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特朗普提倡用加密货币拉票。 随着美国大选的临近,前总统唐纳德·特朗普对加密货币持积极态度,与拜登总统的严厉立场形成鲜明对比。特朗普的最新举措包括发行 NFT 和接受加密货币捐赠。这一转变旨在吸引选民支持,并将他的竞选活动与拜登的反加密货币立场区分开来。目前,比特币的交易价格为 69,700 美元,反映出更广泛的市场。 特朗普和加密货币策略。 尽管特朗普一直持怀疑态度,尤其是他在 2019 年的推文中表达了对比特币的不感兴趣,但最近他已经接受了加密货币领域。他发行 NFT 等行动表明,他正在采取战略转向,以利用日益壮大的加密货币社区的支持。此外,特朗普主张减少对加密货币投资者的法律限制,并承诺提供更多的监管自由。 与此同时,拜登政府的做法似乎是被动的,在特朗普提出提议后,他采取了诸如批准 ETH ETF 之类的举措。旨在明确山寨币分类的 FIT21 法案草案最近也在众议院获得通过。然而,该法案的全面实施可能会面临延迟,需要等待参议院批准和拜登的支持。 特朗普和 2024 年大选前景。 由于特朗普最近因 34 项指控被定罪,他是否有资格参加 2024 年 11 月的选举仍不确定。可能的情况包括上诉判决,这可能会将判决推迟到 2024 年大选之后。鉴于他的罪行并不要求在纽约服刑,特朗普仍有可能参加选举。目前的民意调查显示,他获得了 41.3% 的选民支持率。 根据美国宪法,总统候选人的先决条件不包括干净的犯罪记录。条件是美国公民,年满 35 岁,并在美国居住至少 14 年,特朗普满足所有这些条件。因此,他的定罪不太可能阻止他参加竞选,让他可以与拜登竞争。


随着美国大选的临近,前总统唐纳德·特朗普对加密货币持积极态度,与拜登总统的严厉立场形成鲜明对比。特朗普的最新举措包括发行 NFT 和接受加密货币捐赠。这一转变旨在吸引选民支持,并将他的竞选活动与拜登的反加密货币立场区分开来。目前,比特币的交易价格为 69,700 美元,反映出更广泛的市场。


尽管特朗普一直持怀疑态度,尤其是他在 2019 年的推文中表达了对比特币的不感兴趣,但最近他已经接受了加密货币领域。他发行 NFT 等行动表明,他正在采取战略转向,以利用日益壮大的加密货币社区的支持。此外,特朗普主张减少对加密货币投资者的法律限制,并承诺提供更多的监管自由。

与此同时,拜登政府的做法似乎是被动的,在特朗普提出提议后,他采取了诸如批准 ETH ETF 之类的举措。旨在明确山寨币分类的 FIT21 法案草案最近也在众议院获得通过。然而,该法案的全面实施可能会面临延迟,需要等待参议院批准和拜登的支持。

特朗普和 2024 年大选前景。

由于特朗普最近因 34 项指控被定罪,他是否有资格参加 2024 年 11 月的选举仍不确定。可能的情况包括上诉判决,这可能会将判决推迟到 2024 年大选之后。鉴于他的罪行并不要求在纽约服刑,特朗普仍有可能参加选举。目前的民意调查显示,他获得了 41.3% 的选民支持率。

根据美国宪法,总统候选人的先决条件不包括干净的犯罪记录。条件是美国公民,年满 35 岁,并在美国居住至少 14 年,特朗普满足所有这些条件。因此,他的定罪不太可能阻止他参加竞选,让他可以与拜登竞争。

