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Important statistic in Bitcoin: It can determine the bull season! Spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States purchased the equivalent of nearly two months' mining supply of the leading cryptocurrency last week. With inflows of approximately $1.83 billion, 11 funds purchased 25,729 BTC in the trading week from June 3 to 7, according to data from HODL15Capital. This statistic is nearly eight times more than the 3,150 new BTC mined during the same period. According to #HODL15Capital , the amount of Bitcoin purchased in just one week was 29,592 BTC, almost the entire month of May. The first days of June marked the biggest buying week since mid-March, when BTC hit an all-time high of $73,679. In total, the 11 ETFs have seen net inflows of $15.69 billion since their launch in January, including net outflows of $17.93 billion from Grayscale's fund, with assets under management totaling approximately $61 billion. Bitcoin maximalists have long referred to the cryptocurrency as “digital gold” due to its built-in scarcity mechanism, with only 21 million BTC able to be issued so far. #ETF Store president Nate Geraci noted in a June 9 post that even though gold ETFs have been around for 20 years and Bitcoin ETFs have only been around for five months, the amount of assets under management in #Bitcoin ETFs is about 60 percent of the nation's gold ETFs. . Bitcoin hit a high of $71,093 last week as inflows into U.S. Bitcoin #ETFs surged, breaking above $71,000 for the first time since May 21, according to Cointelegraph Markets Pro. Crypto exchange co-founder “Radar Bear” told Cointelegraph last week that the BTC price is struggling to surpass its current high as it is “more influenced by macroeconomic factors and geopolitical events.” $BTC
Bitcoin Will Soar as U.S.-Saudi Petrodollar Deal Ends, Leading to Crypto Adoption. Saudi Arabia's decision not to renew its long-standing petrodollar agreement with the United States represents a fundamental shift in global financial balances. For more than 50 years, the petrodollar system has supported international trade, selling oil only in USD. Saudi Arabia's move to diversify payment methods including cryptocurrencies and other global currencies such as Euro, Yen, Yuan marks a critical moment for global finance. This policy change is not just a political maneuver, but a strategic economic decision in line with Saudi Arabia's vision of reducing economic dependence on the US dollar. Being part of Project mBridge, a China-led cross-border central bank digital currency (#CBDC ) trial, underscores the country's commitment to exploring digital currencies for international trade. This move could accelerate the “de-dollarization” trend that is already gaining momentum globally and significantly impact the dominance of the US dollar. As Saudi Arabia opens up to alternative payment methods, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are poised to benefit. Bitcoin's decentralized structure and limited supply make it an attractive asset in times of rising inflation and currency depreciation. Crypto analysts emphasize that the termination of the petrodollar agreement could lead to an increase in USD printing, which could trigger inflation and make Bitcoin a more attractive investment. The end of the US-Saudi petrodollar deal represents a significant departure from past economic norms. This agreement, announced in 1972, played a fundamental role in maintaining the global dominance of the US dollar. Saudi Arabia's decision not to renew this agreement could have wide-ranging effects on global financial markets by shifting towards multi-currency transactions. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) confirms Saudi Arabia's full involvement in Project mBridge and its commitment to diversifying its economic relations. $BTC $ETH
Buyers are pushing in these 5 altcoins: Uptrend 1- Mantra (OM) #OM , which can be considered among Binance's new launchpools, increased by 10.70 percent in the last 24 hours. OM, which has been at the top for the first time since its launch, seems to have already increased the expectations for the bull season. As the OM ecosystem continues to develop, mobility in the parity may increase. 2- Quant (QNT) #QNT , which made a name for itself with its sharp rises for a while, managed to rise despite the decline in the market. QNT, which recorded a 6.50 percent increase in the last 24 hours, was included in the list in second place. The excited wait for QNT investors continues. 3- Chiliz (CHZ) With only four days left until EURO2024, #CHZ is pumped up and showed a performance of 5.40 percent in the last 24 hours. CHZ, which has put its name on the list after a long time, may be talked about frequently in the coming days with the EURO2024 wind behind it. 4- Notcoin (NOT) Telegram's most popular tap-to-earn game, NOT, has risen again and made its investors happy. #NOT , which has increased by 4.10 percent in the last 24 hours, continues to represent the tap-to-earn craze. If the number of users in this area and the price of TON increases, the door to a new bull season may be opened for NOT. 5- Monero (XMR) The popular privacy-focused altcoin #XMR has started to be included in this list frequently in recent days. XMR, which is separated from BTC and ETH, has increased by 3 percent in the last 24 hours. If the turbulent process in the market continues, volatility may increase for XMR. $OM $QNT $CHZ


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