Binance Square
Dark Knight
牛市何时结束? 🚨重要🚨 很难预测牛市结束的确切日期。但是,根据历史数据和专家意见,加密货币市场的真正牛市预计将在 2024 年 5 月左右开始,与预期的比特币减半一致。 在过去的周期中,牛市在减半后持续了大约 2 年,这将使牛市在 2026 年 5 月左右结束。然而,这只是一个估计,牛市的实际持续时间可能会因市场情绪、监管变化和全球经济状况等各种因素而有所不同。 我们目前处于牛市吗? 根据目前的市场状况和最近的趋势,我们似乎正处于潜在加密货币牛市的早期阶段。监管转变的预期、即将到来的 2024 年比特币减半以及机构对加密货币的兴趣日益浓厚等多种因素表明市场处于有利的增长位置。 然而,需要注意的是,市场状况可能会迅速且不可预测地发生变化,因此,保持知情并相应地调整投资策略至关重要。 关注更新和信号 @Darkknight19073



很难预测牛市结束的确切日期。但是,根据历史数据和专家意见,加密货币市场的真正牛市预计将在 2024 年 5 月左右开始,与预期的比特币减半一致。

在过去的周期中,牛市在减半后持续了大约 2 年,这将使牛市在 2026 年 5 月左右结束。然而,这只是一个估计,牛市的实际持续时间可能会因市场情绪、监管变化和全球经济状况等各种因素而有所不同。


根据目前的市场状况和最近的趋势,我们似乎正处于潜在加密货币牛市的早期阶段。监管转变的预期、即将到来的 2024 年比特币减半以及机构对加密货币的兴趣日益浓厚等多种因素表明市场处于有利的增长位置。


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😡😡😡 URGENT URGENT. I WARNED YOU LAST NIGHT, THE FALL IS COMING. THE DANGER STILL CONTINUES. THE TRICKS STILL CONTINUE. Look, I warned you yesterday. Dangerous Bitcoin movements are being made from the cryptocurrency exchange, whose name I do not want to say. I said there might be a fall. My followers were the first to hear about it and took precautions before getting hurt. For those who want proof; See my post that I warned about yesterday here --> UYARI GÖNDERİM Now, dangerous movements are taking place again in the same stock market. In the picture I shared, you can clearly see the stable coin and bitcoin transfers carefully. I hope it doesn't reach the critical $61,000 zone, otherwise we'll all go up in smoke. Frankly, I think it will react and rise from 66 thousand dollars, but in case of a dangerous situation, I will inform you again. As I said, my brothers who followed me were immediately informed and took precautions. If there are any of my friends who still do not follow me, they should follow me immediately. Because you will be notified immediately when you make an urgent notification. That's why it's very, very important that you follow up. I am watching. I'm following you. If there is a problem, I will definitely let you know immediately. By the way, to see the amazing earnings we received of 200 thousand liras, you can look here --> Friends, I share this and many other important information with you instantly. I have no benefit from you. Please do not withhold your free support from me. If anyone doesn't follow me yet, I would be grateful. Don't forget your likes. Kind regards. follow more @Dark Knight #Darkknight19073
⚠️ Why $64,300 is a Pivotal Range for Bitcoin’s (BTC) Price Rally: Here’s What to Expect! The Bitcoin bears display significant strength as they continue suppressing the price levels within a pre-defined range. The longs were quickly pulled down as they appeared to be poised to find new monthly highs above $64,000, which would have changed the entire scenario of the BTC price rally in the short term. While the long-term trade remains unchanged and bullish, the short-term price variation may play a vital role in attracting liquidity.  Therefore, it has become more important for the Bitcoin price to reach a specific range, if it intends to reclaim the lost levels above $65,000. However, the question arises whether the bears will allow the rally to remain within the bullish range or if it is just another trap. After the latest pullback, the bears are shorting with confidence, having the liquidation range between $64,000 and $67,000. Therefore, this range may be extremely crucial as it carries a decisive range, which may turn the tables for the BTC price rally in the coming days. One of the top analysts, ALI, marks the key levels and says the future of the price is largely dependent on this range.  The analyst has used the MVRV extreme deviation pricing band, which has been derived from the MVRV ratio based on the degree of deviation. Here, the upper and lower bands are calculated and computed from these levels, representing +/- 0.5 to 1.0 standard deviations. Having said that, the pivotal level at +0.5 standard deviation is around $64,290, which can be considered as a key range to achieve. Hence, the analysts say that  💬 “If Bitcoin can reclaim $64,290 as a support, it is likely to rise towards $76,610. However, if it fails to surpass $64,290, BTC might retest support at $51,970.” In a larger perspective, the bulls have been holding the range around $56,800 pretty strongly and have triggered a strong rebound a couple of times. Therefore, if acute selling pressure mounts up, then it could break the support levels. $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin




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