Binance Square
Coin Genetics
世界币“登月”之旅——币安上市后WLD代币暴涨75%! 做好准备,迎接一些令人兴奋的消息,这肯定会让您精神振奋!世界币的 WLD 代币刚刚在币安上市,天哪,天哪,它飞上了月球吗! 🌙🚀 令人惊叹的涨幅超过 75%,这颗小宝石让交易者和持有者欢欣鼓舞。当您拥有 Worldcoin 的 WLD 代币时,谁还需要火箭燃料?各位,系好安全带,因为旅程才刚刚开始! 🚀 但是等等,还有更多!世界币的 WLD 代币正在加密社区传播微笑和笑声,速度比猎豹追逐激光笔还要快! 😂这个代币像雄伟的独角兽一样翱翔天际,证明了梦想可以实现——尤其是在币安这样的加密巨头的支持下。 #WLD #worldcoin


做好准备,迎接一些令人兴奋的消息,这肯定会让您精神振奋!世界币的 WLD 代币刚刚在币安上市,天哪,天哪,它飞上了月球吗! 🌙🚀 令人惊叹的涨幅超过 75%,这颗小宝石让交易者和持有者欢欣鼓舞。当您拥有 Worldcoin 的 WLD 代币时,谁还需要火箭燃料?各位,系好安全带,因为旅程才刚刚开始! 🚀

但是等等,还有更多!世界币的 WLD 代币正在加密社区传播微笑和笑声,速度比猎豹追逐激光笔还要快! 😂这个代币像雄伟的独角兽一样翱翔天际,证明了梦想可以实现——尤其是在币安这样的加密巨头的支持下。

#WLD #worldcoin

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Hey Crypto Crew! 🚀 Durgesh here with some spicy crypto news that's hotter than a jalapeño on a summer day! 🌶️ So, grab your popcorn because Binance is making moves! Guess what? Binance, the crypto exchange big shot, is now letting the big fish swim in new waters. 🐠 The whales, you know, those big traders with pockets deeper than the Grand Canyon, can now stash their crypto treasures in banks like they're secret agents. 🕵️‍♂️ No more locking up their assets in Binance's digital vaults or with their buddy Ceffu. Now, they can cozy up with Swiss banks like Sygnum or FlowBank. Why the sudden change of heart, you ask? Well, seems like Binance got itself into a bit of a tiff with U.S. regulators, resulting in a hefty $4.3 billion fine last November. Ouch! 😬 Traders started feeling a bit uneasy, like when you forget if you turned off the stove before leaving home. Now, some traders are saying, "I'd rather chill with a Swiss bank than Binance." Bold move, my friends! 💼 It's like choosing a fancy Swiss chocolate over a regular candy bar – sophisticated taste! Binance spilled the beans in November that they were eyeing a banking triparty thing for over a year. Triparty? Sounds fancy, right? 🤵 Well, it's like a trio dance between Binance, customers, and a bank custodian. They didn't drop the names of the banks, though – keeping it hush-hush. 🤫 In their own words, Binance's triparty solution is like paving the road for big-shot investors. 🛣️ It's like having a secret handshake with a Swiss bank while managing risk and doing the cha-cha with traditional assets as collateral. So, there you have it, folks! Binance is giving the whales a new playground, and Swiss banks are the cool kids on the block. Let's see how this crypto love story unfolds! Until next time, keep those crypto vibes high and your investments higher! 🚀💰 #Write2Earn




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