免责声明:含第三方内容,不构成财务建议,并且可能包含赞助内容。 详见《条款和条件》。
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XRP, DOGE Armies Excited by Elon Musk's Message on X. Serial tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, who runs SpaceX, Tesla and xAl, among other innovative tech companies, has published a celebratory X post related to the recent success of SpaceX Musk bragged about the 300th landing of Falcon 9 on X in his recent post. Falcon 9 is a reusable racket created by SpaceX in order to transport people and payloads into Earth orbit and beyond it. It is the first reusable rocket on Earth that is able to reach the orbit and return. Thanks to the design, SpaceX can reuse the most costly parts of the rocket, thus bringing down the cost of flying to space with people and/cargo. According to the SpaceX website, Falcon 9 has already conducted 343 launches, 300 landings, and 274 reflights in total. A week ago, Musk spread the word on X that Falcon 9 had made 14 successful launches in May alone. The cryptocurrency community took this news enthusiastically, especially XRP and Dogecoin fans. Many accounts started tweeting "420" in comments in response to Musk's "300" X post. 420 is a number adored by Elon Musk since this is widely associated with his favorite cryptocurrency Dogecoin but also with weed. April 20 (4.20, 420) is considered to be the day of both. Many accounts also responded with memes from the "300" movie about Spartans starring Gerald Butler. The "This is Sparta" episode from it has become viral and turned into a popular meme. Elon Musk's target with SpaceX is to be able to send a human mission to Mars and establish a self-sustained colony on this planet in order to make humanity a multi-planetary species. In a recent interview, Musk said that he expects humans to land on March within next seven or eight years. #TopCoinsJune2024
Bitcoin On The Verge As Global Liquidity Nears New $100 Million ATH. Philip Swift, the founder of the on-chain analytics platform LookIntoBitcoin, recently highlighted the significant increase in global liquidity, which just hit a new all-time high (ATH). Swift suggested this was a crucial indicator of how Bitcoin can rise in this bull run. The Most Important Indicator For Bitcoin. Swift claimed that the global liquidity was the "most important" chart in this bull run while revealing that it had just hit a new ATH. The chart he shared showed that the global liquidity was now at $94 trillion and approaching the $100 trillion mark. Based on his analysis, this development could also lead to new ATHs for Bitcoin. Global liquidity was around $90 trillion when BTC hit its previous ATH of $69,000 in the 2021 bull run. Additionally, Bitcoin's price has risen above that level since global liquidity, thereby confirming the correlation between this global liquidity indicator and Bitcoin's price. Swift claimed that Bitcoin's rise is "inevitable" as long as global liquidity keeps trending. Swift mentioned that BTC had a "long way to go" after it hit a new ATH of $73,750 in March. He made reference to the MVRV z-score indicator, which showed that the flagship crypto was still well below its fair value. In a recent X post, the crypto founder suggested that Bitcoin would at least rise above $100,000 before the market top can be said to be in. Swift claimed that the Bitcoin cycle top indicators were continuing to climb higher. These top indicators were the delta top, terminal price, and top cap, which were at $137,579, $148,390, and $364,541, respectively. Meanwhile, like Swift, crypto analyst Tarekonchain recently highlighted the Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) indicator and mentioned that Bitcoin was still far from its peak. Based on this, the analyst predicted that BTC could still achieve new highs in this cycle and possibly rise above $100,000.
Dogecoin (DOGE) Sees Epic Surge of $1 Million Transactions, What's Going On? Dogecoin (DOGE), the eighth-largest cryptocurrency, is experiencing a significant uptick in whale activity. In the past day, a significant surge in $1 million transactions has been seen. The recent increase in such transactions for Dogecoin suggests that large holders are either accumulating more DOGE or moving substantial amounts of the cryptocurrency for other strategic purposes. Data from blockchain analytics platforms show that these high-value transactions numbering over 150, involving amounts of over $1 million, have been reported in the last 24 hours. According to crypto analyst Ali, who cited Santiment data, "Dogecoin whale activity is on the rise. Over 150 DOGE transactions, each exceeding $1 million, have been recorded in the past 24 hours." Increasing institutional interest in cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin, could be contributing to the rise in large transactions. Institutions entering the market often do so with substantial capital, leading to large transaction volumes. Whales might be positioning themselves for anticipated price movements, either upward or downward, based on market analysis or news. Dogecoin price action. At the time of writing, Dogecoin was down 1.38% in the last 24 hours to $0.161. Dogecoin has remained above the 50-day SMA of $0.1547 since late May, indicating strong demand near this level. If this trend continues, Dogecoin may surpass the short-term barrier of $0.174, which is a crucial mark to monitor. If buyers break through this barrier, Dogecoin might rise to $0.21, and then to $0.23. Conversely, if the price falls from the present level or the daily SMA 50, it may induce short-term selling. A breach below the 50-day SMA might reverse the short- term trend, sending Dogecoin to $0.14. #TopCoinsJune2024


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