更多比特币以及一般企业用途。截至 5 月 1 日,该公司已拥有 214,400 枚 BTC,估值为 75.38 亿美元。 另一家上市公司也纷纷效法。 今年 3 月,MicroStrategy 已经进行了类似的证券发行,筹集 5.25 亿美元用于购买额外的比特币。 本周早些时候,有消息称另一家上市公司开始囤积 Sats,这是加密货币社群中的常见表达方式,意思是购买和持有 BTC。 Sat - 来自比特币创建者的名字 Satoshi - 代表 0.00000001 比特币。 这家公司就是 DeFi Technologies。效仿 MicroStrategy 的做法,该公司首次购买了比特币,为其比特币金库添加了 110 BTC。

MicroStrategy 宣布大规模新债发行,以增加其比特币 (BTC) 押注。

由 Michael Saylor 创立和经营的商业智慧巨头 MicroStrategy 宣布再次发行债券,透过向投资者出售 MSTR 来筹集资金。目标是筹集高达 5 亿美元的资金。

在了解该公司专注于比特币的策略后,社群预计这 5 亿美元很快就会用于购买另一大块比特币。新闻稿明确指出,出售这些票据的收益将用于购买额外的比特币,证实了这些预期。

MicroStrategy 的另一个比特币赌注。

Michael Saylor 今天发布了 X 帖子,宣布透过出售可转换优先票据进行新一轮融资。

新闻稿称,该公司打算根据 1933 年证券法向机构买家私募发行 2032 年到期的 5 亿美元可转换优先票据。

此次发行预计购买者将选择在两周内购买这些票据,其中包括这些票据首次发行的日期。这些债务的利息将于每年 6 月 15 日和 12 月 15 日支付。根据新闻稿,MicroStrategy 可能会将这些优先票据的全部或任何部分赎回为现金。

该文件还确认,筹集的 5 亿美元将用于购买更多比特币以及一般企业用途。截至 5 月 1 日,该公司已拥有 214,400 枚 BTC,估值为 75.38 亿美元。


今年 3 月,MicroStrategy 已经进行了类似的证券发行,筹集 5.25 亿美元用于购买额外的比特币。

本周早些时候,有消息称另一家上市公司开始囤积 Sats,这是加密货币社群中的常见表达方式,意思是购买和持有 BTC。 Sat - 来自比特币创建者的名字 Satoshi - 代表 0.00000001 比特币。

这家公司就是 DeFi Technologies。效仿 MicroStrategy 的做法,该公司首次购买了比特币,为其比特币金库添加了 110 BTC。

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SHIB Insider Reveals Game-Changing Shiba Inu Update. In a recent tweet, Shiba Inu team member Lucie recently revealed a crucial update regarding the Shiba Inu collectible card game Shiba Eternity. According to Lucie, the Shiba Eternity play-to-earn version is rapidly approaching its launch. Enthusiasts can already experience a taste of the game through its mobile version, where players can play and engage in training activities and earn Kibbles. However, the blockchain version of Shiba Eternity is expected to bring an entirely new dimension to the game, offering unique features that will set it apart from the mobile experience. Lucie outlined some hypothetical features of the blockchain version of Shiba Eternity. In the blockchain version, the upcoming Shiba Inu token, Treat is expected to play a significant role. While the specifics are still under wraps, Treat tokens could be integral to gameplay mechanics and rewards. The blockchain version will likely incorporate BONE, another token in the Shiba Inu ecosystem, allowing users to shop within the game using BONE. This feature could enhance the utility of BONE and create more demand for the token. Ownership of Shiboshis, the exclusive Shiba Inu NFTs, will be a key aspect of Shiba Eternity. Players will only be able to play with specific Shiboshis if they own the corresponding NFT or rent it from holders. This mechanism not only emphasizes the importance of Shiboshi NFTs but also creates a potential rental market within the game. In addition, the Kibbles earned in the mobile version will become TREAT in the blockchain version, aligning with the in- game economy and enhancing the overall gameplay experience. The blockchain version can potentially revolutionize how players interact with the Shiba Inu ecosystem and, according to Lucie, might drive transaction volumes and enhance token utility. The game's mechanics may include features that lead to SHIB burns, potentially reducing the circulating supply and increasing the token's value.
114 Billion PEPE Trader's Surprising Ethereum Shift; Here's Why. In a dramatic turn of events, a PEPE trader has capitulated, selling all of his 114.7 billion PEPE tokens for 366.5 ETH, worth approximately $1.27 million. According to Lookonchain, the trader initially purchased the 114.7 billion PEPE tokens on May 14 and May 15 for $0.000011 per token, totaling $1.27 million. This entry point seemed promising as the PEPE was gaining traction and attracting considerable interest within the crypto market. PEPE would later surge to all-time highs of $0.00001718 about 14 days later. On May 27, the price of PEPE surged, breaking through the $0.000017 mark. At this peak, the trader's holdings were valued at $1.94 million, presenting a potential profit of $670,000, or 50% gains. Despite the substantial gain, the trader chose not to sell, possibly holding onto the tokens in anticipation of further price increases, which proved costly. However, the market took an unfavorable turn as PEPE's price began to decline. The downward trend continued, and the value of PEPE fell below the trader's breakeven point of $0.000011. Facing the sustained drop in PEPE's price, the trader ultimately decided to sell all 114.7 billion tokens. The sale was made at a breakeven price, yielding 366.5 ETH, nearly equivalent to his initial investment of $1.27 million. Although the trader did not incur a financial loss, the missed opportunity for a substantial profit underscores the significance of timing the market perfectly. More often than not, market timing has been found to significantly impact trading outcomes. At the time of writing, PEPE had dropped 0.79% in the previous 24 hours to $0.00001204. The frog-themed cryptocurrency has slowly decreased since reaching an all-time high of $0.0000171 on May 27. PEPE struck a low of $0.00001057 in yesterday's trading session as profit- taking continued and the market saw a slump before rebounding rapidly.
XRP vs. Dogecoin: Who Tops Market? Recently, the spotlight has turned to two major cryptocurrencies: XRP and Dogecoin (DOGE), as they vie for positions in the market capitalization rankings. According to CoinMarketCap data, XRP currently holds the seventh spot in the market ranking, boasting a market capitalization of $26.62 billion. This digital asset runs on the XRP Ledger - an open- source public decentralized layer-1 blockchain that has hosted over 1,000 projects, processed over 2.8 billion transactions since 2012 and supports over five million active wallets via a network of over 120 validators. Hot on its heels is the dog-themed cryptocurrency and the first parody coin, Dogecoin, which has carved out its niche in the crypto community. Dogecoin takes eighth place in the crypto rankings, with a market capitalization of $19.77 billion. Initially created as a joke, Dogecoin has become a serious contender on the crypto market. Currently, the difference in the market capitalizations of both cryptocurrencies is over $7 billion, which remains significant. Given current market conditions, it might take a significant move for Dogecoin to be able to successfully upturn XRP and rank as the seventh largest cryptocurrency. As the scenario unfolds, price movements of XRP and Dogecoin will be closely watched. Will Dogecoin overtake XRP, or will XRP maintain its lead in the crypto market rankings? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the race is on, and the crypto community is here for it. Surprises are common on the crypto market, and the rankings of XRP and Dogecoin could shift rapidly based on market sentiment, regulatory news, technological advancements and macroeconomic factors. The market is keeping a close watch on these developments to gauge the price trajectories of these digital assets. XRP and Dogecoin are currently trading lower as cryptocurrencies fall approaching the weekend, with Bitcoin continuing its recent plunge.


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