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这位受欢迎的分析师大幅上调了他对比特币价格的预测。 经验丰富的分析师 Peter Brandt 因定期发布 #Bitcoin 条预测而广受欢迎,他声称这次比特币兑黄金的价值可能会大幅上涨。 根据 Peter Brandt 在社交媒体平台 X 上分享的分析,比特币将在未来 12 到 18 个月内继续上涨。Brandt 预测 1 BTC 可以在此时间范围内达到 100 盎司黄金,他预测 BTC 兑黄金的价格可能会上涨 344%。 Brandt 通过分享比特币兑黄金的图表来支持他的预测,并强调自上市以来,#BTC 兑黄金的价值已经上涨。这一预测的实现意味着被视为数字黄金的比特币兑美元的价值也将大幅上涨。比特币目前的价值为 68,000 美元,相当于 29 盎司黄金。 另一方面,尽管比特币的表现继续优于黄金,但著名黄金投资者之一彼得·希夫(Peter Schiff)继续批评比特币出现在每个下跌期。希夫认为比特币没有真正的价值,他认为加密货币只是投机行为,并不认为加密货币是一种价值储存手段。 比特币将在 2024 年见证重要发展 2024 年,随着美国推出现货 ETF 交易,比特币获得了大量机构投资者的采用。今年,随着比特币奖励减半,加密资产的供应量也减半。伴随着所有这些积极的发展,似乎对创下新高水平的比特币的长期上涨预期仍然有效。 $BTC


经验丰富的分析师 Peter Brandt 因定期发布 #Bitcoin 条预测而广受欢迎,他声称这次比特币兑黄金的价值可能会大幅上涨。

根据 Peter Brandt 在社交媒体平台 X 上分享的分析,比特币将在未来 12 到 18 个月内继续上涨。Brandt 预测 1 BTC 可以在此时间范围内达到 100 盎司黄金,他预测 BTC 兑黄金的价格可能会上涨 344%。

Brandt 通过分享比特币兑黄金的图表来支持他的预测,并强调自上市以来,#BTC 兑黄金的价值已经上涨。这一预测的实现意味着被视为数字黄金的比特币兑美元的价值也将大幅上涨。比特币目前的价值为 68,000 美元,相当于 29 盎司黄金。

另一方面,尽管比特币的表现继续优于黄金,但著名黄金投资者之一彼得·希夫(Peter Schiff)继续批评比特币出现在每个下跌期。希夫认为比特币没有真正的价值,他认为加密货币只是投机行为,并不认为加密货币是一种价值储存手段。

比特币将在 2024 年见证重要发展

2024 年,随着美国推出现货 ETF 交易,比特币获得了大量机构投资者的采用。今年,随着比特币奖励减半,加密资产的供应量也减半。伴随着所有这些积极的发展,似乎对创下新高水平的比特币的长期上涨预期仍然有效。


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Ripple Rejects SEC's $2 Billion Fine, Citing Terraform Labs Case as Example. Ripple Labs has stated that it intends to reduce its own financial penalties by citing penalties imposed on Terraform Labs in a separate but related SEC case. The #SEC accuses Ripple of selling $1.3 billion of #XRP in unregistered securities transactions and is seeking a punitive $2 billion penalty. Amid the ongoing legal dispute with the SEC, Ripple has consistently emphasized that the financial penalties proposed by the regulatory body are disproportionate. In a recent statement, Ripple noted that Terraform Labs, which was subject to similar scrutiny, received a significantly lower penalty despite more serious charges. Terraform was fined $4.47 billion, which was later approved by a judge. Ripple's legal team points out the inconsistencies in the SEC's penalty calculations, stating that the penalty should be around $10 million. Ripple's lawyers argue that the striking difference in penalties reveals an inconsistency in the SEC's approach. “The SEC's demands in the Ripple case stand in sharp contrast to penalties imposed in similar or more severe cases,” they said. They cited the Terraform case as an example, stating that fines imposed on companies in similar situations generally account for only 0.6% to 1.8% of their gross revenues. In its defense, Ripple also emphasizes that, unlike Terraform Labs and its founder Do Kwon, #Ripple has not been accused of fraud. The SEC's argument is based on unregistered securities sales, not deceptive practices. “Although there was no fraud and the harm to institutional investors was minimal, the SEC's proposed penalties are excessive,” the defense team said. So far, the SEC has not responded to Ripple's latest allegations. $BTC $XRP


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