Binance Square
粉丝问,这个倍已经上涨了10倍,会不会太高了,不会再上涨了吧 在这个市场上大家发现,有些人越有钱,就越赚钱,这不只是因为资金的优势。就如一些币强者恒强,因为有热度,参与的人更多,看好的人就越多,买入的人也就越多,导致币价越来越受关注,比如上一轮的 $LUNA $DOGE $SHIB 等但是这样的种,当下跌的时候同样也是跌的最快。币圈的不会因为你涨了10倍就高了不再上涨,也不会因为你跌了10倍就不再下跌。真因为有 这样波动所以造就了很多百万富翁 也造就了负债累累的人 #BTC☀ #ETH投资


在这个市场上大家发现,有些人越有钱,就越赚钱,这不只是因为资金的优势。就如一些币强者恒强,因为有热度,参与的人更多,看好的人就越多,买入的人也就越多,导致币价越来越受关注,比如上一轮的 $LUNA $DOGE $SHIB 等但是这样的种,当下跌的时候同样也是跌的最快。币圈的不会因为你涨了10倍就高了不再上涨,也不会因为你跌了10倍就不再下跌。真因为有 这样波动所以造就了很多百万富翁 也造就了负债累累的人

#BTC☀ #ETH投资

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Important News! Important News! Tomorrow's early morning will be the most significant day in the crypto market since June. Are you prepared? BTC experienced a significant crash last night, and the market seems to have entered a standstill, awaiting the Federal Reserve's inflation data to be released tomorrow evening. This data release from the Federal Reserve will be crucial as it determines whether interest rates will be reduced, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) will also be announced, adding more uncertainty to the market. There are two possibilities for tomorrow: First, if the inflation in the U.S. continues to soar, and the Federal Reserve decides to maintain the current interest rates, this will have a significant negative impact on the market, and the BTC price may plummet, potentially falling to 63,000orevenbreakingthecrucialsupportlevelof60,000. Second, if the inflation in the U.S. declines and the Federal Reserve decides to reduce interest rates this year, this will be a huge boost to the market, and the BTC price may easily surpass $70,000 or even reach new heights. Why did the market decline? My personal opinion is that it was triggered by the selling of market makers and large whales. Firstly, for risk avoidance, as there is much uncertainty before the Federal Reserve announces its decision. Secondly, it could be deliberate selling to suppress prices and accumulate more coins at the bottom. If the news is favorable, BTC could surge significantly, allowing them to reap significant profits. The market has been declining since April. Many of us missed the profits when the market was rising, but got caught in the downturn, resulting in significant losses. However, we must remain calm and not panic. The crypto market is generally trending upward. If you hold valuable coins, things will eventually improve. #Binance200M #IOprediction $IO $BTC
可以让你在 2024 年至 2025 年牛市结束时成为百万富翁的5个币种​ 1.FLOKI Floki Inu 的灵感来自伊隆马斯克的柴犬,它已经获得了大量追随者,不仅仅是模因币。凭借其活跃的开发团队和强大的社区支持,FLOKI 专注于现实世界的实用性,包括 NFT 游戏和 DeFi 项目。模因币叙事与坚实的基本面相结合,使 FLOKI 成为头号竞争者。Floki 目前的价格为 0.00026 美元,在过去 30 天内上涨了 52%,预计到 2024 年牛市结束时将达到 0.01 美元 2.INJ Injective Protocol 旨在通过其快速且可扩展的区块链彻底改变去中心化金融 (DeFi)。INJ 可实现衍生品和资产的完全去中心化交易,提供无缝的交易体验。INJ 当前价格为 29.23 美元,过去七天上涨 13%,预计牛市结束时将达到 100 美元 3.FET 利用人工智能和区块链技术创建去中心化的数字经济。FET 的自主代理执行实时数据处理和自动化,这对从供应链管理到智能城市等各个行业都具有重要意义。FET 的价格为 1.721 美元,在过去七天内下跌了 19%,预计到牛市结束时将达到 30 美元 4.AGIX SingularityNET 是一个去中心化的 AI 服务平台,任何人都可以创建、共享和货币化 AI 技术。AGIX 为这个生态系统提供支持,实现 AI 开发人员和用户之间的无缝交互。AGIX 当前价格为 0.7300 美元,过去七天下跌 18%,预计牛市结束时将达到 5 美元 5. OCEAN Ocean Protocol 旨在通过实现安全和隐私保护的数据共享来释放数据的价值。OCEAN 独特的市场允许数据提供商和消费者无缝交互。其当前价格为 0.7381 美元,在过去七天内下跌了 17%,预计牛市结束时将达到 20 美元。 如果牛市你不知道只需要点开头像加个关注看简介,即可获取无偿分享财富密码。 每天都有密码可白嫖 做免费博主,只为涨粉 #第55期新币挖矿IO $FET $BTC $NOT




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