Binance Square
好的,分析这一点很有趣,因为最近的转储尝试似乎使用了与以前不同的方法 连续两天,我们看到了大动作的抛售尝试,但总是未能接受 #BTC 价格低于 63,000 美元的价格,因为似乎这些尝试总是因制造恐慌性抛售而失败 现在我们可以看到他们采用小幅波动、中度抛售与需要一定金额的大额卖单相结合的方式,使BTC 价格在连续2 个多小时内逐渐下降,正如你从BTC 交易数据中看到的那样 此外,每当比特币试图上涨超过63300 美元时,大额卖单似乎都会试图控制买单,以防止大额买单超过它,而中型卖单则继续让BTC 一点一点下跌,结果我们可以看到很多小额买单。 与 1-3 个大幅抛售 BTC 价格的举动相比,最近的举动确实在玩弄我们的心理 到目前为止,还没有重大的投机消息可以使 BTC 下跌,美元价值也没有处于高波动性,只有好消息出现,例如韩国将允许 BTC,BTC 哈希率再次增加等 结合所有有关 BTC 的好消息和其他数据,我真的确信这个转储是为了操纵加密市场,我不确定出售数十万 BTC 只是为了让加密市场下跌的目的是什么 即使这个人或任何人知道 60-62000 美元也是 BTC 的强劲支撑区间,但他们仍如此努力地想要实现这一目标,一定是有原因的 现在我只能说享受市场,但我对我在 #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE 的投资很快获利的计划被推迟感到失望😔 上帝保佑


连续两天,我们看到了大动作的抛售尝试,但总是未能接受 #BTC 价格低于 63,000 美元的价格,因为似乎这些尝试总是因制造恐慌性抛售而失败

现在我们可以看到他们采用小幅波动、中度抛售与需要一定金额的大额卖单相结合的方式,使BTC 价格在连续2 个多小时内逐渐下降,正如你从BTC 交易数据中看到的那样

此外,每当比特币试图上涨超过63300 美元时,大额卖单似乎都会试图控制买单,以防止大额买单超过它,而中型卖单则继续让BTC 一点一点下跌,结果我们可以看到很多小额买单。

与 1-3 个大幅抛售 BTC 价格的举动相比,最近的举动确实在玩弄我们的心理

到目前为止,还没有重大的投机消息可以使 BTC 下跌,美元价值也没有处于高波动性,只有好消息出现,例如韩国将允许 BTC,BTC 哈希率再次增加等

结合所有有关 BTC 的好消息和其他数据,我真的确信这个转储是为了操纵加密市场,我不确定出售数十万 BTC 只是为了让加密市场下跌的目的是什么

即使这个人或任何人知道 60-62000 美元也是 BTC 的强劲支撑区间,但他们仍如此努力地想要实现这一目标,一定是有原因的

现在我只能说享受市场,但我对我在 #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE 的投资很快获利的计划被推迟感到失望😔


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Why US GDP Decreasing & Jobless Claim Increasing ? Today US GDP report had deprecated from 1,6% to 1,3% while Jobless Claim increasing from 218 to 219 but you know what, this can be happened because The FED had stay with recent interest rate Why I can said it may because The FED keeping their interest rate ? With NO INTEREST RATE CUT it had made USD getting too much powerful compared with other country currency that will make any country in trades with USA will holding their buying if not important also right now lots of company in USA do remote job by finding workers outside of USA so they can pay cheaper for both wages & tax by using the power of USD and that's why it had also made job opportunities for USA citizen got deprecated too & had made Jobless Claim getting more higher than before Where there is more jobless been claimed mean there is more people that can't afford to buy goods except for important goods which will resulting less demand for US Domestic Products and with less demand will make any company in USA that producing goods also decreasing their output So what The FED had done with their decision to NOT cutting interest rate had correlations with recent US GDP & Jobless Claim Now we will see how The FED will make actions regarding this problems because if this problems continue to rise it will effecting US economy so my BET at nearing time The FED board speech may give statements to change their decision for INTEREST RATE CUT where at previous statements The FED will holding it until September 2024 Comment your thoughts about my analysis & lets discuss it
Recent Massive Selling from Market Manipulators had been targeting meme coins holders while #BTC dump attempts seem less than yesterday dump attempts as you can see from one of images in this post This recent moves from Market Manipulators really out of my predictions even it had happened when DXY in downward situation when this post being written while I only thinking & predicting they will still trying to drag only BTC down so other coins will following BTC going down too There is 2 possibility that I can think from recent meme coins massive selling which is ... 1. They want to move their money for manipulating USD as for now DXY situation is in downward while waiting upcoming news about US GDP Q1 & Jobless reports 2. They want to move their money into BTC to create FOMO before dumping it again In my watch list only #NOT that not get much impact from this while other coins like #BOME #FLOKI #PEPE got the most impact even BOME had touching $0.012 range as you can see in $BOME chart but it still slightly better if compared with FLOKI and PEPE With recent massive selling actions in meme coins I must admit to change my prediction for $NOT from at most $0.012 to at most $0.013-0.015 range, just be careful when NOT reaching at that range to not get trapped by FOMO Despite this recent massive selling actions in meme coins I still HOLD my BOME but I'm wondering how many retailers got hit in stop loss or got PANIC and SELLING IN LOSS Also just like I had mentioning in my last post, this must be your best opportunity to gain more profits by making entry at best price you can get on any coins that got affected by this recent actions based on your research while Crypto Market still in FEAR from recent massive selling actions Edit : Add more content As always DYOR God bless




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