Binance Square
$JASMY 你需要知道什么!! 首先,如果你回到我之前的帖子并阅读几周前的评论(我几周前才开始发帖),我告诉人们我认为 Jasmy 很有潜力。 这不是为了让我鼓吹代币,然后甩给别人,我不是那种人,正如你从我发布的内容中看到的那样,我的女朋友根据我的推荐持有 Jasmy。 Jasmy 和苹果尚未确认它将被纳入苹果产品的“我的号码”功能,这种炒作是因为 Jasmy 已经被另一家日本公司 Cyber​​Trust 用作区块链,该公司使用区块链的目的与苹果可能希望实现的类似,基本上 Jasmy 已经通过另一个项目证明了它的用例,因此将它用于苹果可能是有意义的。 还要注意, 正如我们最近看到的虚假新闻 HBAR 暴涨(当它被错误地与 Blackrock 挂钩时)一样,hbar 被暴涨,然后根据进一步澄清(这发生在几个小时内)迅速抛售,而 Jasmy 的价格并没有这样做。 *我这次卖掉了我所有的 HBAR,永远不会再买,因为我觉得他们是故意这样做的。* 虽然没有得到任何证实,但 Jasmy 的价格仍然看涨,对我来说,这表明关于这个消息可能会有更多消息传出,如果这是一个虚假新闻,而没有其他消息,那么 Jasmy(如 Hbar)的价格早就迅速下跌了。 Jasmy 的市值为 17 亿美元,流通供应量为 98.6%(没有大量解锁涌入市场) 当我购买 Jasmy 时,市值约为 10 亿美元,我看到了良好的上涨空间,无论苹果新闻如何,我仍然看到其当前市值的上涨空间。 我研究过这个项目和背后的团队,在我看来,它是合法的,虽然我们可能会根据这个消息看到价格变动,但我仍然非常有信心,这是一个很棒的项目,值得在未来几年内纳入你的 SPOT 投资组合。 我尽我所能为阅读或关注我的人提供好的建议,但做你自己的研究也是关键。 和平。 #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #altcoins



首先,如果你回到我之前的帖子并阅读几周前的评论(我几周前才开始发帖),我告诉人们我认为 Jasmy 很有潜力。

这不是为了让我鼓吹代币,然后甩给别人,我不是那种人,正如你从我发布的内容中看到的那样,我的女朋友根据我的推荐持有 Jasmy。

Jasmy 和苹果尚未确认它将被纳入苹果产品的“我的号码”功能,这种炒作是因为 Jasmy 已经被另一家日本公司 Cyber​​Trust 用作区块链,该公司使用区块链的目的与苹果可能希望实现的类似,基本上 Jasmy 已经通过另一个项目证明了它的用例,因此将它用于苹果可能是有意义的。


正如我们最近看到的虚假新闻 HBAR 暴涨(当它被错误地与 Blackrock 挂钩时)一样,hbar 被暴涨,然后根据进一步澄清(这发生在几个小时内)迅速抛售,而 Jasmy 的价格并没有这样做。

*我这次卖掉了我所有的 HBAR,永远不会再买,因为我觉得他们是故意这样做的。*

虽然没有得到任何证实,但 Jasmy 的价格仍然看涨,对我来说,这表明关于这个消息可能会有更多消息传出,如果这是一个虚假新闻,而没有其他消息,那么 Jasmy(如 Hbar)的价格早就迅速下跌了。

Jasmy 的市值为 17 亿美元,流通供应量为 98.6%(没有大量解锁涌入市场)

当我购买 Jasmy 时,市值约为 10 亿美元,我看到了良好的上涨空间,无论苹果新闻如何,我仍然看到其当前市值的上涨空间。

我研究过这个项目和背后的团队,在我看来,它是合法的,虽然我们可能会根据这个消息看到价格变动,但我仍然非常有信心,这是一个很棒的项目,值得在未来几年内纳入你的 SPOT 投资组合。



#Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ #altcoins

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This price movement is a disgrace. It shows just how manipulated we are. There is a very simple reason for the BNB rise and fall in the last week, compare it to other high cap projects, notice any difference? Yes US economic factors dropped prices of crypto but this rise and fall is also more calculated. The VC’s are becoming more greedy! Most newly launched projects on Binance in the last year have crashed in price on launch or shortly after, why? huge sell pressure hitting the market from farmed launchpool rewards. Not so fast say the VC’s ! Now the VCs who backed the project are not only profiting off buying into the project for 2-5% of what retail can, they are now manipulating the system. How? They invest 10s of Millions across hundreds of Binance accounts(there is a single account hourly farming limit) to stake BNB so they can claim a large % of the launchpool rewards. They dont so much care about the amount farmed, it is more about the illusion on launch, less sell pressure and more stability =more retail fomo buying=higher prices. They hold farmed tokens and dump on you later. It is important to note, VC backed projects usually have a vesting period(a time they cant sell some or all of their tokens), So now they need to find new and inovative ways to fleece retail investors every step of the way, what better way than to have some control of the price action on launch? Please dont make the mistake of buying into these projects on launch, they are totally anti retail and 100% made for already rich VC investors to profit off Crypto in every way they can. This is not about any particular project, they could be amazing projects, it is about the amount of money VC investors are making off us over and over again. This is also why I said before and I will say again, please don’t have your financial wellbeing locked into centralised staking,10-15% of your portfolio max. *Everything stated above is just my opinion, solely based on research I do into crypto* Be Smart Peace #IOprediction #Binance200M #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins
Further macro information to be aware of. I know I just posted but I feel a few things need further explanation. Firstly please refer to my post about the $2.6 trillion crypto market cap if you are wondering when the next bull run could start. We have had $1.5 trillion injected into crypto in less than a year, we have had a bull run. The Spot BTC ETFs have an $83 billion market cap, the other $1.4 trillion has come from other investments into crypto, crypto as a whole has had a bull run, the next leg up will be much harder. USD Interest rates will determine crypto price, With the decisions by EU,Canada,Switzerland to lower interest rates it puts more spotlight on the Fed, add to this we have elections coming and it makes the timing and outcome of their policy decisions more difficult to accurately predict. This is why I feel only buying BTC and ETH makes sense at current prices(for a larger % of your portfolio), should we resume the bull run you have the upside, should we get bad economic news then these will be the most secure and will rebound the fastest. Until we break $2.6 trillion Crypto market cap and sustain it we have no clear indication of a new bull run, we will most likely just keep seeing slightly bullish conditions only to then go backwards or have massive liquidations based on USD data, the FEDs decision or liquidity sweeps. It is hard to accept but these are the facts, to go much higher than the current crypto MC we need US interest rates to fall and we need global tensions to remain stable. I do a lot of research to try give the best and most accurate advise I can, I can’t however predict what effect the lowering of interest rates in other countries or the election will have on the FEDs decision. Basically now, more than ever it it’s important to focus on larger global and crypto macro trends when deciding if you want to buy into any project. ✌️ #FIT21 #TopCoinsJune2024 #altcoins #BTC
Wednesday is KEY!! Nothing else really matters for crypto right now. I am going to try keep this simple for newer traders. On Wednesday we have CPI news, the Federal funds rate and FOMC meeting. The FED funds rate will remain at 5.5%, this is a near certainty and priced in. CPI data is expected to be as predicted with a possible drop of 0.1% in Y/Y The FOMC meeting will likely state the rates will need further progresss, it could be volatile during the event but will likely just mean the FED needs more data in coming readings.(shocks do happen) The Jobs data on friday which shook the crypto price was because this makes a July cut nearly impossible, it also makes it more likely we see 1 interest rate cut and not 2 this year. If you dont understand interest rates, simply we want them to drop, it would lead to more money going into crypto. My thoughts, I feel the market is slightly bearish for most ALTs at the moment. Important to note is the BTC spot ETFS have had 19 days of positive flows, to me this shows that institutional investors are still seeing value at $65k-$70k BTC prices. I feel the large investors and funds are seeing BTC as a store of value and it is unlikely we see BTC dominance fall enough to start a parabolic ALT cycle. At the CURRENT market prices i feel only BTC, ETH are worth investing a large part of your portfolio in.(Long Term) I think other projects like SOL,BNB,TON,DOGE and a few others are also solid long term plays just not for most of your funds. If you want to invest in other projects now i think only allocate 10-15% of your bankroll.(Long term spot) I still hold many coins,tokens but all at lower prices, i think we might see further price drops in the weeks-months to come, i dont think we are currently in a dip. This is just my view, i dont want to sway your decisions if you are making an educated and researched decision, i dont follow every crypto project so you might know a lot more about a certain project than i do. I am always happy to answer questions. Peace #ETHETFsApproved #BTC #altcoins #TopCoinsJune2024


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